
Is the Prime Minister Liu Luo Guo really a Luo Pot? Get to know the real Liu Yong...


When I was a child, I liked to watch "Prime Minister Liu Luoguo" starring Teacher Li Baotian, in the play, Liu Yong was portrayed as Wei Miao Wei Xiao, and now I remember the theme song that sounded: 'There is a stalk scale between heaven and earth, and the scale is the common people...', and I also like to see the scene of Liu Yong's wisdom fighting and Kun, which is sometimes hilarious and sometimes admirable. Is it very curious, how everyone likes to fight with the Lord of hezhongtang, Ji Xiaolan dou, Liu Yongdou, Qianlong sometimes also join in the fun... This is probably due to people's dislike of corrupt officials like Hekun, and the appearance of heroes is needed to punish the evil spirit. Hekun, played by Teacher Wang Gang, is sometimes quite cute.

Is the Prime Minister Liu Luo Guo really a Luo Pot? Get to know the real Liu Yong...

Portrait of Liu Yong

So is liu yong in history a luo pot in the end? What about his relationship with Hezhongtang? What about the relationship with Qianlong? Let's take a look...

Answer the question first, you can clearly tell you that Liu Yong is not Luo Guo at all. Liu Yong (1719-1805), a native of Shandong, was a prominent politician and calligrapher of the Qianlong Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty. Why do people say that he hunchback is a pot? Most of the friends are because of the artistic processing in the film and television drama liu yong deliberately portrayed as a luo pot, which is a folk story, so that people can quickly remember a character, such as Ji Xiaolan is also known as 'Ji Da Tobacco Bag' is not a vivid image in the brain at once.

Is the Prime Minister Liu Luo Guo really a Luo Pot? Get to know the real Liu Yong...

The image of Liu Yong in film and television works

As for why these stories are circulated, two sources, one of which is Liu Yong, because he is very tall and has been reading and writing for many years, so his back looks a bit hunched, so he has the saying of 'Liu Luo Pot'. The second Jiaqing Emperor once jokingly called Liu Yong 'Liu Hump' and became the source of the 'Liu Luo Pot' theory. At that time, Liu Yong was almost 80 years old, that is, we modern people are at this age, and some of them are hunched over, which cannot be the evidence that Liu Yong is Luo Guo. However, as soon as the emperor's golden mouth was opened, the folk spread, so that Liu Yong was not a Luo pot but also a Luo pot.

Although Liu Yong, like Ji Xiaolan, was a vassal of the same dynasty, he was twenty or thirty years older than Hekun, and there was not much political intersection between them, and it did not pose any threat to Hekun's position in the dynasty. Liu Yong adhered to the Mingzhe self-preservation, and like his name, believed in the way of moderation, so in general, everyone was at peace with each other and worked together to serve the rule of the Qianlong Emperor. It should be known that at that time, the power of hezhongtang was like a day in the sky, although the chief military minister was Ah Gui, but he was not in the dprk for many years, and he was favored by Qianlong, so that he covered the sky with one hand, and the group of ministers did not dare to offend him.

Is the Prime Minister Liu Luo Guo really a Luo Pot? Get to know the real Liu Yong...

Qianlong and Jiaqing in film and television works

Unlike Ji Xiaolan, who was Qianlong's courtier, Liu Yong was much more favored because of his family lineage of official eunuchs. In the TV series "Prime Minister Liu Luoguo", Qianlong's birthday, the group of courtiers have come to offer rare treasures in the world, and Qianlong smiled one by one. When I arrived at Lord Liu, I only saw that Liu Yong had sent a bucket of ginger in a bucket, saying that it was sent to the emperor 'unifying the Jiangshan', to protect me the Great Qing Dynasty Jiangshan Ten Thousand Years Emperor Long Live, this idea is also no one, no one can point out a mistake, was rated as the first person to give gifts, Qianlong also rewarded a yellow coat, it is estimated that the last barrel of Jiangshan was sent to the imperial dining room, Jiangshan has been in the arms of the Emperor ...

Once, when Qianlong was bored, he asked Hekun: 'He Aiqing, I haven't seen Liu Yong for a while, do you know what he is doing now?' He Kun had many eyes and ears in the court, and when he opened his mouth, he replied: "Emperor, this will make him grow vegetables on his own small vegetable field, Lord Liu likes to tinker with these in the fields." 'Well, let's go and have a look.' When I came to the backyard of Liu Yong's mansion, Liu Yong was sweating like a rain of hoes, and he hurriedly saw the emperor, because he was in his own private house, so he didn't need to see the emperor.

Is the Prime Minister Liu Luo Guo really a Luo Pot? Get to know the real Liu Yong...

Liu Yong and Qianlong in film and television works

Qianlong was also casually accustomed to it, and when he saw that the three of them were more embarrassed, he said, "I have thought of a couplet, and you will come to the next." The upper link is 'what east, what west, what high and what low'. He Kun Di slipped his eyes and looked at the surrounding vegetable garden and replied, "The slave comes first, and the winter melon and the cucumber are high and the eggplant is low." 'Haha, Qianlongqua and Kun Clever. Liu Yong felt that he and Kun were good but the mood was too vulgar, so he said: "Wenzhan Dongwu Station West Gentleman High And Low". Qianlong and Kun even boasted.

Another time, when Qianlong summoned Liu Yong, he saw a lice climbing down Liu Yong's collar to his beard, and Qianlong couldn't help but smile. Who knew that this lice stayed on Liu Yong's beard and did not leave, and when he returned home, he was seen by the servants and asked for instructions to drive away. Liu Yong hurriedly said, "Don't say goodbye, this is a blessed lice that has seen the emperor with me, let it be good." Qianlong later learned that haha laughed.

Is the Prime Minister Liu Luo Guo really a Luo Pot? Get to know the real Liu Yong...

The image of Liu Luo in film and television works

This is Liu Yong's true temperament, is it as cute as Liu Luoguo, played by Teacher Li Baotian!

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