
The real Monroe tells everyone that from a small white counterattack to a superstar, no one's life is a shortcut

author:Listen to the club

The famous Old Liang once commented on Marilyn Monroe in one of his programs "Old Liang Watching TV": "Now actresses want to flaunt their sexiness, this word is not to wear less, scratch the meaning of posture, must be from the bones of the feeling." 」 At this point, Marilyn Monroe has achieved the pinnacle of perfection. ”

The real Monroe tells everyone that from a small white counterattack to a superstar, no one's life is a shortcut

The implication is that marilyn Monroe's charm is naturally emitted from the inside out, and it is unbeatable in the history of world cinema.

In the eyes of many people, Monroe's image is mostly large-breasted and brainless; it will only take pictures, there is no sexy vase of acting, and few people pay attention to her works.

I used to look at her this way, and I remember collecting various posters of Monroe when I was reading, because she was so beautiful.

The real Monroe tells everyone that from a small white counterattack to a superstar, no one's life is a shortcut

When I read the book "Marilyn Monroe", I saw a Monroe that completely subverted my cognition, another Monroe that the world did not understand.

She was intelligent and gentle, with an IQ of 168, even surpassing Her attraction is not just that she is beautiful.

A famous poet Nishikawa wrote a five-sonnet poem to Monroe: "Such a woman is loved by us, such a woman we allow her to learn badly, such a beautiful woman, drunk, singing, smoking cigarettes, such a woman died inexplicably." ”

Monroe only lived for 36 years, but lived out of that era, many actresses can not achieve the ultimate and wonderful in a lifetime, not by her breasts and hips, on the contrary, by her mind and hard work.

Her life began in misery, from a newcomer to showbiz without any background, all the way to the ranks of Hollywood superstars, every step is very difficult.

01, a wandering childhood, let Monroe understand the law of survival early.

On June 1, 1926, Marilyn was born.

Marilyn Monroe's origin is what we often say now about playing a bad bad card. She didn't know who her biological father was, and soon after she was born, her mother was sent to a mental hospital.

It can be said that Monroe is half an orphan, she can't even talk about a native family, she has not had her own home since she was a child, and she has no blessings and love from her parents. At that time, her name was Norma Jane.

Monroe was sent to a foster home because she was beautiful and cute, and once had an adoptive mother who liked her very much.

During that time, the adoptive mother carefully cultivated Monroe, taught her to dance, sing, and took her to children's performances, which also laid the foundation for Monroe to enter Hollywood in the future.

Monroe's birth mother, once ran into the house with a marijuana bag, covered the young Monroe, and stole her from the wall.

The birth mother often behaved obediently, and the adoptive mother was unable to formally adopt Little Monroe, resulting in Monroe going to 11 families on her behalf, and finally going to the orphanage.

Monroe's childhood was painful, but this shadow did not affect her personality, Monroe was very optimistic and peaceful from an early age, and also formed her ability to be good at observing colors.

She was smart, much precocious than children her peers, and knew the laws of survival better.

Monroe was 16 years old in 1942.

Her first marriage and the first turning point in her life were ushered in.

That year, she met a boy named Jim, who was 5 years older than her, and was one of the best boys in school. Soccer team striker, student council president, and star in school drama performances.

Monroe has become a young girl of a wonderful age, and everyone says that they are both male and female, and they are very compatible. Monroe said, "I don't have a choice, so let's get married." ”

The real Monroe tells everyone that from a small white counterattack to a superstar, no one's life is a shortcut

In fact, at this time, Monroe did not want marriage and love, she just helplessly wanted to survive.

She wanted a family of her own, because she had never had the experience of living with the people closest to her, filling her stomach, and having someone to give her a sense of security, and that was enough.

However, marriage is not as happy as a young girl expects. Monroe is too beautiful, and her husband often restricts her from dressing, for fear that she will provoke the opposite sex and warn her not to seduce other men.

And the 16-year-old Monroe already has her own thoughts, independent judgment. She never succumbs to her husband's unreasonable demands, she does not live her life in resignation, she thinks it is unfair to women.

In that era of patriarchy, Monroe, at a young age, already had the consciousness of rebellion against fate, injustice, and feudal social thought.

After Monroe got married, she worked as an assembly line woman in a military factory.

Her husband, Jim, was a soldier and followed the troops. One day, a photographer from the factory came to take a picture of a group of beautiful girls on the cover of the army magazine, and suddenly took a picture of Monroe, who was still called Norma Jane at that time.

The real Monroe tells everyone that from a small white counterattack to a superstar, no one's life is a shortcut

Monroe became a model, her star potential was discovered, and her opportunity arrived.

02, in the face of opportunities without hesitation, Monroe used the courage to abandon everything to accept.

In the summer of 1945, Marilyn Monroe was 18 years old.

This year, Monroe bravely chose to divorce and seized the opportunity to run to Hollywood.

Monroe decided to become a professional model, her husband and mother-in-law would not agree, because of this disagreement, Monroe faced with an unpredictable future opportunity, and a family that could feed her, bravely chose the former.

After the divorce, she changed her name to Marilyn Monroe and officially entered the film and television industry.

In 1946, Monroe signed with Fox.

She joined a practice group hosted by Fox, and there were 80 trainees who signed with her at the same time, all of whom were very smart, beautiful, and ambitious.

In particular, it was the United States that had just been post-war, the golden age of the Hollywood film industry, and a large number of talented people were here. For example: Vivien Leigh, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, as well as Chaplin, Elvis Presley and so on.

Such a competitive environment, for Marilyn Monroe, who has no background and fame, is like a headless fly that has to crash on its own, and the future is not bright.

A year later, Monroe was really eliminated by the group and terminated.

She didn't stop there, she still insisted on being a model, shooting magazine covers steadily, and maintaining her life. She works with photographers, is never late, is adaptable, and doesn't give up on any opportunity to show herself.

Monroe said: "I'm always lonely, that's why I like to make movies so much, because in movies, I can completely forget myself." ”

This sentence is very touching, and it is particularly pitiful to her.

The real Monroe tells everyone that from a small white counterattack to a superstar, no one's life is a shortcut

Monroe wants to forget too many things from the past, she needs to change her fate more than anyone, which is her original intention to become an actress. So, she obsessively and frantically studied acting.

Monroe has never been a mindless vase, she has made a lot of films and put in more effort than others.

In 1946, Marilyn Monroe first came to 21st Century Fox and began to appear in movies.

In 1949, she participated in the filming of the film "The Night Is Not Quiet".

In 1950, she starred in Fireball and Comet Beauty.

In 1952, she eventually became the heroine, filming "How to Marry a Millionaire" and "No Knocking", and debuted on the cover of Life magazine.

In 1953, Monroe's swaying walking posture in "Flying Waterfall" suddenly swept the country, and men began to go crazy for her.

In 1955, Monroe's "Seven Year Itch" was a great success.

She stood at the outlet of the New York subway, bending down to caress her white dress that had been lifted by the breeze. Monroe's classic action in the movie has become the sexiest and most beautiful symbol of her life.

The real Monroe tells everyone that from a small white counterattack to a superstar, no one's life is a shortcut

In 1960, Monroe won the Oscar for Best Actress for "Passion like Fire".

This film, ranked first in the "100 Famous Comedy Films That Influenced the World", has become a textbook performance example for many film schools.

03, counterattack life only on their own, Monroe steadfastly take every step is loud.

By 1949, Monroe had become one of hollywood heroines, but she was always dissatisfied with her acting skills.

She kept trying to find ways to contact places where she could learn, and she went to a master, asked for his guidance, and got the reply: "You just have to pose in front of the camera, you can get wealth and fame, what are you looking for me for?" ”

Monroe calmly replied to the master: "I want to be an actor, not a pornographic freak, and I don't want to be the spokesperson for an aphrodisiac, sold to the public." The first year is fair, but over time things will change. ”

From the moment Monroe decided to enter the show business, her mind remained so clear that she would always know who she was, why she was coming, where she was going, and what she needed to do.

She wants to be an artist, a great actor, which may be seen by others as just one of her ambitions.

The real Monroe tells everyone that from a small white counterattack to a superstar, no one's life is a shortcut

Monroe began to rebel against the unspoken rules, rejecting roles that only wanted her to act silly and flirtatious, and she had to choose her own script and producer.

After competing, she starred in "Night Clash" as a worker girl, and achieved success, which was her first step in fighting for her fair rights in Hollywood.

Later, Marilyn Monroe became a person who changed the era of Hollywood cinema.

She began to take the lead in the circle to ask for a raise, a reasonable pay. This action has influenced changes within the entire film industry, introducing new systems, establishing film unions, protecting the treatment and remuneration of actors, and opposing unspoken rules.

Next, she rejected all the star roles that Fox had assigned her, which led directly to her termination of her contract with Fox in the future.

Monroe gave herself an identity, "a pioneering female producer in the history of world cinema", and few people know that Monroe has such an identity.

The real Monroe tells everyone that from a small white counterattack to a superstar, no one's life is a shortcut

In December 1954, Monroe left Hollywood.

She completely broke with Fox and went to New York to set up her own production company. She wanted to make her own film and truly become an independent woman.

04, if Marilyn Monroe's fame is related to her talent and beauty, it is just that she is luckier than most girls. Sexiness can make her famous, but also bring her a lot of negative troubles, only independence and sobriety make her greater.

The most fascinating thing about her is her high emotional intelligence, and she will not hold her life back because of her childhood misfortune.

The real Monroe tells everyone that from a small white counterattack to a superstar, no one's life is a shortcut

She is strong and confident in her bones, gentle and soft with people, the perfect figure and beautiful face are only symbols of health, her charm is exuded from the inside out, but she never uses beauty to show off, she uses wisdom to game that unfair era.

This is the real Monroe, who knows that all exaggerated beauty can only be an empty skin bag, fighting against fate, there is no shortcut. Her law of survival also extends to our time, and her own determination is the greatest weight in life.

Huizhi - a series of stories about brave women, you are welcome to communicate together. @Listen to what you're saying

(Image from the Internet)

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