
Principal looks at the "double reduction" 丨 Wenjiang 21st Century School Principal Yang Xu: Looking forward to the return of the education ecology under the "double reduction"

author:Red Star News

The landing of Chengdu's "double reduction" plan is also the beginning of the test for schools. For example, what new requirements are put forward for schools that are the main front of education and teaching, focusing on the "double reduction" policy of reducing the burden of students' homework and off-campus training? In the first semester after the "double reduction" landed, how will the school change the policy from paper to reality to a "new" curriculum system that truly benefits students?

Yang Xu, principal of the 21st Century School in Wenjiang District, Chengdu, believes that the specific implementation of the "double reduction" policy is mainly about the issue of students' homework and after-school tutoring. Although these two problems are one intramural affair and the other is off-campus affairs, they seem to be independent of each other, but in fact they are interrelated.

Principal looks at the "double reduction" 丨 Wenjiang 21st Century School Principal Yang Xu: Looking forward to the return of the education ecology under the "double reduction"

So, how to reduce the burden of homework in school? Yang Xu believes that homework is a way to test students' learning achievements, and it is also the focus of teachers' daily teaching work. "The assignment of homework should be integrated into the teacher's teaching management, rather than a single independent existence, and the homework should be systematically thought and designed according to the syllabus and students' learning conditions."

Specific to the school, in order to assign homework to students more reasonably, chengdu Wenjiang District 21st Century School has a clear idea. "Under the leadership of Beijing General School, we have an assignment research team. The focus of this group is to study how to assign homework, what kind of homework is assigned, and how to focus on students at different levels in the same class, so that teachers can test the effectiveness of students' learning through the quality of students' homework; and we study not only the content of the homework, but also a breakthrough in form, no longer sticking to the 'written' is called homework, so that children can observe through the eyes, ears to listen, mouth to share, etc., are diversified homework presentation. ”

In addition to reducing the burden of students' homework in school, another thing that has attracted the attention of parents is to reduce the burden of students' off-campus tutoring. In other words, how can schools provide positive guidance so that students can better return to the main front of learning on campus? Yang Xu believes that "before discussing how to reduce the burden of off-campus tutoring for students, it is necessary to first understand the preconditions, why do parents send their children to off-campus tuition? The answer is nothing more than two, one is that the child 'doesn't eat well' at school, and the other is that the child 'can't eat enough' at school. ”

Therefore, after understanding the real reasons for extracurricular tuition, how to guide students to better return to campus learning, the rules and regulations have also become a matter of course. "The first is the daily teaching of the school, in addition to meeting the basic needs of all students, we should also establish a sense of providing assistance services for students, that is, to provide free after-school tutoring services for students of different learning levels; and the other is to provide students with a variety of courses to choose from according to their interests and strengths, to help him achieve the needs of personalized growth." Another important thing is that teachers should do a good job of tracking and really care about the learning status of each student. When these three points have been achieved, parents have confidence in the school, and the needs of students are well met in the school, then the demand for off-campus training will naturally decrease. Yang Xu told reporters that at present, these measures have been implemented for one year in the 21st Century School in Wenjiang District, Chengdu.

The concept is there, so how to implement it? Yang Xu believes that "the implementation of 'double subtraction' must rely on a more scientific and efficient campus teaching system, rather than saying that adjusting one aspect can solve all." This includes the teacher's lesson preparation, class, homework assignment and correction, after-class tutoring, the opening of elective courses and other aspects, each of which is actually closely related. The implementation of 'double subtraction' should run through the complete teaching process, every link should be effective and efficient, and every teacher has the responsibility to implement this standard in every lesson. ”

"I think the first level of the implementation of the 'double reduction' policy is to reduce the burden on students, but in fact, the deeper requirement is to improve the quality of school education and teaching, push back the school to do a good job in the usual education and teaching work, build a high-quality teacher team and build a complete 'new' curriculum system." In the final analysis, it is required that schools really play the role of teaching and educating people, and that teachers should be able to hold their positions and return education to a normal state. ”

What does normal state look like? "Put the time of study on campus, concentrate and be efficient; give the weekend time back to the family, harmonious and happy." That is what we often say, when it is time to learn, to learn well, to have fun when it is time to play, to return life to daily life, and to return education to normal. Yang Xu said.

Red Star News reporter Zeng Zhu

Edited by Yixi Chen

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Principal looks at the "double reduction" 丨 Wenjiang 21st Century School Principal Yang Xu: Looking forward to the return of the education ecology under the "double reduction"

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