
Why don't you like being prime minister? Former British Prime Minister Blair: Inexperienced but with a big responsibility, like choosing a fan to be a Manchester United coach

Source: World Wide Web

Blair was the second-longest-serving British prime minister after World War II, after Thatcher. But he said he didn't like the prime minister's job. On the 2nd, Blair revealed this sentiment in an interview with the BBC. The Russian Satellite News Agency reported that Blair also admitted that his first job in the government was prime minister, describing the feeling as "a fan getting the job of coaching the team".

Why don't you like being prime minister? Former British Prime Minister Blair: Inexperienced but with a big responsibility, like choosing a fan to be a Manchester United coach

Screenshot of the Russian Satellite News Agency report

In an interview, Mr. Blair reportedly confessed that he had no experience in government when he first became prime minister in 1997, and that working in government was not easy. Blair was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2007.

Blair told the BBC on the 2nd: "I don't think I like this job because the responsibility is so huge. Every day you make decisions, every day you are under intense attention, and so are your family. So I don't know if I like the job. ”

Blair describes the "paradox" of the situation, saying that "you start with your most popular, but incompetent, and end with the least popular, but most capable."

Blair also explained the "madness" of the British prime minister's job.

In his opinion, it was the only job he could think of, a job where what you do was so important and the job's requirements for experience were so unworthy.

The report said Blair would become British prime minister analogously as "a football fan getting a job as a team coach".

"My first job in government was as Prime Minister... I use the team as an analogy. If you're looking for a new Manchester United coach and say, 'I'm telling you, we're going to find the most passionate and convincing fans we can find and put him in charge'. People will say, 'You're crazy.' Blair said.

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