
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

author:Film and television beep
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

In the golden age of Hollywood in the last century, the big screen actresses all had a kind of beauty that poured out all sentient beings, their eyes flowed with hope and brilliance, their faces were exquisite and elegant, and they especially loved their black and white portraits.

What is the Golden Age of Hollywood? Before, I was only a vague concept, but this time I asked The Lady of the Lower Degree in a responsible manner, and it is roughly summarized as follows: It is generally believed that the golden age began in the Great Depression of the late 1920s, when the rise of sound films began to decline and silent films began to decline. In the 1930s, the golden age gradually reached its peak in 1946, after the end of World War II, during which six or seven thousand hollywood films were made huge profits and dominated the world film industry. Then the situation took a sharp turn for the worse, and the crisis in the late 1940s was no longer good after entering the 1950s.

In fact, for me, in a sense, the golden age of Hollywood was Greta Garbo, Vivien Leigh, Ingrid Bergman, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor... In addition, I would like to praise our translators, who have given such beautiful translation names to these women who have fallen in love with the country, and they feel that there are many kinds of styles at a glance, and appreciating the names is a very beautiful enjoyment.

Well, the following start of the above picture, the selection is my more interested in the beauty, sweet, sexy, delicate, spicy, bold, pure, mysterious, elegant... Huan Fei Yan is thin, and all of them are magnificent. Originally, I wanted to sort by date of birth, but then I took into account that some actresses had delicate relationships and one who was still alive today, so the order was disrupted.

Mary Bickerford (1892-1979)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

The estimation of knowing her is rare. Born in Canada, she is one of the most popular actresses of the American silent film era. Because of his sweet and lovely appearance, he is good at playing a naïve girl, known as the American sweetheart (the first one), also known as the lover of the world, and died in 1933.

She was married three times in her life, and her second husband, Douglas Van Punk, was a Hollywood superstar at the time, and their love story was rumored to be a good story for a while, but the divorce ended. Later married to actor Charles Buddy Rogers and stayed together until old age.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

She was also the first actress to leave her mark on the Walk of Fame in front of the Chinese Theater, and won the second Oscar, but it was said that she was ticket-solicited, and the scandal was very ugly at the time.

Nauma Sheila (1900-1983)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

Also Canadian. Hollywood's early movie goddess, known as the first lady. In 1923, he was discovered by MGM producer Owen and married to him, and was nominated for six Oscars, winning the third Oscar for "The Abandoned Woman". However, her vision of the film selection is not very good, because she dislikes That Scarlett is a bad woman and pushes off "Gone with the Wind". After Owen's death in 1936, her career plummeted, and in 1942 she married a ski instructor 20 years younger than her and retired from film.

Jenny Gaynor (1906-1984)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

The first two are more famous in Hollywood, but it is this one who wins the first Oscar in history, so briefly mention. In the competition, she won the crown with three works outperforming strong opponents. She is small and exquisite, good at playing a simple and cheerful girl, and has made a total of 34 films in her lifetime. In 1938, he married Gilbert Adrian, chief clothing designer of MGM. When her husband died in 1959, she made the decision to end her artistic career forever and later married producer Paul Gregory.

Greta-Garbo (1905-1990)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

She is the most mysterious actress in film history, born in Sweden, known as the Queen of Silent Films, and "Anna Karenina" and "La Traviata" are her masterpieces. What makes later people envious and hateful is that even if her performance is often expressionless and her eyes are sluggish, people will not say that she is paralyzed, but say look, how mysterious and beautiful, guess her own calm appearance under the turbulent heart!

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

The first person she loved was her enlightenment teacher Moritz Stiller, who in 1928, after the death of Stiller at the age of 45, Garbo vowed to be celibate and never married, even though she later fell in love with Hollywood hit John Gilbert, which ended with her repeated rejection of each other's marriage proposals.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

Garbo is said to have had a same-sex affair with Mercedes, a professional collector in the antique shop, in 1931, and after breaking up, she suffered from depression and loneliness. After filming "Two-Faced Woman" in 1941, she suddenly retired and became an eternal mystery in Hollywood, and lived in a low-key seclusion for 50 years until her death.

Marlene Dietrich (1901-1992)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

Famous German-American actor and singer. Elegant and cold temperament, bold personality, a total of more than fifty movies in her life, played a variety of roles such as dust women, dancers, gypsy girls, noble ladies, empresses, etc., and was the only female star in Hollywood in the twenties and thirties who could compete with Greta Garbo.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

Legend has it that Hitler pursued her and invited her back to Nazi Germany, but she refused. However, later she had the idea of seducing Andering Hitler, but she did not have the opportunity to carry it out, which was really a heroine among women. She has many lovers, no shortage of celebrities, and has triggered fashion trends because of her penchant for men's clothing. That's right, she's bisexual too!

Joan Crawford (1904-1977)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

This is a delicate and pungent woman, climbing from the lowest level of society to the position of a big star, dancing striptease, filming, relying on the body to continue to rise to the top (it is said that from the boss to the staff, do you think this description is very familiar?). ), he had a place in Hollywood, and won the 18th Academy Award for Best Actress in 1945 for "The Devil of the Sea".

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

She is semi-publicly bisexual, in addition to hooking up with male actors, she is also ambiguous with actresses, and Monroe has revealed that Joan has seduced her, but has not been confirmed. After four marriages, the last husband was A. PepsiCo's president. Stiller, she became a female director of PepsiCo. Her last appearance on screen was in the 1970 film Trarg, where she died of cancer in New York on May 10, 1977, at the age of 73.

Betty Davis (1908-1989)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

Joan Crawford's mortal enemies, although the two big stars have completely different looks and temperaments, they are both fiery tempers, fighting in Hollywood, fighting with each other, discord to the extreme, in order to hit each other, everything is willing to do, haha, the tradition of tearing X wars in the entertainment industry has a long history.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

Her acting achievements are greater than those of her nemesis Joan Crawford, and she was the first woman to serve as president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress 10 times and the queen actress twice. His acting career has gone through several ups and downs, with more than 100 film, television and theatrical roles. Representative works "Woman Woman", "Red Shirt Tear Stain", "Celebrity Martyrdom", "Comet Beauty". Married four times in a lifetime, including one widow and three divorces, in this regard, Crawford is half a pound.

Catherine Hepburn (1907-2003)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

The American Film Institute ranked first in the "Greatest Actress of a Hundred Years". An iconic figure in the American film and theater world and an evergreen among Hollywood actresses. In his 60-year acting career, he has received 12 Oscar nominations for Best Actress, and after winning four Oscars, his representative works include "Guess Who's Coming for Dinner", "Golden Pond", "Philadelphia Story", "Winter Lion" and "African Queen".

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

She wasn't particularly pretty, but she was witty, elegant, and unassuming, and was praised, but I thought her lines were too tough and aesthetically not my dish. She had a failed marriage with Philadelphia businessman Rudlov Smith.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

She was pursued by the legendary tycoon Howard Hughes, a story described in the film The Flying Tycoon, but her real lover was the actress Spencer Qusay, who co-starred in nine films over 26 years, and the relationship lasted until Qusay's death. Because Qusay was a Roman Catholic and could not divorce his wife, the two have not been able to get in touch. The theory of true love is established here in Hepburn, as if no one sympathizes with Qusai's wife, but regrets that the relationship between the two lovers cannot be legalized. There are also film companies that intend to bring it to the screen.

Jane Harlow (1911-1937)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

With white blonde hair + flaming red lips + beauty moles, this girl established the standard of blonde sexy in the United States, the founding father of Hollywood's sexy actresses, and the imitation of Marilyn Monroe and Madonna.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

She became famous with Howard Hughes's investment in Hell's Angels, and while her career was triumphant, love and marriage were bumpy, she was always regarded as a plaything by men, developed a bad habit of indulgence and alcoholism, and overuse of hair dyes to maintain her image, which seriously affected her health. In 1937, she died of cholecystitis at the age of 26 before being admitted to the hospital.

Vivien Leigh (1913-1967)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

My beloved actress, and I think is the most beautiful actress in the world! The reason for loving her is simple, because she is extremely beautiful and a heartbreaking tragic beauty!!!

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

She has such beauty, there is no need to have such acting skills; she has such acting skills, there is no need to have such beauty. Such a darling of the Creator, the terrible disease that destroyed her, and her once envied love with Lawrence-Oliver, felt sad every time she thought about it!!!

Ingrid Bergman (1915-1982)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

Another woman known as the first lady of Hollywood, also a Swede, once upon a time, looked at her face and thought she was a gentle and pure lady, but she did not expect that she actually abandoned her husband and daughter to live with the Italian director Roberto Rossellini, and was condemned by public opinion, although the two were married, they only lasted for eight years. Since then, I have known to actresses that people cannot be disguised. (Although this is not uncommon, it was first seen from Bergman's stories and was more disillusioned.) )

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

In 1942, she became famous for starring in the classic film Casablanca, and after winning two Oscars for "Under the Gaslight" and "True and False Princess", she won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for "Murder on the Orient Express". She died on August 29, 1982, after complications of lymphoma after surgery for breast cancer, on her 67th birthday.

Judy Garland (1922-1969)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

She is a child actress, famous for her lucky starring in the movie "The Wizard of Oz", and likes her pure cuteness very much, and the pretty appearance of "Harvey Girl" singing and dancing is also charming.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

However, behind the superficial brilliance, it is MGM's ruthless exploitation and use of her, allowing her to use illegal drugs to control her weight, which seriously destroys her body, and after feeling that she has no use value, she abandons her and terminates her contract. She died prematurely in June 1969 at the age of 47 due to an overdose of sleeping pills. What about the evil capitalist society!!!

Rita Hayworth (1918-1987)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

The woman in the pictorial poster on the wall of the prison in "The Shawshank Redemption" became popular throughout the United States in 1946 for her passionate, debauched and sexy image in the movie "Gilda", known as the "American God of Love", and the first atomic bomb to be thrown into the Bikini Test Site was plastered with her picture.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

Her fate is particularly tragic, she was violated by her alcoholic father when she was a teenager, she hurriedly married a businessman who was more than twenty years older than herself in order to escape the family, and as a sexy actress in the entertainment industry, she could not escape the experience of unspoken rules. She was married five times in her life, and her husband list also included talented director Orson Wilson, The Prince of Arabia, singer, and producer. The poor generation of Eros collapsed in his old age and suffered from Alzheimer's disease.

Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

The world's most well-known sexy actress, her name, represents sexiness. As an actress, her representative works include "Passion Like Fire", "Seven Year Itch" and so on.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

She was the illegitimate daughter of a severe schizophrenic, had a turbulent childhood, and like her predecessor Rita Hayworth, she had the misfortune of being sexually assaulted by relatives, marrying early at the age of 16 and ending the marriage at the age of 20. Two subsequent marriages with star Joe DiMaggio and playwright Arthur Miller were unable to save her.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

On August 15, 1962, Monroe was found dead in her bedroom in her Los Angeles apartment at the age of 36, due to an overdose of sleeping pills. While the truth has so far remained inconclusive, it is certain that it must be related to her ambiguous relationship with the Kennedy brothers.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

This naïve stupid girl, everyone regards her as a special object, admiring her youthful beauty, sexy vitality, who cares about her true heart?

Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

She is the purest princess, the most holy angel, the most perfect woman in the hearts of the world.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

Born in Brussels, Belgium, her mother is descended from the Dutch royal family and is born with a noble and elegant temperament. He has starred in 26 films, representing works such as "Roman Holiday", "Lady of the Woods", "Breakfast at Tiffany's", "Dragon and Phoenix Match", and won two Academy Awards. In her later years, she devoted herself to philanthropy and was a representative of UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors, the embodiment of truth, goodness and beauty for the rights of women and children in the third world.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

However, even like her, she has experienced two failed marriages. The first husband was actor Mel Feller, a marriage that lasted 14 years; the second husband was Italian psychiatrist André Dotty, who was said to have been a hepburn fan as a teenager and had vowed to marry her when he grew up. However, Dody is a playboy, and after more than ten years, she finally has a dead heart for marriage. In the end, he met his soul mate, Robert Waters, and walked together for a lifetime, but he did not want to be bound by a marriage certificate. It can be seen that the life of a big star really cannot be the same as that of a normal person. May the people of one heart and the white head not be separated, for them is just a luxury.

Grace Kelly (1929-1982)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

From an actress to a princess, although her life is not a fairy tale, it is also a legend, and what is more memorable than the legend is her beauty and elegance.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

Born into a wealthy family in Philadelphia, USA, she was favored by director Hitchcock and starred in three of his films: "Telephone Murder", "Rear Window" and "To Catch a Thief". In 1955, she won the Academy Award for Best Actress for "Country Girl", and the following year, she became the Princess of Monaco and gave birth to two daughters and a son.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

Grace's love life in Hollywood was very rich, and big stars such as Gary Grant and Clark Gable were her gossip male protagonists. After marriage, she can only go around in a closed world from then on, and her life is not satisfactory. On September 13, 1982, she drove her young daughter Stephanie back to Monaco from Cabo da Roca when she was in a serious car accident on the road and the car fell off a cliff. In the end, Stephanie survived, while Grace was pronounced dead at the age of 52 due to ineffective medical treatment. There are also many conspiracy theories about her accident, of course, at least for now.

Elizabeth Taylor (1932-2011)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

This once known as the most beautiful woman in the world, but also a child star, from the beautiful and cute little girl in "Jade Goddess Colt" and "Jane Eyre", to the bloated Hollywood legend Jade Woman, her life is colorful.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

She has won oscars twice for "Qinglou Yan prostitute" and "Spiritual Desire Spring Supper", and her starring role in "Cleopatra" is the most expensive and most expensive film in film history. Of course, what is more fascinating than the work is her love history. She has been married 8 times and to 7 men, including twice with Richard Burton, who loved each other deeply but still had no chance to stay together until they were old. Michael Jackson is a fan of hers and once proposed marriage was rejected by her, but they will always be good friends.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

At 1:28 a.m. on March 23, 2011, Elizabeth Taylor died of heart failure at the age of 79, leaving a beautiful legend to comment on.

Joan Fontaine (1917-2013)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

Her works have seen "Jane Eyre", "Butterfly Dream", "Letter from a Strange Woman", she is good at playing a shy and introverted and rigorous girl, although beautiful, her personality is not prominent. In 1941, she won the 14th Oscar for "Deep Doubt". After the 1950s, her film career began to decline, moving to stage and television.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

She also had four unhappy marriages, but the most noteworthy was her relationship with her sister Olivia de Havilland (right).

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

The appearance of both of them is gentle and obedient, but they are very strong in their bones and have fought all their lives. Joan Fontaine has always believed that her sister was favored by her mother since childhood and looked down on herself, and the two also competed in their acting careers, and had a long-term discord. After winning the Oscars, the biological sisters were originally good stories, but they rejected each other's congratulations. However, I saw a lot of photos of the two smiling and smiling, and sure enough, they were all movie queens!

In 1978, Fonden said in an interview: "I get married first, I win the Oscar first, and if I die before her, Olivia will be angry, because I have completely defeated her." ”

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

Eventually, she got her wish and died peacefully at home in 2013 at the age of 96. When the sister found out, she only responded with a "Quitter" (meaning "easy to stop, lazy, unambitious, coward"). Alas, I would rather regard it as a knife mouth tofu heart, a flesh and bone, in no one to always be sad, right?

Olivia de Haveran (1916-)

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

Well, the last one is joan-Fontaine's sister, she is Melanie in "Gone with the Wind", who has won oscars twice for "The Seeds of the Wind" and "Miss Qianjin", and is 99 years old.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age
Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

Among the actresses of The Golden Age of Hollywood, she is not the most beautiful, not the most popular, not the sexiest, not the most admired, not the most beloved, put her in the finale, because she is the only one who is alive so far.

Black and White Charm: Illustration of the beauties of Hollywood's Golden Age

More beautiful than her, red, and even her sisters who had been enemies of her all her life, one by one, had left, and now she was the only one who had become the last light in the golden age that could no longer be traced, in this world!!!

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