
Tracing the Footsteps of Martyrs and Inheriting the Red Gene - Loudi Municipal Organ Affairs Administration Bureau went to the tin mine to carry out the special activity of "Learning History and Practicing Practice"

author:Loudi News Network

Loudi News Network News (correspondent Wang Le) In order to trace the footsteps of heroic martyrs, inherit the legacy of martyrs, further promote the study and education of party history, and encourage party members to take the long march road in the new era, on June 16, the Loudi Municipal Organ Affairs Administration Bureau organized party members and cadres to go to the tin mine in Lengshuijiang City to carry out the special activity of "learning history and practicing", receive red education, and inherit red genes.

Tracing the Footsteps of Martyrs and Inheriting the Red Gene - Loudi Municipal Organ Affairs Administration Bureau went to the tin mine to carry out the special activity of "Learning History and Practicing Practice"

(Party members of the Loudi Municipal Organ Affairs Administration took a group photo in front of the Monument to the Revolutionary Martyrs)

Coming to the martyrs' cemetery surrounded by pines and cypresses in the north mine of the tin mine mining bureau, in front of the towering monument to the revolutionary martyrs of the tin mine, all party members of the Loudi Municipal Organs Affairs Administration Bureau presented flower baskets with great reverence. He Ruohong, secretary of the party leading group and director of the bureau, led all party members to revisit the oath of joining the party, and then bowed three times to the martyrs' monument, and visited the martyrs' tombs in turn, learning from the selfless dedication spirit of the revolutionary martyrs, and stimulating the patriotic enthusiasm of all party members to love the party and the country.

Tracing the Footsteps of Martyrs and Inheriting the Red Gene - Loudi Municipal Organ Affairs Administration Bureau went to the tin mine to carry out the special activity of "Learning History and Practicing Practice"

(Party members and cadres of loudi municipal organ affairs management bureau visit the former site of Yangmuling)

Under the guidance of the docent, all party members visited the historic Yangmu Ridge. The first enterprise party branch in Hunan Province was born in Yangmuling, and the red slogan "The core force leading our cause is the Communist Party of China, and the theoretical basis guiding our thinking is Marxism-Leninism" is engraved on the walls of the old houses. Subsequently, all the party members and cadres climbed up the Yangmuling Along the first step, visited the Yangkueling Watchtower that had experienced many vicissitudes, and through visiting the historical and cultural sites, listening to the detailed interpretation of the explainers, stepping on the heavy bluestone, as if returning to that arduous and extraordinary time, feeling the indomitable national spirit and lofty patriotism of the revolutionary ancestors.

Through this special study, party members have expressed that they have received a profound spiritual baptism and vivid patriotic education. It is necessary to carry forward and inherit well the red genes, red culture, and red spirit with practical actions, plunge into work with a more proactive attitude, inspire ourselves with the spirit of revolutionary martyrs who are willing to dedicate themselves and have the courage to take responsibility, practice what we preach in studying and carrying forward the party's glorious traditions and fine work style, use the party's glorious traditions and fine work styles to strengthen conviction and gather strength, and strive to promote the high-quality development of organ affairs work.

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