
Daily vulgar characters - Qing - Pu Songling - Bird Chapter 29

author:Hundred students

The hundred birds have never been to the phoenix, and Yuan Yinfeng is the king of the birds. The lonely bird has no shadow and is really magical, and the peacock exhibition screen is also auspicious. Hiccup chickens sing in horror, hens □ (left sentence right hair, sound report) eggs full of baskets. Although the goose and duck are good at eating and loud, they are only fed by the river. Hugh said that □ (left jia right) □ (left bird in the right bird) to eat, and dung piled up under the feet. The manure of the oriole pigeons is mostly in the middle of the ground, and the damage to people and crops is also a disaster. Magpies chirp guests, pheasant □□ (left mouth right upper world right lower ran) in the southern wilderness. The swallows enter the house without worry, and the old □ (left melon right bird) group nest is more auspicious. The ears of grain are guarded against the noise of the magpies, and the chicken chicks are hateful and hungry. Hongyan welcomes spring to Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and quails are good at fighting out of the sun. Mountain crows sing in the wilderness, and yellow orioles peck at the tall mulberries. Partridge is a famous mountain monk, and the stupid official is Nagao Lang. Parrot brother Qin Ji, although the mouth is also □ (left Jia right) Zhang. The wax mouth is more wonderful than the soap flower, and the hemp harrier really looks like a thrush. Pheasant feathers are good, and harrier hawks have strong claws. The black horse called the star fall, and the white lotus flew with a long streamer. □ (left sheep right hum) wood pecking and dripping water, all because of the noise of yin and yang. In the evening, when the □ (the left mouth under the upper cave and the right melon) are called, there is no rain, and the stork is sure to see the light of day. Tiju Lu summoned high people to drink, and the □ (left 钅右钅) worm fly wheat leaf yellow. The old bustard is larger than the cold trumpet bird, and the heron is accompanied by a fishing lang. Ban Dove's nest is really clumsy, and the crane is not eggy and absurd. Summer birds open their doors to avoid the rain, and mountain birds □ (left and right) called open land. Since the beginning of a bat, sleeping together with two Mandarin ducks. Du Yu vomited blood pitifully, and □ (upper bald bird) bird love to swallow locusts. Hate the cyan (yin tiger) flying fierce too much, night cat laughing evil very much. The puppet listens to the wooden parrot, and the myna snorts widely. Common names are also known as Plover, □ (upper and lower birds) □ (left prison right bird) □ (left dry right bird) □ (left gan right bird) and □ (left green right bird) Zhuang. Cuckoo Fang Minggu wanted to show, and Mai Qiu only came over Mai. □ (left Hua right bird) horn beak like a mule□ (outer factory inside the kiln), Dapeng dung like a small mountain. The ghost car summons a nine-headed bird, and the blood drops people are fierce. Eighty old men are difficult to count, and the names of birds are not exquisite.


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