
Why did Cao Cao say, "When you have a son, you should be like Sun Zhongmou?"

author:The vine of Munn

Sun Quan, the word Zhongmou, Zhong is the meaning of the second place. When his brother Sun Ce pacified the counties, Sun Quan was fifteen years old and was appointed as the governor of Yangxian County. He was recommended by the head of the county as a filial piety, and was recommended by the state pastor as a Xiucai, serving as a lieutenant of Fengyi. The imperial court thought that Sun Quan's residence was remote, but he could pay tribute on time, so he sent an emissary Liu Huan to seal Xi Ming and recognize his position. Liu Huan told others: "I see that although the Sun family brothers are all talented and wise, their official fortunes are not long, only the younger brother who was elected to be filial and honest, with a strange appearance, extraordinary qualifications, a noble face, and the longest life, you should try to remember my words." According to the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Sun Quansheng's figure is strange, purple hair and blue eyes, eyes have essence, Fang Yi has a big mouth, that is, his long stature is huge, red hair and beard, green eyes, very spiritual, big mouth, Zhang Fei called him "blue eyes".

Why did Cao Cao say, "When you have a son, you should be like Sun Zhongmou?"

In the fourth year of Jian'an, Sun Quan followed Sun Ce in his crusade against Liu Xun, the Taishou of Lujiang. After defeating Liu Xun, Sun Ce died, entrusting the important affairs of the state to Sun Quan, instructing him to ask Zhou Yu about foreign affairs and Zhang Zhao about internal affairs. Sun Quan cried bitterly. Sun Ce's eldest minister, Zhang Zhao, said to Sun Quan, "Filial piety, is this the time to cry?" In the past, the Zhou Gong legislation stipulated that the country had no soldiers to mourn, and when the mother of the bird died, It was Xu Rong who was in trouble, and the bird stopped crying and leading the soldiers out on the expedition, which was not intentionally against the father's will, but was caused by current events, and had to be so! Moreover, now that the world is in chaos, there are jackals, tigers and leopards everywhere, and bad people are in charge, if you still observe etiquette and blindly mourn your relatives, it is equivalent to opening the door and inviting thieves to come in, this kind of behavior cannot be called benevolence" So Sun Quan changed his mourning clothes, helped him saddle up, and went out to patrol the army. At that time, Sun Quan's territory only had a few counties of Huiji, Wu County, Danyang, Yuzhang, and Luling, and some dangerous areas had not yet been fully subjugated, and the heroes of the world, Haojieduo, were scattered in various states and counties, and these scholars only decided to stay according to their own safety, and did not establish a strong relationship with Sun Quan. Zhang Zhao, Zhou Yu and others felt that Sun Quan was a person who could share great things, so they sincerely assisted him. Cao Cao elected Sun Quan as the general of Huijiao Taishou (会稽太守), and Tun bing was in Wudi. Sun Quan sent Juncheng to the huijian to represent the clerks, treated Zhang Zhao with the courtesy of a master, and ren Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu, Lü Fan, and others as generals, and also widely announced that he would recruit talents and hire celebrities, and Lu Su, Zhuge Jin, and others became his guests.

When Liu Biao died, Lu Su requested to go and comfort Liu Biao's two sons and take the opportunity to observe the situation. As a result, Lu Su had not yet reached Jingzhou, and Cao Cao's 800,000 troops had already driven to the city of Jingzhou, and Liu Biao's son Liu Chun immediately led his troops to surrender. Cao Cao wrote to Sun Quan: "Recently, I was ordered by the Son of Heaven to fight against guilty rebellion, and the military flag pointed south. Liu Chun surrendered, and now I command 800,000 men and horses, and will hunt with the general in Wudi. Sun Quan showed Cao Cao's letter to his subordinates, and they all panicked. Zhang Zhao and others said: "Cao Cao was a jackal, a tiger and a leopard, who blackmailed the Son of Heaven to conquer the four sides, and issued orders in the name of the imperial court at every turn. Today, if we resist, we will not be justified, and the widows on both sides cannot be compared, and according to our foolish opinion, it is best to welcome Cao Cao and submit to the imperial court. Only Lu Su didn't say a word.

At that time, Zhou Yu was ordered to Go to Poyang, and Lu Su persuaded Sun Quan to summon Zhou Yu back. After Zhou Yu arrived, he said to Sun Quan: "Cao Cao's name is Han Xiang, but he is actually a Han Thief, and the general, with the strategy of wisdom and divine martial arts, and with the inheritance of his father and brother, divides Jiangdong and rules thousands of miles, has enough elite troops, and the hero is also willing to serve, and should run amok in the world and eliminate the rebel thieves for the Han Room."

Sun Quan said: "Cao Cao had long wanted to depose the Emperor of the Han Dynasty and plot to usurp the throne, but he was only worried about Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, Lü Bu, Liu Biao, and me, and now those heroes have been wiped out, and only I still exist, and I am at odds with the old thief, so I pulled out my sabre and slashed at the case in front of me, saying: "Generals and officials, if you dare to say that you should surrender, just like this case."

Liu Bei planned to cross the Yangtze River south, and Lu Su went to call him, stated the views of Sun Quan's side, and analyzed the current situation and the key to the success or failure of all parties. Liu Bei garrisoned Xiakou and sent Zhuge Liang to lobby Sun Quan, who was greatly moved and sent Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu, and others to lead an army to join Liu Bei and jointly resist Cao Cao. At this time, Cao Cao had just taken over Liu Biao's army, and the momentum was huge, so Sun Quan sent Zhou Yu and Cheng Pu as the left and right overseers, each leading 10,000 soldiers and horses, marching separately with Liu Bei, and finally encountering Cao Jun at Chibi, when the Cao army was unsatisfied with the water and soil, and encountered a plague epidemic, the new water army and the newly formed Jingzhou water army were difficult to run into, the morale was insufficient, and the initial battle was defeated by Zhou Yu, and had to lead the water army to the north of the river to join the army, and the warship was leaned to the side of Wulin, training the water army, waiting for a good opportunity. Zhou Yu docked his warship on the Side of Chibi and confronted the Cao Army across the Yangtze River.

At that time, the northern soldiers of the Cao Army were not accustomed to sitting on ships, and Cao Cao ordered that the ships be connected end to end, and the people and horses on the ship were like walking on the ground.

Zhou Yu hit Huang Gai hard when the three armies were raising their tents, and Huang Gai pretended to surrender to Cao Cao, pre-selected ten Mengchong warships, loaded them with dry firewood, poured oil on them, covered them with curtains, planted flags on them, prepared speedboats, and tied them to the stern. Huang Gai sent a letter to Cao Cao, falsely claiming that he intended to surrender. At that time, the southeast wind was in a hurry, Huang Gai lined up ten warships in the front, raised the sails to the center of the river, the rest of the ships advanced in turn, Cao Cao officers and men walked out of the camp gate and stood and watched, there were still more than two miles away from Cao Camp, ten ships were ignited at the same time, the burning ships were moving forward like arrows, and soon Cao Cao's warships were burned out, and the fire spread to Cao Jun's camp on land, and in an instant, the flames soared into the sky, and countless people and horses were burned and drowned, and Zhou Yu and others led the lightly armored elite troops to follow, and the drums shook the sky and bravely moved forward, and the Cao army was defeated. Retreating on foot from Huarong Road, the road was muddy, and the sky was blowing strong winds, Cao Cao let the old and weak soldiers pave the road with grass on their backs, and the cavalry barely passed.

Why did Cao Cao say, "When you have a son, you should be like Sun Zhongmou?"

After returning to Jiangling, Cao Cao feared that the defeat of Chibi would make the rear regime unstable, and immediately returned north, leaving Cao Ren and Xu Huang to continue to stay in Jiangling.

Why did Cao Cao say, "When you have a son, you should be like Sun Zhongmou?"

After that, Sun Quan exerted great efforts to govern, forged ahead, and governed Jiangdong. Once he said to Lu Meng: "Now that you are in power, you can't stop studying." Lü Meng shrugged off the busyness of things in the army. Sun Quan said to him, "Do I want you to study the Confucian classics and become a doctor?" Just let you read roughly and understand the history, you say that there are many military personnel, who can compare with me? I read a lot and I feel that I have benefited a lot." So Lü Meng listened to Sun Quan's advice and began to study hard. When Lu Su arrived in Xunyang, he discussed with Lü Meng and was surprised to find that he was in the military field

And the political talent and strategy, is no longer the former "Wuxia Amun", Lü Meng replied: "Three days of farewell, when the eyes are impressed."

Sun Quan's skills of knowing people and employing people were very clever, he was good at knowing people among his subordinates, Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu and others also swore allegiance to him in order to repay the favor of knowledge, and the frustrated literati of later generations also hoped to dedicate their lives to such a wise lord, and his enemy Cao Cao also praised him: "Birth of children should be like Sun Zhongmou", this sentence he deserved.

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