
"Xiu Cai Meets Soldiers" Sun Zhongqiu's miracle slimming surprised director Xu Jizhou

author:Loudi News Network
"Xiu Cai Meets Soldiers" Sun Zhongqiu's miracle slimming surprised director Xu Jizhou

Loudi News Network News With the advancement of the plot of the hit drama "The Hero of Chunjiang Only Meets the Soldier", the temperament of Long Qianyan, played by Li Chen, Ma Sancang, played by Sha Yi, and the bartou played by Sun Zhongqiu, has also undergone a deep change, from their initial ignorance and willfulness, debauchery, to the current defense of the family and the defense of the country, great love and selflessness, each role exudes a touching light of transformation.

Played by the powerful comedian Sun Zhongqiu, the barhead grew from a street gangster to a heroic revolutionary fighter, he followed the big brother Ma Sancang and his friend Long Qianyan to fight bloody battles and resist the Japanese Kou, as the war gradually entered a white-hot, the evolution of the barhead into a butterfly also became a starlight of love and pity in the hearts of the public. Comedian Sun Zhongqiu's delicate and mature interpretation naturally and smoothly portrays the road to the rebirth of this small person, which is memorable.

Sun Zhongqiu's miracle slimming surprised director Xu Jizhou

The joy in the play is accompanied by emotion, and the shooting outside the play also has many happy and difficult stories. It is understood that when the powerful comedian Sun Zhongqiu first played the bar head, he weighed nearly 200 pounds, and the director Xu Jizhou saw that he had not stopped the trend of gaining weight, helplessly and severely criticized him, and Sun Zhongqiu also promised to control the weight. But the wish is beautiful, the reality is cruel, in order to lose weight as soon as possible, Sun Zhongqiu in addition to strict control on diet, but also after filming every day after hiking for two hours. Effort is another synonym for miracles, and after unremitting efforts, Sun Zhongqiu successfully lost 165 pounds.

More than a month to lose 35 pounds, Sun Zhongqiu's firm perseverance also made the director Xu Jizhou feel amazed, the director laughed and said, the final war of our drama is very fierce, getting thinner and thinner and quite in line with your character settings, do a good job. The director's encouragement makes the actor Sun Zhongqiu more determined to play the role of the barhead, Sun Zhongqiu frankly, Sun Zhongqiu frankly, Xu Jizhou is his own Bole, but also his benefactor, very grateful to Director Xu Jizhou and deputy director Qin Ge, to play the role of the bar head is their own luck, and it is also their honor to cooperate with such a professional team.

Sun Zhongqiu cooperated with his benefactor Xu Jizhou several times

It is reported that the TV series "Chunjiang Hero Show Meets soldiers" is not the first cooperation between Sun Zhongqiu and director Xu Jizhou, their first cooperation is in the TV series "War Thunder", Sun Zhongqiu's strength to play the cross-talk surveying and mapping team member Maoli, its slightly joyful interpretation impressed director Xu Jizhou, this drama is also a pioneer drama that opened the two people to cooperate many times, and then the two have cooperated in the tv series "My Baby", which has just been broadcast, and the "Chunjiang Hero Show Meets the Soldier", which is being broadcast, has received good ratings and super high reputation At present, the two are working together to shoot the new drama "Rouge", which is very much looking forward to.

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