
Water is the source of life! Lack of water gives the body 7 "punishments"? Let's take a quick look at what problems can be caused by lack of water?

author:GP online

As we all know, water is the source of life, and all life in the world is inseparable from water. Mild dehydration can feel thirsty and affect body temperature regulation; severe dehydration can cause general fatigue, inattention, memory loss, emotional anxiety, and even life-threatening. The harm caused by lack of water to the body is far more than people think, and I hope it can arouse your attention.

Water is the source of life! Lack of water gives the body 7 "punishments"? Let's take a quick look at what problems can be caused by lack of water?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" Data-track="2" What problems does water shortage cause >? </h1>

1. Increase the probability of myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction

Once dehydrated, it will increase the viscosity of the blood, slow down the blood flow rate, and easily form blood clots. In particular, patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia and coronary heart disease are prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents such as myocardial infarction or cerebral infarction.

2. Accelerate the rate of brain atrophy

All people's actions and words are dominated by the brain, which consumes more energy, and in order to ensure that it can get enough nutrients, the amount of blood flowing to the brain is more. However, when the body is dehydrated, it is bound to affect blood circulation, so that the brain cells are dehydrated, especially the adolescent brain continues to be in a state of dehydration, which can cause brain atrophy and damage cognitive function.

3. It is easy to cause constipation

After nutrients are absorbed by the digestive system, food residues are gradually compressed and moved to the large intestine, resulting in stools, and the moisture during compression and movement of food residues acts as a lubricant. However, when the body is dehydrated, the intestines can absorb the water in the stool, causing dry stools and difficulty in excreting stool, and even cause constipation.

Water is the source of life! Lack of water gives the body 7 "punishments"? Let's take a quick look at what problems can be caused by lack of water?

4. Damage to the skin

The water demand of the skin is large, and the lack of moisture in the skin can easily lead to dryness, itching and desquamation of the skin, and even breed wrinkles, accelerate the rate of skin sagging and aging, and lead to skin inflammation.

5. Improve the chance of cancer

Proper water supplementation is beneficial to the health of the urinary system, blood system and digestive tract system, drinking more water can reduce the risk of testicular cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer and prostate cancer, but drinking insufficient water will increase the chance of suffering from these cancers and colon cancer.

6. Increase the risk of respiratory diseases

The skin and mucous membranes are a line of defense of the immune system, which can prevent pathogens from invading the body, and secretions have a bactericidal and disinfecting effect. However, when the body is dehydrated, it will dry out the trachea and nasal mucosa, reduce the adhesion ability of germs, and increase the risk of respiratory diseases.

Water is the source of life! Lack of water gives the body 7 "punishments"? Let's take a quick look at what problems can be caused by lack of water?

7. It is easy to induce urinary system diseases

By means of urination to excrete metabolic waste, toxins and excess water in the body, drinking too little water is bound to reduce the number of urination and the amount of urination, unable to excrete uric acid and urea and other metabolites in time, and for a long time can improve the chance of urinary system stones and kidney stones. In addition, urination can wash away the urinary tract, remove bacteria and viruses that stick to the surrounding area, and if the body is dehydrated, it can increase the risk of urinary tract infections, especially in women.


In daily life, the color of the urine can be used to determine whether the body is dehydrated, under normal circumstances, the urine is clear and yellowish, and the more yellow the color of the urine, the more serious the lack of water. Cultivate the habit of actively drinking water to ensure that the daily drinking amount reaches more than 1500 ml, especially outdoor workers and strenuous exercisers should appropriately increase the amount of water. 25 ~ 37 ° C warm water is the best choice, drink too cold water can stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, causing abdominal pain and diarrhea, and even lead to coronary artery spasm, inducing angina and myocardial infarction; drinking too hot water will burn the esophageal mucosa, increasing the risk of esophageal cancer. In addition, drinking a cup of water every morning before going to bed can dilute the blood and improve blood circulation.

Family doctor online special article, unauthorized reproduction

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