
Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

author:Historically realistic

On May 23, 2009, when he heard the news that his eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun had committed suicide by jumping off a cliff, Moon Jae-in was so shocked that he put down his work and hurried to the hospital, with many thoughts along the way, his face was full of tears at some point, and his vision became blurred.

Moon Jae-in took off his glasses and wiped them fiercely with his sleeve, praying in his heart that the eldest brother could turn the corner. Big Brother has always been strong and resilient, why would he choose to say goodbye to the world in such a decisive way?

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

Moon Jae-in thought a lot in his head, and when he arrived at the door of the hospital emergency room, he saw that the family of the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun had already cried outside the door, and suddenly understood in his heart that there was no way to recover it.

Walking up to them, Moon Jae-in whispered comfort with tears in his eyes, and then tried to calm himself down, endured the huge sadness, and began to deal with the aftermath of the eldest brother.

Roh Moo-hyun is the most popular "grassroots president" in South Korean history, and although he has retired to his hometown, there will still be a large number of South Korean people to mourn.

Therefore, Moon Jae-in personally wrote the application report and proposed the "road festival" ceremony in the square to the Lee Myung-bak government, but he did not expect that the government immediately refused.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

The reason is that the fear of the crowds that come to mourn will gather and make trouble, which will turn into a large-scale demonstration against the government, and the scene will be uncontrolled, affecting social public safety.

Moon Jae-in had to personally lobby, even if you don't let it be held, the South Korean masses who should come to mourn will still come, and everyone is more uncontrollable in excitement, so it is better to let us plan the organization well, ask everyone to maintain order, and mourn with peace of mind.

Lee Myung-bak's government felt that it made sense, and reluctantly agreed, but still refused to allow former President Kim Dae-jung to deliver a eulogy on the spot.

Moon had no choice but to agree. He then began to instruct his eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun's staff to prepare all matters related to the memorial service.

However, on the day of Roh Moo-hyun's memorial service, an unexpected situation occurred at the scene.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

South Korean President Lee Myung-bak walked into the memorial hall uninvited without being invited. It's also too bullying!

A young parliamentarian was really humiliated, and immediately burst out of the crowd filled with righteous indignation, while loudly denouncing Lee Myung-bak for engaging in political revenge, making him apologize immediately, and at the same time wanting to run up and beat Up Lee Myung-bak.

The guards around him immediately pulled away from the angry young man, but the Excited South Korean people at the scene exploded and echoed the young congressman's remarks, embarrassing Lee Myung-bak.

At this time, Moon Jae-in walked quickly, maintained an unusually calm head, and tried to apologize to Lee Myung-bak with a smiling face, and kept saying:

"We are disrespectful, thank you Mr. President for your visit.".

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

Lee Myung-bak was superficially light-hearted, and he said that he didn't mind, and that a small matter was not enough to hang his teeth, but immediately after he returned, he asked the prosecutor to sue the young parliamentarian, and the face of this little man was unobstructed.

Fortunately, the young parliamentarian was only outspoken and was pulled away before he could get to Lee Myung-bak's side, and the matter was settled after the two sides went through it.

Moon then published a brief suicide note left by his eldest brother, Roh Moo-hyun, to the effect that:

"I am so tired, there is no difference between life and death, I hope to spend the rest of my life in the countryside after retiring, I did not expect to be able to do so, it is a pity!" 」

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

Of course, the contents of Roh Moo-hyun's suicide note released by the Lee Myung-bak government to the media must be a completely different version.

Moon did not dispute this, but in his autobiography called Destiny, he recorded the whole process of the incident in detail.

On Roh Moo-hyun's tombstone, Moon Jae-in, after consulting with his eldest brother's family, simply carved four words: "Please rest in peace."

Behind these four words is Moon Jae-in's deep mourning and vengeful anger, even if he is full of white hair. As long as there is a breath, we must seek the fairness and morality of the world for the best friend of our lives!

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

All this seems to have been predestined at the beginning of the two acquaintances, which is the light of the ideal that they pursue together!

In 1982, after graduating from the Korea Judicial Academy, Moon was supposed to be a judge, but was ostracized by the authorities because of his two prison experiences.

After being introduced by a friend, Moon Jae-in went to Roh Moo-hyun's law firm to apply for a job, but he did not expect that the two would see each other as they were, holding a cup of tea in their hands while drinking and chatting, and the more they talked, the more speculative they became, because they were like-minded and like-minded, and it didn't take long for them to start calling brothers and brothers.

Both come from humble backgrounds, and Moon admires Roh Moo-hyun's laid-back and straightforward temperament, and Roh Moo-hyun also knows Moon's frank and honest personality, which can be described as meeting and hating each other, and agreeing to be a clean lawyer.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

Soon after, the two co-founded a Busan Labor Law Firm, which specialized in providing legal advice to the working class, giving voice to the people at the bottom and the vulnerable groups, and also meeting many people with lofty ideals, and since then they have become close comrades-in-arms who have fought side by side.

In 1988, Chun Doo-hwan's junta collapsed, and more and more opposition political forces began to actively pour into South Korean politics.

Roh Moo-hyun also wanted to achieve greater ideals and ambitions through politics, and was introduced by kim Yong-sam, the leader of the movement at the time, and successfully became a member of parliament, and has officially embarked on the road to politics ever since.

At this time, Moon Jae-in himself had little interest in politics, so he continued to stay in Busan as a lawyer, and the vigor of that year was long gone.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

It should be noted that when Moon Jae-in was young, he led many demonstrations by students against the dictatorship of the Park Chung-hee government, and was arrested and imprisoned twice in the "Busma Protests" and the "Seoul Spring" incident.

But the sense of justice in his heart remained. In 1996, the famous "Pescama" fishing boat murder occurred in South Korea, when six Ethnic Chinese Koreans on board were sentenced to death by the court during the first trial because they could not bear the inhumane long-term abuse and humiliation of the South Korean captain.

Almost no one in the Korean lawyer community dares to take such a case, and the overwhelming public opinion reports are enough to deter any Korean lawyer.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

Standing against public opinion and the nation, Moon jae-in braved the world's great disobedience to take over the case and chose to defend several foreigners.

Zhao Feng, the Chinese defense lawyer at the time, knew Moon's situation and once said to Moon in private that if it was too difficult, it didn't matter, we could give it to someone else.

Moon pondered for a few seconds, then replied firmly, "I will definitely do my best!"

During the second instance trial, Moon and the Chinese legal team worked closely together to restore the truth on the basis of reason, and found key evidence that the South Korean captain and the South Korean crew abused the Chinese crew.

After unremitting efforts, the final result was that all 5 people except the mastermind changed from death to life imprisonment.

After the case was over, Moon was also denounced by the South Korean media as a "shameless traitor" and "unscrupulous lawyer". Moon Jae-in, however, does not regret this, believing that he is standing on the stand of fairness and justice and fulfilling his vow of "being a clean lawyer".

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

In 2002, South Korea's new presidential election kicked off, and Roh Moo-hyun ran as a rising political star at the time.

During this period, Moon Jae-in joined the election team at the warm invitation of his eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun, and not only did his best to provide advice and suggestions for Roh Moo-hyun's campaign, but even used his many years of accumulated contacts to participate, winning a large number of votes in Busan, Gyeongnam and other regions.

On February 25, 2003, Roh Moo-hyun narrowly defeated rival Lee Hoe-chang and was elected the 16th president of South Korea.

Subsequently, Roh Moo-hyun arranged for Moon Jae-in to serve as the chief secretary of civil affairs, and the two entered the Blue House together, once again fighting side by side and beginning to actively participate in the cause of state affairs.

However, Moon Jae-in was really not interested in politics, and after two years of work, he had a retreat, and then handed his resignation to his eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun, and went to Nepal alone to travel.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

Roh Moo-hyun is an idealist, his political views are also relatively idealistic, and he is bent on engaging in "joint politics," which is simply "harmony but difference," allowing opposition parties to put forward different state policies, discussing with the ruling party, and after discussing and studying each other, we will do something for the country in a down-to-earth manner.

In order to promote such cooperation, Roh Moo-hyun even offered to give up some of his power, which greatly stimulated the nerves of his party colleagues, and everyone worked hard to send you to the presidency, and did not expect "one person to get the tao, and the chicken dog to ascend to heaven"?

You Roh Moo-hyun are "enlightened", and now you have actually played the means of "crossing the river and demolishing the bridge", and we all want to hold the power to live a good life? You also cede power to political opponents, which is also too selfish.

To this end, the voices of his party colleagues against Roh Moo-hyun rose and rose, and Roh Moo-hyun had no choice but to withdraw from the New Millennium Democratic Party, and then became a "non-party president."

However, a series of reform measures proposed by Roh Moo-hyun, such as "independent national defense rights" and "easing the situation between the two Koreas", were not endorsed by the conservative political forces of the opposition party in South Korea, and most of them were rejected in The National Assembly.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

By the time Roh Moo-hyun finally understood that he couldn't do anything at all, he had already offended everything that could be offended, and those who could not be offended were also offended.

The opposition took advantage of the joint prosecutor's office to investigate Roh, plunging several of his close aides into a bribery scandal and launching a presidential impeachment bill.

In the face of the wave of "overthrowing Lu" launched by the opposition party, Roh Moo-hyun was bitter, but at this time he was already an isolated "light rod commander", and resolutely chose the popular vote of confidence in desperation.

Roh Moo-hyun's meaning is simple and straightforward: I can step down! But it is up to all the people in Korea to decide where I go and stay!

Hearing this news, Moon Jae-in immediately ended his leisurely trip abroad and rushed back to South Korea without stopping, although he did not agree with the big brother's approach, but the matter was over, and Moon Jae-in could only go to the tribulation with him.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

In order to gain popular support, Moon Jae-in traveled around after returning to China, and continued to organize speeches, engage in pro-people activities, and gather all the people who supported President Roh Moo-hyun to launch a candlelight rally.

Fortunately, the eyes of the South Korean people are shining, and everyone understands the caution behind the opposition, so the vast majority of people are not in favor of impeaching the president.

The result was a 71 percent vote against and 24 percent in favor, and the Constitutional Court of South Korea rejected the impeachment request.

In February 2008, Roh Moo-hyun's presidency officially ended, and it is more objective and fair to say that what Roh Moo-hyun did during his presidency was actually quite limited and did not achieve much social results.

Roh Moo-hyun is also self-aware of this, and wrote in his autobiography that it would be a bit excessive to say that I am a president who has no achievements. But if I'm a president who hasn't been successful, I completely agree with that statement.

After Roh Moo-hyun left office, he chose to return to his hometown to farm in the countryside, occasionally meeting with fans who came to see him, drinking tea and chatting with his good brother Moon Jae-in, or traveling.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

However, this peaceful life of indisputable and idle clouds and wild cranes did not last long before it ended.

The newly appointed president, Lee Myung-bak, has worked in south Korea's chaebols for twenty-seven years, and has been the president of the company, which can be said to be the spokesperson of the concubines raised by the Hyundai Group.

Roh Moo-hyun's policies were biased toward the people at the bottom, so that South Korean chaebols already remembered the hatred, and when Lee Myung-bak came to power, the opportunity for revenge came.

Roh Moo-hyun yourself can indeed do two sleeves of clean wind, a lifetime of incorruptibility, but you can't control everyone around you can do this, right?!

Lee Myung-bak and the South Korean Procuratorate secretly arrested roh Moo-hyun's officials one by one for interrogation, and found that Roh Moo-hyun's wife, daughter, and son-in-law had all accepted bribes, all of which together amounted to about $6 million, and the evidence was conclusive.

Of course, Roh Moo-hyun didn't know all this, but he didn't blame his family, but blamed everything on himself for not making money.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

In the subsequent investigation period, the Lee Myung-bak government instigated the media to bombard the media in turn, and all kinds of satire, sarcasm, insults, and other remarks were rampant, so that the Roh Moo-hyun family was under pressure that others could not imagine.

In this regard, Roh Moo-hyun sincerely apologized in front of the media more than once, published articles through social platforms, and in an almost pleading tone, hoped that everyone would return him a quiet life.

In the end, Roh Moo-hyun, who has always been resilient and strong, still chose to die in the way of Mingzhi, declared to everyone the integrity of "soldiers can be killed and cannot be disgraced", and regrettably bid farewell to this world.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

At this time, Even if Moon Jae-in has planted the seeds of revenge in his heart, in the face of Lee Myung-bak, a powerful enemy, it is difficult to do anything with any thought, and he can only silently put everything in his heart, after all, the gentleman takes revenge, ten years is not too late, why wait a moment?

In 2011, a year before Lee Myung-bak was about to leave office, Moon announced that he was out of the mountains and decided to run for the next South Korean presidency. Moreover, the Democratic United Party he joined quickly stood out and showed strong competitiveness.

However, Moon Jae-in's rival is very powerful, a woman named Park Geun-hye, who not only has the aura of her father, but also has a first-class level of sensationalism in campaign speeches, capturing the voices of a large number of South Koreans and gaining wider popular support.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

In 2012, even though Moon did his best, he unfortunately lost to Park Geun-hye by a narrow margin of 3%, and Moon Jae-in had no choice but to wait.

Just as Moon jae-in was recuperating and preparing to do his best for the next presidential campaign without regrets, he did not expect the opportunity to suddenly appear.

In 2017, Park Geun-hye's "girlfriend's door" incident was poked out by the South Korean media, and there was a national uproar, and the court immediately passed the impeachment bill against the president, and Park Geun-hye stepped down.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

Moon Jae-in ran again, at a time when there was no opponent in the country, and was almost overwhelmingly elected the 19th president of South Korea.

In the same year, under the impetus of Moon Jae-in, the South Korean procuratorate immediately launched an investigation into Lee Myung-bak, this guy is really a flaw, such as abuse of power, tax evasion, embezzlement and bribery, etc., more than a dozen crimes of evidence are conclusive.

On May 23, 2018, Lee Myung-bak appeared in court for the first time, exactly nine years after the day Roh Moo-hyun died (May 23, 2009), perhaps by coincidence?!

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

Of course, President Moon Jae-in is not satisfied with this, and judicial reform in South Korea is both the unfinished goal of his eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun and his next primary goal.

The once sensational South Korea's "Jang Ziyan Incident" and the later "Victory Gate Incident" have long made the ugly behavior of South Korean chaebols known to everyone, but the government has no choice.

And what shields those chaebols is the South Korean procuratorate, which is a public institution that integrates all the powers of investigation, evidence collection, litigation, and trial.

To put it simply, it is to check who you want, and not to check who you don't want, even the president of South Korea!

For example, the "Victory Gate", a very large crime involving Korean idols, politicians and business people, Moon Jae-in demanded

The Public Prosecutor's Office conducts a thorough investigation.

However, the procuratorate, on the grounds that it was too extensive, the evidence was difficult, and the grandiose perfunctory people, finally could not stand up to public opinion, so they took a few minions out and sentenced it for several years, and even the government could not take it.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

In 2019, Moon finally took the shot and appointed Cao Guo as the top official, setting up a new judicial department to take over the investigation of senior public officials.

In other words, to weaken the power of the procuratorate and remove its function as political revenge, but others are not stupid, how can you do what you want?

Cao Guo wants to reform the procuratorate, our procuratorate immediately launched an investigation into Cao Guo, you yourself can have no problem, but your whole family, your subordinates will always have problems, right?!

In the end, Cao Guo was still planted in the hands of his wife, because helping his children to go to school, privately investing in private equity funds to avoid taxes, etc., but let the procuratorate take the lead in grasping the handle.

In this way, the opposition forces immediately followed up, and immediately joined hands with the procuratorate to set off wave after wave of "upside down" public opinion offensive, and also organized large-scale demonstrations and protests.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

Cao Guo finally could not withstand the pressure and resigned after only 35 days in office, but on the eve of his resignation, he still issued a specific judicial reform plan.

The meaning is "Brother Wen, I'm sorry, brother, I withdrew first, and the rest will be left to you." ”

Of course, it will not be easy for Moon jae-in to pass the reform bill, and he will have to get a vote from a majority of members of the South Korean Parliament.

After all, it was the old jianghu, and Moon Jae-in wanted to come up and down, and first proposed an amendment to the so-called public office election law, the purpose of which was to win the support of various small parties in South Korea.

This amendment is very complicated, in short, the ruling party and the larger parties will give up a part of their seats and distribute them more evenly among the smaller parties.

This is actually an opportunity for every small party to rise, of course, in return, thanks to and support for Moon's reforms.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

Naturally, some opposition political forces such as the New National Party refused to give in, and even made a big move in Parliament, but all of this could not stop Moon Jae-in.

On the same day, the opposition parties still wanted to die and prepare to block the passage of the bill in a collective absence, but it was useless, and the vote in favor was directly more than half, and South Korea's judicial reform finally took a major step.

Thereafter, the power to investigate senior South Korean public officials will be transferred to new law enforcement agencies. Perhaps the President of South Korea will not be considered the "most dangerous profession" in the future.

The South Korean procuratorate, the "amulet" of the chaebols, the "beast" that specializes in hunting the South Korean president, was finally pulled out by Moon Jae-in with sharp fangs.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

However, the Korean chaebols have deep roots and have long been closely tied to the fate of Korean society, they have created nearly 80% of the country's GDP, and they have almost been involved in various industries and fields of Korean society.

On the contrary, in order to gain more support from the South Korean people, Moon Jae-in as president, sometimes South Korean chaebols signed large cooperation projects with other countries, but also came forward to personally stand on the platform and create momentum for them, which is really a dead knot, it is difficult to have a way to solve it, not to mention that behind them there are still American capital forces.

The victory of South Korea's judicial reform has not led to a higher approval rating for Moon Jae-in, who has made no economic gains in recent years and has caused his approval rating to fall all the way to the freezing point.

The outbreak of the new crown epidemic, due to the leadership of Moon Jae-in, a series of anti-epidemic measures introduced, so that the epidemic in South Korea has been effectively controlled, and its support rate has soared all the way to more than 60%, far exceeding the Korean president in the same period.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

On October 29, 2020, Lee myung-bak was sentenced to 17 years in prison in the final trial. On January 14, 2021, Park Geun-hye was sentenced to 22 years in prison.

In this regard, Moon Jae-in also made a speech not long ago, and will not pardon the two. If Roh Moo-hyun knew about it, he would definitely thank his brother for his happiness and revenge, which was enough to smile at Jiuquan.

When Moon was young, he always liked to take the lead in making trouble, and wherever there were demonstrations and protests, he would be there, which eventually led to his expulsion from school, arrest and imprisonment.

When my mother came to visit the prison, she once asked him with tears in her eyes: "There are so many injustices and so many dark things happening in this world every day, even if you are right, why do you have to do it?" ”

The young Moon, who was speechless at the time, has finally found the answer.

Moon Jae-in's Revenge: After the eldest brother Roh Moo-hyun jumped off a cliff, he silently carved 4 words on the tombstone

Everyone has their own "destiny" in the world, just like the natural things that live between heaven and earth, or clinging, or dependence, or floating, or parasitism, or...

He is a fighter, even if he is dying of old age, he will still pick up his sword and shout like a dragon slayer boy:

Who will you give me?

Then he stabbed at the dragon...

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