
Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

author:Small reception at the Prancing Horse Tavern

Hello everyone, today I intend to interpret an animated movie from a different perspective, Disney's "Ocean's Edge" launched in 2016. The film inherits the consistent production standards of Disney Animation Studios, both the visual effects and the character portrayal are impeccable, the soundtrack and the iconic song and dance scenes of Disney movies are also perfect (who would have thought that the "Boulder" Johnson song can be sung so well), and it seems that the whole movie is a perfectly crafted work of art.

Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > really, so perfect? </h1>

The film tells a Polynesian legend in which Moana, a Pacific Islander girl, despite her patriarchal father's obstruction, insists on venturing out into the sea to return the "Heart of Tafeti" stolen by the demigod Maui to the goddess; before that, she needs to find the demigod Maui and ask for his help (to be precise, to make him pay off the debt, after all, it was all made by Maui). However, Maui claims that he has lost his fish hook and is unable to use his powers, so the two have to go to the monster kingdom of "Lalotai" to find his fish hook...

Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

According to Maui, no human can enter there, but we see in the film that Moana not only easily entered the "Larotai", but also defeated the crab monster "Tamatoa", snatching Maui's "fish hook" from its hands and retreating. So that's the question we're going to talk about today, why does the ordinary person Moana have the ability to enter the "La Rotai"?

Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

In fact, at the beginning of the movie, the reason why ocean "chose" Moana has not been clear, and she has been associated with the ocean when she was a baby (giving her the most important "heart of Tafiti").

Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

Just because she saved a baby turtle? Many people will do this when they encounter this kind of thing, but why did the ocean choose Moana?

Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

So I speculate (just to speculate) that Moana may be a Demi God like Maui.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > Maui's tattoo</h1>

Ocean's Edge is a collection of Pan-Polynesian cultures, showing us the unique lifestyles and cultural traditions of Pacific Islanders. The tattoo of the demigod Maui is one of the embodiments of this culture (some people say that Maui's tattoo is based on the tattoo of "Megalith" Johnson, but it is not), and each tattoo on his body has a story, a legend that belongs to the Taiping-like islanders.

"Polynesian" is a collective term for the Taipingan Islander race, which includes Maori, Samoan, Tongan, Tuvaluan, Hawaiian, Tahitian and so on.

Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

These legends are also reflected in Maui's song, "You are welcome." For example, "In the cold night, steal the fire from the ground for you", tells the story of Maui using a trick to steal the fire from the fire god Mahuika.

Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

"I put a rope around the sun so that you can have a happy day," tells maui who wrapped his ancestor's jawbone around the sun and forced it to slow down so that the people could enjoy the sun for longer (the fish hook is used in the film).

Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

One of the most important of these stories he sang, "I killed the moray eel, buried its entrails, and brought the sweet coconut tree to the people," tells the famous story of "Xena and the Eel."

Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > "Xena and Eel"</h1>

Sina (also written "Hina") is one of the important deities of Polynesian legend, but the story takes place when she was an ordinary Tongan girl. One day she was entangled in a huge moray eel while she was bathing, and the kind Xena took it home and raised it. The moray eel is actually transformed by the king of Tonga, Ai Kanaka, because he admired Xena's beauty, and deliberately changed into a moray eel shape close to the "goddess". Soon the two developed feelings in the process of getting along, they lived a small life together, and gave birth to a baby, which was later the demigod Maui.

Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

However, the witch doctor who turned Aikanaka into a moray eel deliberately caused him to be bad, and it was not long before he could not turn back into a human being and was imprisoned in the body of the moray eel forever. This situation gradually made Aikanakha crazy, he could not even recognize his son, several times planned to eat the eye of Maui, Xena had no choice but to send Maui who was still swaddled away.

Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

More than a decade later, Aikanaka, which had completely turned into a large eel, became a nightmare in that sea, and countless tribesmen were swallowed up by it. At this time, Maui, who had just come of age, stood up and decapitated the head of the moray eel. A sad Xena buried her lover's head in the middle of the island, after which a strange tree grew on the ground, with a trunk as smooth as the body of a moray eel, but countless green fruits on the top, which were later spread all over the island. From then on, as long as Xena sucked the juice of the coconut, it was like kissing her former lover.

Until now, Polynesians believed that coconuts were the heads of moray eels, and the three small holes in the brown shell after peeling off represented the eyes and mouth of moray eels.

Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > Moana</h1>

But what does this legend have to do with Moana? Coincidentally, Moana's mother also happens to be called Xena, in other words, I think our protagonist Moana is the daughter of the goddess Xena. Yes, she was not only a demigod, but also Maui's sister.

Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

Of course, it is more arbitrary to make such a speculation based on a name, but a production company like Disney will never casually name a character. For example, Moana means "ocean" in Maori; her father, Tu'i, means "chief" in Polynesian; and even Tala's name has a special meaning, representing starlight in Polynesian (remember the old lady using stars to guide Moana).

Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

So should Moana's mother, Xena, also have a special meaning?

If that's not enough, let's look at Xena's behavior. It is mentioned in the film that Moana's Motunui tribe was also a people who loved to travel far away earlier, and the reason why they were reluctant to go to sea was mainly due to the obstruction of ancestral training and generations of chiefs; but the strange thing is that Xena did not align with her husband, she did not seem to oppose her daughter going to sea, and even helped her daughter pack on the night of Moana's escape.

Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

Is this a normal reaction from an average mother? If she is the goddess Xena, her eldest son broke into a catastrophe and caused the ocean to become decayed, and saw the younger daughter bravely stand up to save cangsheng, this reaction is not much more reasonable.

This may also explain why the ocean "chose" the young Moana from the beginning and brought her back again and again when Maui threw her off the sea once and again;

Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

This is why Moana can jump into the monster kingdom unscathed, and at the end of the film, the sea can be asked to be split in two, so that she can put the "Heart of Tafee" back on the goddess's chest (this is symbolic like the "Moses Dividing the Sea").

Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

The above is the author's interpretation of "Ocean's Edge", or that sentence, these are irresponsible speculations, if you have different opinions, welcome to leave me a message, thanks for reading!

Disney Theory: Is Princess Moana's true identity really, so perfect? Maui's tattoo "Xena with Eel" Moana

#Original##Disney##海洋奇缘 #

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