
What are the symptoms of military insects harming rhododendrons, and what about rhododendrons often yellow leaves and dead leaves?

author:Plant grass worms

#"Flash Moment" Theme Essay Phase II # Hello everyone, I am a plant grass worm, love greening love to raise flowers, today some netizens asked, what are the symptoms of military insects harming rhododendrons, azaleas often yellow leaves and dead leaves How to do?

What are the symptoms of military insects harming rhododendrons, and what about rhododendrons often yellow leaves and dead leaves?

Knock on the key: rhododendron is really difficult to raise, on an environmental humidity and potting soil pH is enough for us to learn to toss, raise rhododendrons mainly to raise roots, raise the root system well, and then properly adjust the maintenance environment, basically no problem, raise rhododendrons, to be willing to give fertilizer, and is thin fertilizer watering many times, rhododendrons are afraid of exposure, easy to appear yellow leaves and dead leaves, there are conditions to use deer swamp soil or weathered soil to maintain, very strong roots.

What are the symptoms of military insects harming rhododendrons, and what about rhododendrons often yellow leaves and dead leaves?

For the problems that netizens care about, let's use the way of pictures to share with netizens the symptoms of military insects harming rhododendrons, look at the following figure, this is the typical hazard characteristics of military insects, the leaves are green and white spots, and there are missing moments, and the hazard characteristics of insects and red spiders are different.

What are the symptoms of military insects harming rhododendrons, and what about rhododendrons often yellow leaves and dead leaves?

Rhododendron after the appearance of military insect harm, the solution is also very simple, the use of imidacloprid to dilute the water spray, the front and back of the rhododendron leaves, the branches and leaves should be all sprayed, spray wet as well, the later will drop part of the leaves, very normal, half a month once, spray 3 times, the later release of new leaves is normal.

What are the symptoms of military insects harming rhododendrons, and what about rhododendrons often yellow leaves and dead leaves?

For netizens to ask, the leaves of rhododendrons often wither and yellow leaves are what is going on? Because no picture is provided, here is a simple analysis, rhododendron yellow leaf dead leaves are mainly watered too diligently, the pot soil is too wet and caused by rotten root yellow leaf dead leaves, fertilization and burning seedlings caused by dead leaves, sun exposure caused by dead leaves, diseases and insect pests caused by dead leaves, there is a normal new and old leaf update, netizens themselves control to find the cause.

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