
Lecture 5 of the World Sun Tzu Art of War Study Society's Leadership Development Center: Planning is in People, Accomplishing Things in People

author:Horizontal thinking
Lecture 5 of the World Sun Tzu Art of War Study Society's Leadership Development Center: Planning is in People, Accomplishing Things in People

Internal presentation sharing for corporate executives, general managers, directors, and managers

Although the competition between enterprises is a competition between products and service quality, in the final analysis, it is a competition of talents. People are at the heart of all corporate activities. A business that, if it has excellent talents, will produce excellent products and create excellent business results. Which enterprise is full of talents, which enterprise will prosper. Iacocca, an outstanding American entrepreneur, once said that as long as there are excellent talents, even if you lose a business, you can make a comeback. The experience of asking someone to bring one of the four major automobile companies in the United States, Christie's Automobile Company, back to life fully proves this thesis. A person who has a certain area of expertise. A modern entrepreneur must have a distinct sense of talent, link the selection and use of talents with the survival and development of enterprises, know people well, and give full play to their talents. This is the fundamental way to improve the competitiveness of enterprises and always stand in an invincible position in market competition. Tactics and strategies can help entrepreneurs grasp the correct and effective employment standards and methods, and enhance the attractiveness and cohesion of enterprises to talents.

Lecture 5 of the World Sun Tzu Art of War Study Society's Leadership Development Center: Planning is in People, Accomplishing Things in People

Adapted to the person

According to Huangshi Gongsan, everyone's talents, dispositions, hobbies, and strengths are different. In the Zhongluo, the author of the Book of Soldiers divides people into four categories: "intellectuals", "braves", "greedy", and "fools", and all four kinds of people have their own ambitions. The "wise" pursue meritorious achievements, the "brave" aspire to achieve the lofty ambitions, the "greedy" seek profit, and the "fools" disregard sacrifice. The army is made up of these people. The key to these four kinds of people playing their respective roles in war is whether they can be harnessed for their own use. The Lecture Notes on the Seven Books of Shi explain: "Although there are different materials in man, in me there is the art of cause and effect. His wisdom is enough to have a plan, and I am conspiring with him, and since he is doing his best, is he not enough and meritorious? His courage is enough to subdue the enemy, and I am enough to make him meet the enemy, and since he has been able to summon up his courage, is it not enough to do his will? He who covets him, and whom I tempt him to profit, will invite him to profit. He who is foolish, and whom I use with sincerity, will not care about his death. This is the way to use people "because of their affection." Gold has no feet, no one is perfect", all people will never be perfect. Southern Song Dynasty poet Dai Retro "Jixing" poem Yun: "Gold has no feet, and white bi has a slight flaw." Ask people not to be prepared, concubines wish the old king's family. It is precisely this meaning that whether or not we can use people's strengths and avoid people's shortcomings is an important yardstick for testing the level of leaders' art in employing people. During the American Civil War, when President Lincoln appointed Grant as commander-in-chief, he was told that Grant was an alcoholic and could not be entrusted with a heavy responsibility. Lincoln disagreed. It wasn't that he didn't know that alcoholism could be wrong, but he knew better that among the Generals of the Northern Army, only Grant could strategize and win a decisive victory. The course of the subsequent war proved fully that the appointment of General Grant was a turning point in the Civil War. Lincoln's practice of employing people is very enlightening to future generations. During the Warring States period, before appointing Wu Qi, Wei Wenhou consulted The Minister of State Li Wu, and Li Wu said: "If you are greedy and lustful, but you use soldiers, Sima Yong Tho cannot get by." Wei Wenhou then appointed Wu Qi as a general. After Wu Qi led the troops, he shared the bitterness with the warriors, "lying down without wine, walking without riding", severely damaged the Qin state, and made brilliant contributions to the Wei state. Wei Wenhou's success in using Wu Qi also lies in the strength of employing people. The activities of modern enterprises are endless, and every job needs to be undertaken by the right people. In selecting personnel, attention should be paid to their ability to do the job, rather than to any other criteria that have nothing to do with it. The purpose of employing people is to "accomplish things", and to be able to "accomplish things" after use is to use them. Therefore, ability or "talent" should come first. Chinese tradition often places too much emphasis on "morality", and sometimes attaches too much importance to seniority, background, academic qualifications, and the sense of obedience to superiors, and the result is often that the mediocre generation is in a position of superiority, the corpse is vegetarian, and there is no achievement, while some talented people are not appointed because of such and such deficiencies, and they do not meet with talent, and they are suppressed for a long time, repressed and resentful, and resentful and detached from morality. If an enterprise implements such a personnel employment policy, its prospects will inevitably decline; if a country implements such a personnel employment policy, it will inevitably be poor and backward, and its future will be worrying. In this regard, the practices of some Japanese companies are noteworthy. Since the 1960s, Japanese companies have generally implemented the annual merit sequence system, that is, the working years of employees are taken as the main basis for raising wages and positions. At the beginning of its implementation, it played a positive role in mobilizing the enthusiasm of enterprises from top to bottom and promoting the rapid development of enterprises and social economy. However, in the process of implementation, the shortcomings of this system have also been increasingly exposed. On the one hand, people who have the ability, but they are not reused, and they are resentful. According to a October 1982 survey of companies in the Tokyo and Osaka areas by the Japan Broadcasting Association, nearly 60 percent of employees and managers were dissatisfied with the promotion and salary increase methods of the annual merit system. In order to solve this problem, some Japanese companies have put forward the slogan of "abilityism", implementing "ability promotion" and "ability wage". The fierce market competition has made them realize that if they maintain the old employment system, enterprises will not be able to maintain their vigorous vitality, and in a severe business environment, only according to the use of people and the ability to employ people is the only desirable countermeasure. For example, when Sumitomo Bank, one of Japan's largest financial companies hires new people, it mainly depends on whether they have real talent and practical learning, and how well they do. The company requires each employee and manager to make a personal declaration once a year, self-evaluate the work situation in the past year, and put forward future work requirements and volunteers, and then review and score step by step, as the main basis for promotion and reward. Nissin Oil Co., Ltd. performs isoko factories in a way that arranges work according to ability and pays bonuses according to contribution. According to the use of people, knowing people and doing good deeds has a decisive role in the effectiveness of enterprise operation. The development history of the American Ford Motor Company vividly illustrates this point. Since 1899, Ford, a farmer, has twice started a car company, but both failed. Later he found James M. Kuzsisi, starting a car company for the third time. Because Kuzsisi adopted a number of measures such as market forecasting, determining the strategy of low-price and high sales, implementing assembly line operations and production, and establishing a sales network, Ford Motor Company's T-type black car broke into and occupied the international market, and Ford has since been known as the "king of automobiles". The huge victory overwhelmed Ford's mind, and he began to get carried away. In 1915, he dismissed Kuzsis and imposed a personal dictatorship in the company. The departure of the talent caused Ford to quickly decline. By the time he gave way to his grandson Henry II in 1945, the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. After Henry took over the company for the second time, he immediately hired former General Motors deputy general manager Ernest M. Bridge. Bridge in turn recruited several experienced and competent senior executives from General Motors. Under their planning and operation, Ford turned a loss into a profit that year. After several years of hard work, Ford's business has flourished and it has become a large and eye-catching company again. For the top talents with superior talents and outstanding wisdom, they should be reused in an extraordinary way, which is naturally the meaning of the topic of "using people for their own purposes". In the 1950s, Panasonic Electric Co., Ltd. of Japan promoted Toshihiko Yamashita, who was in his 30s at the time, to the head of the company, and later held important positions in the company and became a director of the head office. Because of his outstanding business vision and management skills, as well as his vitality and pioneering spirit, Toshihiko Yamashita has achieved remarkable results in various positions. Former general manager Konosuke Matsushita believes that Toshihiko Yamashita is the most outstanding "handsome talent" in the company, which cannot be found in the Panasonic family, and is determined to use Toshihiko Yamashita out of the box. In 1977, he was promoted from 25th ordinary director to general manager. After Toshihiko Yamashita became the general manager, he paid more attention to the use of young and powerful people, and personally promoted 22 new directors with strategic vision and superior ability, which greatly enhanced the management decision-making level of Panasonic Electric. In his second year as general manager, Panasonic's business posture shifted from defensive to aggressive offensive posture. By 1982, the company's profits had reached 200 billion yen, double the amount he had when he first took office. Because of the use of people, the use of people's strengths, this is the great art of employing people. This requires entrepreneurs to know and know people before employing people. It is necessary not only to understand the talents, strengths and skills of talents, but also to master their personality, temperament, hobbies, ideas and ambitions. Only in this way can we put every talent in the most appropriate position, make the best use of their talents, transform money, and create the best benefits for the enterprise. A clever carpenter is enough to use each piece of wood just right, because of the material, neither damage the instrument, nor hurt the material, an excellent entrepreneur should also be like a clever carpenter, the enterprise of each human resources placed, matched reasonably and properly, perfectly, so that the talents and potential of each employee can be fully utilized, to promote the continuous development and growth of the enterprise.

Lecture 5 of the World Sun Tzu Art of War Study Society's Leadership Development Center: Planning is in People, Accomplishing Things in People

Will be in the self-exclusive

The Art of War of Sun Tzu The Plot of Attack says, "He who can and does not prevail will prevail." In the Nine Changes, Sun Wu also pointed out: "Will be ordered by the army, and the army will gather the masses... Tu can't help it, the army doesn't attack, the city doesn't attack, the land doesn't argue, and the king's orders are not spared. "Liutao · Long Tao· The "General" also emphasizes: "The army shall not be in the throne", "The subject is ordered to be the power of the axe", "The affairs of the army, and the king's orders are not heard, all by the general." In the face of a decisive battle against the enemy, there is no two hearts." "Huangshi GongsanLuo · Quoted from the "Military Posture": "Those who go out to march will be self-directed." If you advance and retreat, it will be difficult to achieve success. The two sentences are positive and negative, and they mean one thing: The general will lead the troops to fight, and he must have the right to make a decision on the spot. The battlefield is changing rapidly, the fighters are fleeting, or advancing or retreating, and the general must make decisions at any time according to the changes in the battle situation. If all the actions of the army are subject to the restrictions of the imperial court, and they cannot advance, and they cannot retreat, then it is impossible to win the battle. Since the authority of the monarch is vested in the general, he should no longer interfere with the command and determination of the general. Since ancient times, wise monarchs have recognized the importance of "self-concentration" for winning the war. The famous Western Han general Zhou Yafu was ordered to lead an army to garrison Xiaoliu. Once, Emperor Wen of Han personally labored the army. The lieutenant guarding the camp gate refused to let the emperor's guide officer out of the camp gate on the grounds that "the general has an order, but the army only listens to the general's order, and does not hear the edict of the Son of Heaven." When Emperor Wen came to the camp, The Lieutenant received orders from Zhou Yafu to open the camp door and announce the rules of the army. Cloaked in armor and sword, yafu clasped his hands together without kneeling, and when the israeli army prayed to Emperor Wen, Emperor Wen was amazed and sighed, "This is the real general!" Since then, the Xiaoliu Battalion of the Zhou Yafu Garrison has become a good story that has been passed down through the ages. The lessons of "advancing and retreating within the imperial court" have also been very numerous in history. For example, King Hui of Yan withdrew Le Yi from riding and plundering, resulting in the recovery of more than seventy cities; King Xiaocheng of Zhao withdrew Lianpo and replaced Zhao Kuo as a general, resulting in hundreds of thousands of troops being killed. In the Northern Song Dynasty, the emperor, in order to control the generals, implemented the military system of "the soldiers do not know the soldiers, the soldiers do not know the generals", and all decisions on the battlefield must be made by the emperor. When a general leads his troops to fight a war, he must march, deploy, and fight in strict accordance with the battle plan, marching line, and formation map set up by the imperial court in advance, and the general does not have the slightest right to self-determination. Naturally, the armies of the Northern Song Dynasty were bound to lose every battle, and they fought many battles in the north. In the fierce market competition, in the face of the rapidly changing shopping malls, the situation of enterprises is like the army on the battlefield. If the decision-making power of all activities is in the hands of factory directors and managers, then the enterprise will be slow to respond, everything will be constrained, passive everywhere, and the consequences can be imagined. Some smart entrepreneurs, inspired by the book of soldiers who "will be self-exclusive", have abandoned the trite, stupid idea of "I am the one in charge, everything should be decided by me" and decentralized. In this regard, many Japanese companies are doing very well. Japanese entrepreneurs believe that the wisdom of the supreme leader should lie in allowing a person to play a role in the period and conditions under which he can play the role to the greatest extent. To this end, we must be good at decentralizing decision-making power to subordinates. When decision-making power is delegated, subordinates will feel that they are real participants in organization and management, and they will have a sense of responsibility, initiative and creativity. Nowadays, the internal vitality of many Japanese companies is related to the fact that the management at all levels of the enterprise has the right to work and the highest level is good at decentralization. The director of the Tochigi Factory of Bandai Toys Co., Ltd. once said that the reason why Bandai can be active on the world toy stage and the reason why the Tochigi Factory is full of vitality is because the head office has decentralized its power, which has enabled us to operate flexibly and powerfully. American managers working in a Japanese-American joint venture in power, who used to mechanically listen to the orders of American managers, are now refreshing in front of Japanese managers. They said, "The Japanese manager seemed to be carelessly waiting for the workers to get to work, and we were still waiting for him to give orders as before." In Japan, it is incomprehensible to an already empowered manager not to know what to do. The top decision-makers often demand that subordinates, not just mechanically carry out the orders of their superiors, should recognize that they have a dual mission. As a precursor, you can sensitively grasp the essence of the problem to solve it; as a member of the enterprise, you must work with the subordinate to formulate a solution to the problem before reporting to the superior, that is, put forward your own suggestions instead of passively waiting for approval. So, when the Japanese hold middle-level positions, business management is well organized, while when Americans take up positions, they often leak out. According to a survey conducted by American scholars through twenty Japanese companies in the United States, Japanese managers know the secret of employment and have the overall situation in mind, because they are familiar with each subordinate, mobilize, and play the role of each person. The premise of "self-reliance" is that leaders should "employ people without doubt." If you are not at ease with the people you use, then you can't believe it, and "will be self-exclusive" naturally becomes an empty phrase. Edward Carlson, chairman and president of United Airlines, put it well: "In any business, the president can influence his subordinates, but he must treat them as respectable and trustworthy people." He agreed with the idea that "power is delegated to superiors" and, in his words, "the general manager of a company has his constituents like a politician." The "voters" of a company are the employees, and they don't necessarily really vote, but each employee chooses to do a better job or worse. He advocated decentralization of power to subordinates, giving the employees closest to work the opportunity to participate in decision-making. Such an approach has brought huge economic benefits to the company. When Carlson first took office, the company's annual loss of $46 million was close to inverted growth, and six years later, the company's total revenue reached $2.9 billion. Speaking of "will be self-exclusive", a company in the United States that specializes in making Chinese food has a funny story. The company That Boroch founded after World War II, has been thriving, and has been selling thanks to Stan W. Bush. Freiberg. When Borog hired the out-of-the-box salesman to advertise a company, not only did he delegate full authority, but he also made a bet that if the sales of a company's products could not be greatly increased after a series of advertisements, Freiberg would use a rickshaw to pull Bologge on Sinnaga Road in Los Angeles; if sales increased, Boroch would have to follow the same rules as LaFribberg. As a result, the advertising campaign was a great success, the company's Chinese food reputation soared, and sales plummeted. Boroch didn't break his word, and really pulled Friberg around the Sinnaga Trail in a rickshaw.

Lecture 5 of the World Sun Tzu Art of War Study Society's Leadership Development Center: Planning is in People, Accomplishing Things in People

Lay the saddle on the right horse

The Art of War of Sun Tzu The Marching Chapter says: "If you punish him at the end of the day, you will not obey, and if you do not obey, it will be difficult to use." If the pawn has been personally attached and the punishment is not successful, it is not available. Therefore, it is necessary to order the text and the qi to take the force. Sun Tzu clearly put forward the principle of "ordering the army to be written and qi to be armed," that is, to manage the army with leniency and severity, and to distinguish between rewards and punishments. "Huangshi GongsanLuo · Yun: "The army takes rewards as a table, and punishment as a reward." Rewards and punishments are clear, and the military will act. Song Shizimei's Seven Books Lecture Notes explains: "Those who reward those who use rewards, what people want; those who use punishment, people have no choice." Therefore, the army takes reward as a watch, so it is shown to the outside; it is punished as the inside, so it is forbearing and hidden inside. If it is shown to the outside, it can make people admire; if it is hidden inside, it will make people ashamed and not guilty. Rewarding people with obedience and punishing them with tree prestige are two complementary means of governing the army. There can be no rewards in the army, "the army has no rewards, and the soldiers do not go", "Under the heavy rewards, there will be brave men". There can be no punishment in the army, and without punishment, military discipline will be scattered, and the orders will be unclear. With rewards and punishments, with rewards and punishments, it must also be used correctly, "faith rewards must be punished", when rewards are rewarded, when punishments are punished, there is no selfishness. Sima Fa · The Righteousness of the Son of Heaven emphasizes that rewards and punishments are timely, "rewards are not overdue", and "punishments are not suitable". The Liutao advocates "killing the noble and rewarding the noble and the small", "Killing one person and the three armies shaking, killing; rewarding one person and pleasing the ten thousand people, rewarding it". Throughout the ages, wise generals and commanders have ruled the army in battle, and they have insisted that rewards and punishments must be believed. Wu Qi, who was appointed as the keeper of the West River, pointed to a rut outside the north gate and said to the soldier, "Whoever can move this rut outside the south gate will give him a field house." At first, people thought it was a joke and didn't care, but when someone really moved the rut to the south gate, Wu Qi immediately rewarded Tian Zhao. The whole army felt that Wu Qi was not joking, so they started a battle and everyone rushed to make meritorious contributions. Reward and punishment is also an important lever in the personnel management of enterprises. Giving salary increases, promotions and other various rewards to employees who work hard, are highly skilled, and have outstanding achievements, and give salaries reductions, demotions, and other sanctions at all levels to employees who have committed serious negligence and incompetence can play a role in rewarding diligence and punishing laziness, promoting all employees to work angrily, and making more contributions to enterprises. The key to whether this role can be brought into full play lies in whether we can fairly carry out rewards and punishments with reference to the principle of the art of war of "Clearly Distinguishing Rewards and Punishments." The American scholar Lawrence M. In his book American Entrepreneurial Spirit: Eight Principles for the Future of Business, Miller says, "Our company and organizations are enforcing justice. Justice does not belong only to the courts, justice is based on the two pillars of "reward" and "punishment". Justice emerges when the implementation of rewards and punishments is related to actual results and measured in a culturally appropriate way. ...... In our society, companies can perform more impartially than other institutions. Whether a company can distribute the reward to the right people, and distribute it by the right measure, can determine whether the company can be fair, and from a larger perspective, it can also determine whether our society is just. Therefore, it is important for companies to implement rewards and penalties in the most corporate way. Just as we want to induce acceptable behavior through justice in society, we also want to induce the behavior needed through justice in the company. Employees should be rewarded for whether their work is fast, beautiful enough, or more creative. Employees' salaries should not only increase with the increase of service experience, and regardless of whether the results are gradually passing through the ages, wise generals and commanders in battle, insist that rewards and punishments must be believed. Wu Qi, who was appointed as the keeper of the West River, pointed to a rut outside the north gate and said to the soldier, "Whoever can move this rut outside the south gate will give him a field house." At first, people thought it was a joke and didn't care, but when someone really moved the rut to the south gate, Wu Qi immediately rewarded Tian Zhao. The whole army felt that Wu Qi was not joking, so they started a battle and everyone rushed to make meritorious contributions. Reward and punishment is also an important lever in the personnel management of enterprises. Giving salary increases, promotions and other various rewards to employees who work hard, are highly skilled, and have outstanding achievements, and give salaries reductions, demotions, and other sanctions at all levels to employees who have committed serious negligence and incompetence can play a role in rewarding diligence and punishing laziness, promoting all employees to work angrily, and making more contributions to enterprises. The key to whether this role can be brought into full play lies in whether we can fairly carry out rewards and punishments with reference to the principle of the art of war of "Clearly Distinguishing Rewards and Punishments." The American scholar Lawrence M. In his book American Entrepreneurial Spirit: Eight Principles for the Future of Business, Miller says, "Our company and organizations are enforcing justice. Justice does not belong only to the courts, justice is based on the two pillars of "reward" and "punishment". Justice emerges when the implementation of rewards and punishments is related to actual results and measured in a culturally appropriate way. ...... In our society, companies can perform more impartially than other institutions. Whether a company can distribute the reward to the right people, and distribute it by the right measure, can determine whether the company can be fair, and from a larger perspective, it can also determine whether our society is just. Therefore, it is important for companies to implement rewards and penalties in the most corporate way. Just as we want to induce acceptable behavior through justice in society, we also want to induce the behavior needed through justice in the company. Employees should be rewarded for whether their work is fast, beautiful enough, or more creative. Employees' salaries should not only increase with the increase of length of service, regardless of whether the results are gradually this reward is only effective for a short period of time. Appreciation, on the other hand, is likely to be the most feasible and effective of the current incentives. It's a reward that gets the most attention and cravings every day. According to a survey of thousands of U.S. managers, 49 percent believe that appreciating their work is the biggest reward for them. Entrepreneurs should not only know people well, but also be good at managing people, so that employees can get what they want, always maintain a high enthusiasm for work, and maximize their own wisdom and talents for the enterprise. Reward and punishment is an important means for managers, rewards and punishments are clearly distinguished is an important condition for managing people well, entrepreneurs must carefully ponder, absorb and integrate them into the personnel management of enterprises, and improve the way of employing enterprises.

Lecture 5 of the World Sun Tzu Art of War Study Society's Leadership Development Center: Planning is in People, Accomplishing Things in People

Be a big deal

The Art of War of Sun Tzu The Book of The First Verse says, "The Taoist, who makes the people agree with the Lord, can therefore die with it, and may live with it, without fear of danger." The importance of communication between the top and the bottom was emphasized. Can "General Aspiration" be transplanted into corporate culture? The answer is yes. In fact, quite a few companies are already doing this. Traditional management methods – leaders make decisions, employees execute – have been abandoned by more and more companies. The success of the future enterprise depends on whether it can gather ideas and whether it can motivate employees and managers to engage in creative thinking together. Lawrence P. In his book American Entrepreneurial Spirit, Miller writes, "The world is slowly turning to consensus decision-making. In the past, national leaders enjoyed the freedom to command. Today, national leaders are under pressure that the global community demands that there be consensus in any decision-making, and that consensus-building is a process of interaction between people that leads to a course of action. It is the product of frank discussions between the parties, which will be implemented as their own decisions. The process of consensus-building involves someone responsible for executing the decisions made, and that person executes the decisions as if they were their own. Today, some large companies in the United States have successively "bravely and courageously" adopted a consensus decision-making method to concentrate the knowledge, experience and wisdom of all employees. As the development of productive forces is more and more dependent on science and technology, the complexity of labor in various positions of enterprises is getting higher and higher, and employees engaged in complex work do not like to be commanded, but can only be induced. Because such employees have a certain amount of knowledge and technology, they have more opportunities to choose their careers, and this enterprise makes him dissatisfied and can choose another tree. For companies to attract them, it is not enough to increase their salaries, they must have a working environment that can make them feel personally satisfied. One of the most important environmental factors in this kind of working environment that can attract talents is to "focus on the public", implement consensus decision-making, and create a corporate culture with participatory characteristics. One well-known way is to promote financial participation through profit-sharing or ownership-sharing programs. For example, thousands of employees of Sainsbury, a well-known food retail joint store in the UK, have participated in a scheme to become shareholders in the company, which profits from the company by more than 2. The 5% portion withdrew 15% as a fund, and the total amount more than tripled in four years. The UK's most profitable commercial retail company, MaShi, has 35,000 employees who own shares of the company. Employee stock ownership not only enhances the sense of participation, but also helps the company avoid annexation in the fierce market competition. At the same time, converting employee bonuses into stocks can retain the cash needed for operations, thereby reducing the need for on-demand borrowing. And the most important thing is that the vast majority of employees really care about the company's financial situation. Attracting employees to actively participate in corporate affairs outside of their own work is also a way to promote participation in activities. For example, some departments of the United Lyons Brewing Company in the United Kingdom actively guide workers of all types of work to participate in activities to win new customers. When walkers are promoting products because of the participation of ordinary workers, delivery workers, brewers, and many different types of white-collar workers go together. The HR supervisor explains how he can advise the customer on labor relations and staffing, the salesperson talks about how they get the order, and the maintenance worker explains that they help the customer get the best benefit from the money for repairs and deferred payments. Each of them knows that it makes sense for them to win customers in the club. Titri M. Walker's director of free trade sales, Roger M. "We want more employees to meet directly with customers, rather than just handing it over to a salesman with a trendy little car," Parker said. We want customers to meet with delivery workers so that they know that beer can be delivered on time; we want them to meet with technical service personnel so that if something goes wrong with the equipment in their cellar, they can fix it for them. Employees' participation in corporate affairs other than their own work can not only enhance their understanding of the importance of their own work, but also have a better understanding of the reality of business operations, thereby strengthening their sense of pride and responsibility as part of the company. The introduction of formal or informal employee participation schemes is the third commonly used approach. For example, a few years ago, Standard Telephone and Telegraph in the United Kingdom piloted a staff engagement program at its Treforest plant. The plant in South Wales, with six hundred employees, produced telephones. Trade union representatives and managers jointly identified five issues that needed to be improved: the reintroduction of the system of recommendations, the improvement of health and safety conditions, the restructuring of maintenance systems, the restoration of inspection departments and energy conservation. Due to the participation of employees, the contribution of ideas and suggestions, and the collective wisdom and efforts, remarkable results have been achieved rapidly. The benefits from cost-saving measures soared to four times previous levels, and accidents were reduced by 75%. There has been great progress in the work of both the inspection department and the energy protection department, and new repair equipment has been installed without stopping production or reducing production. Employees began to deal with and solve the problem of absenteeism on their own. Standard Telephone and Telegraph also implemented a plan of extensive consultation to address a number of special issues. For example, in order to implement a new pension plan, the company dispatched six cars to send the staff of the personnel department to the grass-roots level to solicit the opinions of each employee on the new plan. The employees put forward many good opinions, such as the new plan's improper provisions on family pensions and unfair treatment of part-time workers. The revised plan absorbs the reasonable opinions of the staff and workers, and after the promulgation, all parties are relatively satisfied. The participation of employees and workers enables both labor and management to frankly face some of the more difficult problems and calmly explore more reasonable solutions for each other, which can not only save the production and operation activities of enterprises from major shocks, but also prevent the interests of employees from being seriously damaged. In enterprises where staff and workers participate in activities, the enthusiasm of the staff and workers in their work has generally been greatly enhanced. In Glasgow, a new shop owned by MFI Furniture is scheduled to open on the first day of Christmas. Unfortunately, there was a natural disaster during Christmas, and flooding the site was inundated. Because of the company's employee involvement, just when the company's head was anxious like ants on a hot pot, despite the heavy snow that day, there were more than 100 company employees, including managers, electricians, cleaners, warehouse managers, etc., who came from London and Manchester. Too many people came to arrange enough work and had to mobilize some people to go back. On another occasion, heavy snow caused the roof of a branch of MFI Furniture Company to collapse in Wilshire. The home construction contractor estimated that it would take four weeks to renovate the store, and the company's volunteers braved the wind and snow, worked hard, and completed the renovation task in just four days. A new Sainsbury store opened 20 minutes before the entire stall suddenly collapsed. The whole store staff went all out to clean up all the stalls that had collapsed, and set up a new stall with empty boxes, and the store opened on time. This improvised stall poured out the staff's affection for the store, and was unanimously favored by the whole store, and has since become a formal part of the store layout. It is worth noting that in the above examples, there is no additional reward for employees who perform well. But the enthusiasm of the workers is still high, and they are actively working on the chart of not a few bonuses. As a result of participation, employees have regarded the affairs of the enterprise as their own affairs, the interests of the enterprise have been integrated with the personal interests of the employees, and the personal goals of the employees have reached a high degree of consistency with the goals of the enterprise. It can be seen that the participation of employees is the process of "communicating" between enterprises and employees. Through participation, to achieve "common will", create consensus, and create a corporate culture that meets the needs of market competition, which is the ultimate shortcut for modern enterprises to prosper.

Lecture 5 of the World Sun Tzu Art of War Study Society's Leadership Development Center: Planning is in People, Accomplishing Things in People

You are in the people and in the people

Sun Tzu's Art of War points out that the decisive factor in winning a war is people. "Yu Miko " Cloud: "The sky is not as good as the location, and the location is not as good as the people." The saints are precious, and the people are for themselves. It is believed that the weather is not as good as the geographical conditions, the geographical conditions are not as good as the unity of the people, and what the saints cherish is nothing more than the role of man. For the generals, it is important to grasp the favorable weather and geographical conditions, but the most fundamental thing is that the troops are united from top to bottom. Unity of purpose is the fundamental guarantee for defeating the enemy. "You are valuable in people" should also become the core content of corporate culture. Corporate culture is based on certain values as the main purpose, all employees follow together, and widely penetrate into the daily activities of the enterprise, forming a unique way of behavior that people consciously abide by and are full of pride. In enterprise management, no control or too strict control is not conducive to achieving the goals of the enterprise, and it is not conducive to the long-term development of the enterprise. Moreover, even the strictest management system is not enough to cover the daily activities of enterprises and the daily behavior of employees. Therefore, it is inevitable that a code of conduct that can not only mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, boost morale, but also replace the uncontrolled or overly strict control, that is, the emergence of corporate culture. Obviously, in the corporate culture, "you are valuable in people" must be included. In the corporate culture of some famous japanese companies, "you are noble and people" is very clearly reflected. For example, Panasonic Electric Corporation was the first company in Japan to have a company song and value code. Panasonic recognizes that an employee's lifelong experience in a company is bound to shape his personality. In his view, work occupies at least half of people's waking time, and it is inconceivable to ignore its importance. Therefore, the company has an unshirkable responsibility to help employees establish "noble people" and other related values and codes of conduct, to be the nurturer and developer of employees' personality, so as to combine the company, society and individuals. The credo of Panasonic employees is: Progress and development can only be achieved through the cooperation and cooperation of every member of the company. Each of us should keep this saying in mind as we strive to continuously improve the work of the company. The company's seven spiritual values are: industry to serve the country, bright and upright, unity, struggle upwards, polite and humble, adapt to the situation, gratitude and morality. Obviously, in the employee's mailbox and the company's values, "you are in the people" is very prominent. A senior executive at the company said, "It may seem foolish to Westerners, but every morning at 8 o'clock, 87,000 people across Japan recite this code of values and sing company songs together as if we were all one." The company continuously instills these values in its employees. Employees are in his group for at least two months to talk for ten minutes about the values of the company and its relationship to society. To convince people, you have to convince yourself first. Panasonic has long used this "self-education method". Every employee often hears the company's founder, Konosuke Matsushita, say, "If you make an honest mistake, the company will forgive you and use it as a training fee to learn from it." However, if you leave the basic principles of the company, you will be severely criticized. At Hitachi Manufacturing, "Noble in The People" is infused with the "Hitachi Spirit" as the essence of Confucian culture, that is, "harmony, sincerity and pioneer spirit". Here, as the traditional idea of "noble in the people" and "honesty" and "honesty" harmoniously combined with the modern slogan "pioneer spirit". The Hitachi spirit has played a crucial role in the rapid development of Hitachi Manufacturing. Integrating "valuable people" into corporate culture will become a great cohesion to unite employees. Once "you are valuable in people" becomes the code of conduct for employees, the contradictions and conflicts between people will be minimized. The internal friction is reduced, and the wheel of the enterprise will move faster. Diomon Textile Products Company in the United States is a small factory with only more than 300 employees, specializing in the production of egg packaging boxes. In the fierce market competition, if you are not careful, you will suffer a disaster. The company made a detailed account to the employees, so that everyone realized that if they did not work together, the company could collapse at any time, and they would become unemployed. As a result, employees set up a "100-person club" to implement self-management. The 100-person club exercises its authority on behalf of all employees, coordinates labor relations, records the performance of each employee, and awards bonuses and prizes to employees with high attendance, safe production and achievements. As a result of the concerted efforts to carry forward the spirit of "precious people and people", the 100-person club was established for one year, and the productivity increased3. 4%, interpersonal conflicts were reduced by 73%, accidents were also reduced, and the company saved a total of $1.6 million, saving an average of more than $50,000 per employee a year. "You are in the people" is originally a traditional Chinese culture, but in some Chinese enterprises, it can not be well reflected. In these enterprises, interpersonal relations are tense, internal consumption is serious, and people's energy is wasted in unnecessary disputes, and the benefits of enterprises can naturally be imagined. If it can't be changed in time, in the long run, the only destination is to be eliminated. On the contrary, Western culture was originally based on the individual, emphasizing personal struggle and risk-taking, but in the fierce market competition, more and more enterprises began to realize the importance of the unity of employees within the enterprise, and the synergy was greater than the sum of individual forces. Therefore, they continue to inject "team spirit" into corporate culture and pursue "group effect", which coincides with the "precious people" of traditional Chinese culture. In contrast, why not make the descendants of Yan Huang feel a lot of emotions?

Lecture 5 of the World Sun Tzu Art of War Study Society's Leadership Development Center: Planning is in People, Accomplishing Things in People

Impartiality and rigour

"Yu Miko " Yun: "All the generals, the rulers, and the Lord of all things, are not selfish to one person." The husband can be selfless in one person, so all things are controlled by them, and all things are destined. He believes that a general, like a judge, must be upright and impartial, and not be selfish to any one person, so that he can properly and reasonably adjudicate and decide all kinds of things. For entrepreneurs, integrity and fairness are also good qualities that must be possessed. Every leader needs followers. Following is a sign of confidence in a leader and an act of trust. But this confidence arises only when the leader himself is upright and just. Today, entrepreneurs as the leader of an enterprise, if there is a lack of integrity and justice, subordinates will not blindly follow, the realization of corporate goals has become a moon in the water, a flower in the mirror. A survey conducted by the American Institute of Management (AMA) found that the three qualities that entrepreneurs value most by employees are integrity, leadership, and talent. Integrity is the most admired by employees among these three qualities. An entrepreneur must strive to cultivate an upright and just character, just and strict, otherwise, his business cannot flourish and will soon be eliminated in the fierce market competition. An honest and impartial entrepreneur must match his words with his deeds. If you say one thing and do another, this dishonesty has nothing to do with integrity and justice. Some entrepreneurs are accustomed to using their mouths to motivate and manage employees, asking employees to do this and that, thinking that as long as they use their mouths to say something to cheer up, employees will do as he says. The era of this "mouth-moving management method" has long passed. Today's enterprise employees, with the improvement of labor complexity, cultural quality and thinking ability have made great progress compared with before, will not just listen to a few beautiful words to boil blood, forget about work. They also have to look at it to see if the high-profile entrepreneurs are doing what they say and do. If employees are asked to be themselves but cannot do so, in this way, "high profile" not only can not motivate people, but on the contrary, it will cause employees to resent, and even be used as a laughing stock. And if employees are required to do it and take the lead in doing it themselves, then, by example, there will be an immeasurable knock-on effect. It is because the british United Biscuits Company believes that the company is indeed upright and trustworthy, that it has been able to tide over the difficulties several times and has rapidly developed into a well-known multinational enterprise with more than 40,000 employees today. Entrepreneurs should treat not only their employees with integrity and fairness, but also with integrity and fairness toward customers. Treating customers with integrity and justice means doing business honestly, trading fairly, not sensationalizing, and not harming the interests of consumers. In the 1960s, many shops in the UK were popular for buying coupons, taking advantage of people's desire to get something without or less money, expanding their sales pitch and doing more business. Sainsbury, on the other hand, insisted on not engaging in purchase coupons. Lord Sainsbury, Chairman of the Board, said: "Our image is of quality, fair price and cleanliness, not of any lottery tickets, coupons and music, of prices that are difficult for you to estimate due to insignificant discounts, and of windows plastered with advertisements that make it impossible for you to see what is inside. Our shops are clean, tidy and hygienic -- not fancy entertainment bazaars. The deceptive trick of using the purchase coupon Zaire's inferior goods will eventually be recognized by consumers, and with the subsidence of this unhealthy business trend, Sainsbury's honest business style has been appreciated by the majority of customers, with higher credibility and better business. The British company Beyam learned from the success of Sainsbury Company that it treats customers with integrity and fairness in trading. One of the actions they have learned to put into practice is to wrap all goods marked with the company's brand in transparent paper. The company manager said: "Most manufacturers always pack goods into boxes and put fancy pictures on the outside. As a result, customers are disappointed as soon as they open the box. For example, the picture shows silver fillet strips or minced meat pies, but the actual color is far from the same. What we show our customers is an uncooked pastry. This is business-wise. Our sausage coupons are packaged in clear paper and sell more than those in boxes because housewives can see the size and shape of things. The company now has more than 200 frozen food centres in the UK, employing more than 5,000 people, and is directly related to their honest business and honesty in treating customers with integrity and justice. The integrity and impartiality of entrepreneurs should also be reflected in the attitude towards suppliers. Many entrepreneurs are accustomed to repeated bargaining with suppliers, thereby lowering the purchase price and maintaining the high profits of the enterprise. They overlook this: the supplier's investment should also be profitable. Although their approach may bring immediate benefits, it is difficult to establish long-term supply relationships with suppliers, which is detrimental to the enterprise in the long run. Bayam's approach is wise, they treat suppliers with courtesy, thoughtfulness, and timely payment. And when the current supplier does not seem to be able to adapt to the company's plans for future prices, the company informs him in advance so that he can improve production, reduce costs or find another customer. The company manager said: "As a buyer, we are more attractive than most other companies because we also try to take into account the needs of the suppliers." The company also often cooperates with existing suppliers to develop new products. For example, it has worked with Bowers to create a series of baked foods that customers only need to thaw and bake to eat, which is very popular with consumers. In general, Beyam allows suppliers to sell the remaining new products under other trademarks after they have been fully supplied in their stores. They believe that rather than having others in the market copy this and supplying it to other retailers, it is better to let their suppliers get this benefit. Treating suppliers with integrity and fairness will inevitably gain the trust and cooperation of suppliers and create good external conditions for the stable development of enterprises. The integrity and justice of entrepreneurs should also be reflected in the attitude towards the public. Being socially responsible is a fundamental part of a corporate image. Wise entrepreneurs understand the importance of combining their brand name with socially responsible and caring behaviors. They will never ignore the strong moral sentiments of the public and put the brand of a well-known company at risk. The shoes produced by clark in the United Kingdom are marketed worldwide and have a reputation. A few years ago, conservationist groups asked the company to make a commitment not to use processed leather with sperm whale oil. The company initially replied that it had no control over the supplier. Conservationists have exerted more pressure, even threatening to organize actions to suppress the company's shoes. At this time, Chairman Daniel M. Clark issued an announcement stating that the company is now implementing a policy of buying only leather that is not processed from whale oil, and will also invest in expensive spectral analysis and testing equipment to check whether suppliers comply with the new regulations. Some suppliers objected, but because Clark was a big patron, most of them quickly agreed. Six months later, Clark announced that at least 98 percent of the leather it bought was processed without whale oil. This practice enables the company to avoid the notoriety of destroying rare animals and destroying natural resources, and protects the reputation and image that the company has built up in the public. Moreover, because companies treat the public's moral sensibilities fairly and take a socially responsible approach, their reputation is actually higher than before. To establish an upright and just personality, entrepreneurs must have lofty beliefs and goals. Lawrence P. In his book American Entrepreneurial Spirit, Miller says, "In my own personal experience, as well as many others, millers have found that managers who encourage dedication have a lofty goal that is sometimes a little mysterious, perhaps a spiritual goal. They believe in a set of truths that override them. This belief may be God or religion, but it is always a supreme force or truth. It is precisely because they hold fast to this belief and have a sense of mission to carry it forward that they will feel safe in their hearts and thus show integrity. Their beliefs give their lives a special meaning, which is the key to their leadership skills. They know that it's not just about making plans for themselves, and that sacrificing for such small goals isn't worth it. They are planning for their own beliefs and missions, and it is worth sacrificing for such a big goal. Employees, although they don't say it, react to this spiritual meaning. Employees will be inspired to have their own meaning in life. In other words, this lofty belief and goal is not only the profit and development of the enterprise, but also the due contribution to the country, society and the nation. It is this lofty belief and goal that is the source of the integrity and impartial personality strength of entrepreneurs.

Lecture 5 of the World Sun Tzu Art of War Study Society's Leadership Development Center: Planning is in People, Accomplishing Things in People

Received advice

In war, generals should be just and strict, and they should also be advised by words, and the "Art of War" of Sun Tzu pointed out that generals should be honest and selfless, calm and calm, handle things fairly, strictly rectify military discipline, and accept the opinions of subordinates. They can judge right from wrong, they can accept talented people, they can listen to the reactions of all sides, they can know the customs and customs of the enemy country, they can grasp the situation of mountains and rivers, they can clearly detect dangers and obstacles to fortresses, and they can control the situation of the army. Here we focus on listening to the reactions of all parties and humbly accepting the opinions of subordinates. The correct decision-making of entrepreneurs comes from the systematic, thorough and in-depth discussion and understanding of the internal and external environment of the enterprise. This requires entrepreneurs to rely on the employees of the enterprise and listen to the positive and negative opinions. Good judgment must be based on resourcefulness, and only good judgment can be made by being resourceful. The knowledge, experience and ability of individuals are always limited, and only by drawing on public opinion can decision-making be continuously improved to ensure that they are correct and feasible. The ancients said: "Listening to both is bright, partial listening is dark", humbly listening to the different opinions and even criticisms of subordinates, can prompt entrepreneurs to think about the decisions that have been decided from different angles, weigh the pros and cons, and correct mistakes to play the best effect. Toshio Toshio Toshio, a titan in the Japanese business world, is an entrepreneur who is good at "taking words and receiving advice". Whoever puts forward opinions and suggestions that are beneficial to the enterprise, he will adopt them and put them into practice. One of the section chiefs suggested that in order to carry forward the company's tradition of technology-centricity, the technical research institute should be strengthened. Tuguang immediately adopted, hired excellent university professors to preside over the technical research institute, and entrusted the Japan Productivity Association to recruit technicians, and also assigned competent personnel to set up production efficiency investigation classes, and went to each work site to do investigation and research and analysis work, on the basis of which the production management methods have been improved. Subsequently, the production efficiency investigation class was expanded and reorganized into a production rationalization committee, which often held review meetings in combination with specific problems in production to study and propose specific solutions to the problems. Through a series of "rationalization" measures, Tuguang eliminated the unprofitable production department in the company and proposed a plan to diversify its business, which led to the nickname of "Mr. Rationalization". American Eastman The founder of Kodak Company, the famous inventor George W. Eastman believes that the success or failure of a company has a lot to do with whether employees can provide constructive advice. Since 1898, he has institutionalized the "acceptance of advice" and created a system of rewards for suggestions in the company. So far, the company's employees have put forward nearly 2 million suggestions, of which 700,000 have been adopted. The bonuses that company employees receive for making recommendations exceed $1.5 million per year. These recommendations have played a significant role in reducing production costs, improving product quality, improving manufacturing methods and ensuring safe production. The company believes that even if the employee's suggestion is not adopted, it can achieve two purposes; one is that the manager can understand what the employee is thinking, and the other is that the employee will feel psychologically satisfied when he learns that his suggestion is valued, thereby enhancing the centripetal force of the company and stimulating the enthusiasm and responsibility of the work. Each department of the company has a recommendation office, a full-time secretary to deal with the employee's suggestions in a timely manner, reasonably determine the amount of bonuses to be adopted, and patiently explain the reasons to the suggestions that are not adopted, and regularly announce the implementation of the recommendation system. For each new employee, the company will issue a booklet on the proposal system and incentives, so that they can quickly become familiar with the content of the proposal system. Whoever wants to make a suggestion can get the form at hand, fill it out and put it into the company's mailbox, or drop it into a specially set up proposal collection box. If the employee does not wish to disclose his or her name, he or she may use anonymity and then contact the Office of Suggestions using the number on the proposal form to check whether the recommendation for that number has been accepted. The Office of Recommendations will form the adopted recommendations, which are regularly published in the company-sponsored newspapers or posted on bulletin boards. Kodak's proposed reward system, because of its outstanding results, has been imitated by many companies in the United States. Japan's Panasonic Electric Company dares to pay great attention to listening to the opinions of employees, and each employee makes dozens of suggestions on average every year. The company grades these proposals according to their value and awards bonuses. Excellent suggestions are praised by the company, and various praises such as awards from the general manager and honors from the product department can be received. Panasonic also counts the quantity and quality of employee recommendations by the product department as the best measure of employee morale. Behavioral science studies have shown that only 60% of a person's work performance under the inducement of remuneration and social pressure can exert the person's ability to work, and the remaining 40% depends on the leader's use of the command function to stimulate it. The so-called dominion is not based on privilege, power given by institutions, or external situations, but on common goals. The function of domination is the source of maintaining the vitality of the organization. As an entrepreneur, in order to unite all employees of the enterprise to march in unison towards the goals of the enterprise, it is necessary to have the ability to control. And to rule, it must be in accordance with the will of the people. It is human nature to like to be respected, not to be manipulated and suppressed. Listening to opinions from many parties, accepting criticism with an open mind, and "accepting words and receiving advice" is exactly in line with the nature of employees. To rule, it is also necessary to apply staff work. Entrepreneurs command production and business activities like generals leading soldiers to fight, and the staff work in advance is very important. To do a good job in the staff work, it is not only the relevant functional departments and a small number of think tanks can solve, modern enterprise activities are becoming more and more complex, market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, only by fully mobilizing the wisdom and experience of all employees can it be effective. In this sense, it is also extremely necessary for many parties to listen to opinions, accept criticism with an open mind, and "accept words and receive advice." In order to "accept words and receive advice," entrepreneurs should have a magnificent temperament, a style of waiting for people, and a heart that attaches great importance to the interests of enterprises. Some entrepreneurs regard themselves as superior to others, cannot listen to the different opinions of their subordinates, and when the opinions of subordinates do not show their temper, they sink their faces, their liver fire rises, and they will look for opportunities to vent or even retaliate and then strike quickly. Their actions are only quick for a while, but they harm the interests of the enterprise. Just think, such an entrepreneur, in addition to causing the situation of enterprise regression, making employees discouraged and lazy, being a monk for a day and hitting the clock for a day, what better result can there be? In the end, it is the entrepreneurs themselves who are unlucky.

Lecture 5 of the World Sun Tzu Art of War Study Society's Leadership Development Center: Planning is in People, Accomplishing Things in People

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