
Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

author:Liu Baixi

On May 27, 1976, Chairman Mao forced his illness to complete his last reception of foreign guests, which was also the last foreign leader he received.

He was the then president of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.

During his tenure as president of Pakistan, Ali Bhutto maintained friendly diplomatic relations with various countries, enjoyed an international reputation, and was deeply loved by the people at home, he was full of ambition, he once wanted to build a harmonious democratic society, but because he took a wrong step, he finally died on the gallows, which made people sigh.

Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="13" > popular: the transition from lawyer to president</h1>

Born into an aristocratic family, Ali Bhutto received a good Western education from an early age, and grew up to study law at the University of California and the London Bar School.

Influenced by his father, Ali Bhutto was very politically enthusiastic in his youth, and often participated in various political demonstrations during his studies.

After returning to Pakistan from Britain in 1953, he worked as a lawyer for three or four years, and then won the favor of Pakistan's then-president Mirza, after which Ali Bhutto officially began his political career.

In October 1958, Ayyub Khan staged a coup d'état that ousted Mirza and exiled him, and Pakistan was ruled by Ayyub Khan's government.

Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

During the reign of Ayyub Khan, Bhutto was appreciated by Ayyub Khan for his remarkable political talents, successively serving as Minister of Commerce and Minister of Foreign Affairs, during which he issued statements and declarations on behalf of Pakistan on many occasions, supporting the position of the Kashmiri people to defend national dignity and have the right to self-determination.

However, when Bhutto accompanied Ayyub Khan to the United States and the Soviet Union in 1966 to sign the Tashkent Declaration with the Indian Prime Minister, Bhutto was very dissatisfied with the declaration's silence on the kashmiri people's right to self-determination, and there was a disagreement with Ayyub Khan.

Soon after returning to Pakistan, he became ill and resigned his post to return to his career as a lawyer.

Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

After coming to power, Ayyub Khan vigorously supported domestic and foreign policies such as land reform, the formulation of a constitution, and the implementation of a presidential system of government.

These policies played an absolute role in consolidating and supporting the government in the early years of Ayyub Khan's administration, but in the later period, the hidden shortcomings of the military government were gradually revealed.

Although the iron-blooded and high-pressure military regime can maintain the political situation relatively stable for a certain period of time, it has not fundamentally solved the problem of people's livelihood and economy.

At that time, Pakistan's agriculture was very backward, and it had to import about 1.5 million tons of grain every year to fill the stomachs of the people, while some families with military governments behind them could control the lifeblood of the country's economy, which in the long run seriously aroused the dissatisfaction of all classes.

Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

In 1967, at a time of outrage, Ali Bhutto once again stepped forward to form the People's Party, proposed a series of economic and political reform policies, and strongly demanded general elections.

The Ayyub Khan regime was seriously threatened by the BJP, and in November 1968 Ayyub Khan arrested Bhutto and imprisoned him for up to a year in an attempt to suppress the BJP movement.

But the move infuriated the populace even more, with massive demonstrations from all walks of life demanding the government's release of Bhutto, and the anti-Ayyub Khan regime intensified.

Eventually, under pressure, the military government released Bhutto in February 1969 and handed over power to Yahya Khan, then commander of the Pakistan Army, in March, who was forced to agree to a general election in the face of a vibrant democracy movement.

Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

At this time, because of his previous arrest, Bhutto's position in the hearts of the people was even higher, and people regarded him as the people's hero of this anti-regime, the core figure of the democracy movement, and more importantly, Bhutto put forward a series of policy proposals that conformed to the will of the people, which were loved by the people.

Bhutto was naturally elected Pakistan's new leader.

After coming to power, Bhutto actively developed and improved friendly relations with the United States, the Soviet Union, China and other countries, and resolved the Sino-Pakistani border issue with China, so that Pakistan's foreign policy could be revitalized.

However, at this time, Pakistan was still in turmoil, and before Bhutto came to power, Yahya Khan, who had just taken over the regime, sent troops to suppress the turbulent East Pakistan, and did not expect India to suddenly send troops.

Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

Pakistan was caught off guard, and Yahya Khan rushed to the United Nations for help, but with the exception of China's explicit support for Pakistan, all other countries were either on India's side or ambiguous and wavering.

Despite all his efforts, Bhutto was unsuccessful, and the Third Indo-Pakistani War ended with East Pakistan's independence from Pakistan as Bangladesh.

Until Bhutto came to the stage and took over the mess left behind.

In order to stabilize the situation, as soon as Bhutto came to power, he announced the unconditional release of the Leaders of East Pakistan detained by the previous government and actively negotiated with the Indian side.

Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > to turn the tide and save the country from fire and water</h1>

In June 1972, Bhutto and Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi held a week-long meeting in Shimla, and the other party had a strong personality and was known as the "Iron Lady".

In her eyes, Bhutto was nothing more than a defeated general who had just come to power and was not qualified to negotiate terms with himself, so Indira directly put forward various solutions from her own standpoint, demanding that Bhutto cede territory, return prisoners of war and solve the Kashmir problem in one fell swoop.

Bhutto felt powerless and humiliated by these arbitrary demands, he took over the power in the eyes of the people's expectations, and he came from thousands of miles with heavy responsibilities, Bhutto was a very principled man, he had dared to resolutely give up his bright political future in order to stick to his position, and how could he agree to such a demand for losing power and humiliating the country.

Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

So in the face of the aggressive Indira, Bhutto said directly: "Dear Madame, I would rather return to China and step down than sign this treaty." ”

However, Bhutto was a lawyer after all, and when the negotiations were almost broken, he was emotional and convincing, and finally Indira made concessions, agreed to withdraw from the Previously Occupied Pakistani Territory, return Pakistani prisoners of war, maintain the status quo in Kashmir, and sign the "Simla Agreement" with Pakistan.

Bhutto lived up to expectations, once again turned the tide, and in the weak position of the defeated countries, he best preserved his own interests and ended the state of war between India and Pakistan for many years.

Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

The external troubles are solved, and the next thing is the internal troubles.

Deeply influenced by Western democratic ideas, Bhutto was determined to build a democratized country, and in 1973, under his impetus, Pakistan adopted a new constitution, which reduced the authority of the president, implemented the prime ministerial system, and expanded the democratic power of citizens, which was also known as the "Bhutto Constitution".

At the same time, Bhutto began to make bold reforms to the domestic economy, saying: "If you are hungry, you cannot eat the constitution, if you do not have the money to buy medicine, you cannot take the constitution as medicine."

Bhutto saw the most basic economic problems of people's livelihood, and he learned the lessons of the fall of the military government.

Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

In order to meet the demands of the petty and middle bourgeoisie and peasants, he actively implemented the education of laborers and land reforms, which brought benefits to the peasants and other classes, won their support and love, and these measures also had a profound and positive impact on pakistan's social economy.

Bhutto believed that the main economic lifeline of Pakistan was controlled by 22 large capitalist families, which during the administration of Ayyub Khan, backed by the military government, seriously monopolized and exploited the interests of the people and hindered the development of the social, industrial and commercial economy.

Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

However, Bhutto encountered resistance on the road to nationalization of the new constitution.

These people are partly religious and military aspects, and the new constitution emphasizes democracy and attaches importance to the expansion of civil power, which greatly weakens the power positions of religion and the army.

Pakistan, on the other hand, has always been a religiously strong Islamic country, which has aroused their strong opposition, and the other part of the opposition is the big landlords, the big bourgeoisie and some rural entrepreneurs, for no other reason, Bhutto's economic reform policy, especially nationalization, has seriously moved the cheese of the capitalists.

These people began to tease Bhutto in various ways, causing Bhutto's regime to begin to become unstable, but Bhutto's determination to carry out reforms was very determined.

Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

In order to suppress his opponents, he used military force, but the situation was even more out of control, the country's economy entered a period of difficulty, and the people looked at Bhutto with a little panic and suspicion in their eyes.

This is not the situation that Bhutto wants to see, and the idea that Bhutto and the People's Party adhere to is that "all power belongs to the people", so he resolutely decided to hold a general election and put the choice in the hands of the people.

However, although Bhutto had many opponents, because of his outstanding political achievements and deep popularity, more people were willing to believe that he supported him.

As a result, Bhutto was successfully elected as Pakistan's new prime minister, much to the dismay of opponents who wanted to see him fall, who did not recognize the election results, accused Bhutto of fraud, and launched large-scale confrontations and riots everywhere, bringing the country's economic and social life to a standstill.

Bhutto, who became the new prime minister, was not worried about these problems, he realized the importance of military power from the previous turmoil, his real concern was in the military aspect, his regime was already unstable, and if someone launched a military coup, the consequences would be unbearable.

Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > a wrong move, losing all the games, and losing at the hands of his cronies</h1>

In order to better control the military, Bhutto overstepping the ranks and promoting a man.

This was Zia Hack, then commander of the Third Army, who had been promoted to the position of Chief of the General Staff of the Army.

However, Bhutowan did not expect that this act would send himself to the guillotine.

Bhutto was afraid of what was coming, and what he thought was "his own man"—Zia Hack was a wolf-wielding man who was plotting a military coup d'état to overthrow him.

Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

In the early morning of July 5, 1977, while Pakistan was still asleep, a mutiny began, with Zia Haq leading an army to capture important places such as streets, radios, airports, etc., and then surrounding Bhutto's prime minister's residence.

A policeman, unable to bear it, risked his life to quietly relay to Bhutto's guards, who rushed to wake up Bhutto, who was asleep, informed him of Zia's rebellion and advised him to escape.

Bhutto was silent for half a moment, unwilling to run away.

Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

A few hours later, rebels invaded, Bhutto was arrested, and the Pakistani regime fell into the hands of Zia Haq, who announced the repeal of Bhutto's new constitution and the re-introduction of a model of military rule over Pakistan.

Of course, Bhutto could not be retained, and the government of Zia Haq accused Bhutto of assassinating his political enemy, Ahmed Khan, and arresting Bhutto, which was naturally a false charge.

Bhutto vigorously retorted, and the court also resisted the pressure of the new regime to declare Bhutto innocent, and the people were very excited when they heard the news.

Just when they thought Bhutto would be able to return, Zia Haq could not sit still, because Bhutto could not live anyway, and he simply imprisoned Bhutto for endangering the military regime.

Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

The news of the coup d'état in Pakistan has also been closely watched by the entire international community, and Bhutto has always been highly respected and praised internationally.

Some countries that maintain friendly diplomatic relations with Pakistan have sent messages to the Pakistani military through international organizations to try to rescue Bhutto, and even Indira, the Iron Lady who used to be with Bhutto, has come out to support Bhutto.

Under such strong pressure of international public opinion, Zia Haq felt a powerful threat to Bhutto's regime and strengthened his determination to get rid of Bhutto.

On February 6, 1979, the Supreme People's Court of Pakistan voted 4:3 to hang Bhutto.

In the early morning of April 4, 1979, Bhutto in prison finally met his wife and daughter, he stood up, cut his clothes and hair, and under the guard of the jailer, he was tied behind his hands and together with a group of prisoners, he slowly walked out of the prison in silence and walked towards the end of his life.

Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

Bhutto looked at the hazy sky in the distance, which had not yet fully lit up, and let out a long sigh, and at the moment when the rope was put on his neck, he murmured in a low voice: I am an innocent person. ”

Bhutto fell victim to politics, but his legacy did not die, and his emphasis on democracy, opposition to monopolies, and economic reforms brought good news to the people of Pakistan.

In August 1988, Zia Haq reigned for 11 years, directly exceeding Ayyub Khan's reign until he fell from the sky, when Zia Haq was killed in an aircraft bombing.

Whether it is a natural air crash or a careful plan, the things behind these may only be known to the parties, and some people hope that he died in the conspiracy, after all, how did you plan to get rid of others, and now you will end up with what happened.

Pakistani President Ali Bhutto was hanged, and before his execution, he said: I am an innocent person who has won the hearts of the people: the transformation from lawyer to president has turned the tide, saved the country from a wrong move, lost every game, and lost the hands of his cronies

After Zia Hack's death, one of his female political enemies heard the news and said directly and coldly: "His death is god's arbitration, and this one-man thief is the embodiment of sin!" ”

This man was none other than Ali Bhutto's eldest daughter, Bernazir Bhutto

It can be said that it is really a good reincarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

In the November 1988 general election, Bhutto's daughter, Benazir Bhutto, succeeded her father as Pakistan's first female prime minister.

Like her father, Benazir Bhutto is talented and beloved, known as Pakistan's "iron butterfly", and has written his own legend on the stage of Pakistan and world politics.

And Bhutto, even in the three decades after his death, the people of Pakistan still remember him, sending him bouquet after bouquet of flowers on April 4 every year.

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