
Having a son should be like Sun Zhongmou

author:Qilu one point

Text | Martin

"When you have a son, you should be like Sun Zhongmou", this is the Three Kingdoms period Cao Cao and Sun Quan against each other, see Sun Quan's army to rectify the purge, very admired, admired Sun Quan's words of good governance of the army. It will be used to praise people with outstanding talents later.

The allusion comes from the "Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms and the Biography of Wu Sovereign": Cao Cao fought against Sun Quan's two armies at Wuxuwu, southeast of Chaohu Lake in Anhui. Thousands of Sun Quan's army continued to challenge Cao Cao, but Cao's army could not hold out. Cao Cao knew that Sun Quan had personally observed cao jun's hypocrisy and refused to act rashly. Sun Quan was in a strict lineup, beating drums back and forth. When Cao Cao saw that Sun Quan's land and water armies were in strict order, he said with infinite emotion: "Having a son should be like Sun Zhongmou!" (Sun Quan, zi Zhongmou.) Obviously, he admired Sun Quan's superb command ability. At the same time, he sighed "Liu Jingsheng (Liu Biao, zi Jingsheng) son (Liu Chun) like a guinea pig (pig dog) ear!" This refers to the fact that Liu Biao lost Jingzhou and died, and his son Liu Chun surrendered to Cao Cao. Cao Cao despised Liu Chun as a "guinea pig". That is, the pig and dog are likened to the mediocre and incompetent. The two are contrasted, and the emotional color is distinct.

Song Xin abandoned the disease "Nanxiangzi Dengjingkou Beiguting Youhuai": "Who is the hero of the world? Cao Liu. Having a son should be like Sun Zhongmou. ”

Xin Abandoned Disease also had "Yong Yu Le Jingkou Beigu Ting Huaigu" lamenting that "thousands of years of rivers and mountains, heroes have not found Sun Zhong's plot." ”

Sun Quan, as the Lord of Wu of the Three Kingdoms, not only had outstanding military talent, but also was good at recruiting talents and Chanaya.

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms and the Biography of Wu Sovereign quoted Pei Songzhi as follows: Zhao Zhi, the Grand Master of the State of Wu, "Knowledgeable and knowledgeable, in response to the debate------ envoys Wei, Emperor Wen of Wei, and mocking the counselor: 'How many people are Wu Ru Dafu?' Counselor: "The wise and the talented, eighty or ninety people, such as the ratio of the courtiers, the number of vehicles, innumerable." ’”

"Knowledgeable and knowledgeable", popular saying "more knowledgeable", both mean that people have seen and heard a lot and have a strong memory.

"Respond to arguments", that is, "be able to speak eloquently".

"Vehicle bucket volume" is a metaphor for the large number of talents.

"Innumerable" means that the number is too many to count.

This was the answer of Zhao Zhi, the Doctor of Wu, and Emperor Wen of Wei. On the one hand, it shows Zhao Zhi's "knowledgeable knowledge" and "response to the debate"; it mainly means that Wu Guo is full of talents, "vehicle volume" and "innumerable".

The same is the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms , Biography of Wu Sovereign" Pei Songzhi also quoted: Zhao Zhi once again made a first envoy to the State of Wei, and the Wei Emperor Cao Pi deliberately mocked the State of Wu and asked Zhao Zhi: Is King Wu very good at learning? Zhao Zhi calmly replied: "King Wu of the Floating River ten thousand ships (warships), with a million armor, Ren Xian enabled, Zhi Cun Jing Strategy. Although there is spare time, the exposition of books, historical books, the collection of strange, not the study of students to find chapters and excerpts. ”

In replying to King Wei's words, Zhao Zhi completely praised King Wu's powerful military strength, the governing strategy of "Ren Xian enabling" and "Zhi Cun Jing Strategy", and "reading books and biographies" and "collecting strange books", but it was not like the ordinary nerds who "searched for chapters and excerpted sentences". The provocation of the King of Wei was tit-for-tat and forcefully cross-examined.

"Ren Xian Enabler", also known as "Ren Xian Ren Ren", means good at discovering, recommending, and appointing people with both talents and morals.

"Zhicun Jingluo" is a brief description of "Lofty Aspirations" and "Full belly of Economics". Indicates that there is ambition and strategy for national affairs.

"Expo Book Biography", also known as "Expo Group Book". Describe people who read a lot and have a wide range of knowledge.

"Looking for chapters and excerpts" satirizes people's reading that they are rigidly taken literally, and they do not know how to understand the flexible application.

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang's tongue and war group Confucianism once said, "Seeking the excerpts of the chapter, the corrupt Confucianism of the world, how can we revitalize the country and establish things?" ”

About author:Ma Ting, born in October 1933, is a native of Zhangdian District, Zibo City. Graduated from the Chinese Department of Shandong Normal University (now Shandong Normal University). Since 1960, he has served as a Chinese teacher in Zibo No. 6 Middle School and No. 11 Middle School. The first batch of teachers in Zibo City to obtain the title of senior teacher of middle school. He has published more than 200 teaching papers, essays, poems, etc., and has published essay collections such as "Miscellaneous Notes and Long Talks", "Polishing Anecdotes", "Farmer Yang Yukuan", "Sunset Collection", "Holding Hands Collection", "Harvest in Winter" and so on.

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Having a son should be like Sun Zhongmou

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