
Wu Jing'an: I hope that the audience will find themselves in the play

author:The stars shine on the sports altar

Xi Fuxiang Drama Club's original drama "The Star on the Plains" will soon meet with the audience, and many friends have walked into the rehearsal hall to watch the rehearsal, and everyone is in tears again and again.

Wu Jing'an: I hope that the audience will find themselves in the play

The huge spiritual core, the emotional bomb, the tension of the plot and the charm of the characters in the play shake the audience's eyes and ears and hearts.

The actors and the audience, on and off the stage, laughter and tears joined together, and the entire rehearsal hall was a magic box, creating one magical life experience after another.

Wu Jing'an: I hope that the audience will find themselves in the play

The editor of Shaanxi Opera also listened to director Wu Jing'an express his feelings in addition to rehearsals.

Shaanxi Opera: "The Original Star" is about to meet with everyone, what do you most hope this drama will bring to the audience?

Wu Jing'an: I remember the first time I went to interview this special group of children, just a few hours together, I felt the most beautiful emotions of human beings, and the moment I left and said goodbye with tears, I wanted to do something for the children and create a drama that is really related to everyone's growth trajectory.

Wu Jing'an: I hope that the audience will find themselves in the play

"The Star on the Plains" pays great attention to reality and human nature, and hopes that the audience will see me and you in the play and find themselves. Drama is to hurt, to itch, to deeply touch the audience's heart of the most secret place, otherwise the performance is a double heaven.

Shaanxi Opera: Do you think there is anything special to mention and share with you during the rehearsal process?

Wu Jing'an: We have a mass actor named Liu Qiang, he is the prototype of the character in this script, he took the love of everyone in his childhood, played himself, and his reality led other actors to tears.

We built our own home in the rehearsal hall, a home with the most robust relationships in life, grandparents, brothers and sisters. Every actor is feeling the happiness of soundness, but also feels deep helplessness for the lack of play, with their own sincerity, the rehearsal of a play is not a play, it has become their experience, it is a question mark thinking.

Sincere, natural, simple, innocent, presenting the audience with a poignant and cheerful, sad and warm childhood life. The dramatic behavior we construct is not rehearsal or acting, but in life, in search of and meet the most authentic self.

Wu Jing'an: I hope that the audience will find themselves in the play

Shaanxi Opera: After the epidemic, the stage performances have re-met with the audience, what do you most want to say to everyone?

Wu Jing'an: The theatrical stage, without the barrier of electronic barriers, is a kind of communication between heart and heart, eyes and eyes, and the audience can feel each other's breathing, which is irreplaceable by any form, and the most real and dreamy charm of art.

Wu Jing'an: I hope that the audience will find themselves in the play
Wu Jing'an: I hope that the audience will find themselves in the play
Wu Jing'an: I hope that the audience will find themselves in the play

▲ Drama "The Star on the Plain"

◎ This performance is not limited to the height of children, children and adults need to hold a ticket to enter one person, one ticket Purchased tickets are non-refundable

The orchestra pit area of this performance is not open, and the first row of the minus first floor area is the first row of the actual performance

◎ According to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, the audience must cooperate with the scanning code temperature measurement before entering, and those who are not green codes or have a body temperature higher than 37 degrees are not allowed to enter, and please wear a mask throughout the process after entering the theater

▣ Friday, September 17, 2021 19:45

Saturday, September 18, 2021 19:45

Sunday, September 19, 2021 19:30

Monday, September 20, 2021 19:30

Tuesday, September 21, 2021 19:30

▣ Shaanxi Grand Theatre - Opera Hall

▣ ¥680|580|480|380|280|180

Ticket Center | 029-85501111

Yannan 1st Road, Qujiang New District, Xi'an City

Wu Jing'an: I hope that the audience will find themselves in the play

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