
A Korean political drama that is even more exciting than a movie: Roh Moo-hyun's reforms, a fierce operation

author:Big fat fish that can swim

Sending two presidents to prison, pulling out three-star wings, and the revenge of South Korean President Moon Jae-in, known as the "Iron Head Baby", began and ended. First of all, I have to talk about Roh Moo-hyun.

Born in 1949 in South Korea, to a poor valley family in Gyeongsangnam-do, originally from Gwangju and ancestral home of Dongyang, Zhejiang, Roh Moo-hyun had five children, the youngest of whom he had. Although Lu Wuxuan's grades are excellent, but the family conditions are not good, the second year of junior high school has dropped out of school for a year, the whole family in order to provide for the brother admitted to the university, it can be said that everything was hollowed out, but also directly led to Lu Wuxuan for the scholarship to go to a vocational high school, during the school day, at night to do odd jobs so stayed up until graduation, at that time in South Korea as a lawyer is a job with unlimited scenery, Roh Moo-hyun suddenly wanted to take the exam for a lawyer to block it. However, the judicial examination is very difficult, the pass rate is very low, fortunately, he is an extremely intelligent and very resilient person, and he will never give up on his decision, so he plants an orchard with his second brother while moving bricks to raise money to buy books in the construction site to maintain his life. During this period, he was conscripted into the army, and at the same time married a girl from the same village, Kwon Liang-sook, and had children.

A Korean political drama that is even more exciting than a movie: Roh Moo-hyun's reforms, a fierce operation

However, the exam is completely failed six times a year. He finally passed the exam in 1975, and after a two-year internship, in 1977, Roh Moo-hyun was a civil servant at the daejeon court for several months, but the work was extremely boring. The next year, he opened a law firm in Busan, and at the beginning of his career, he could only accept some relatively low tax cases that his peers could not see.

In 1981, the Bulin Incident broke out, and the Chun Doo-hwan government illegally arrested the appraised teachers and 22 employees of the company to extort confessions from him, including the rescuers who were prosecuted by the police and sentenced to 1-7 years in prison. But when visiting the arrested students, finding them tortured and insane, which made his persistence take an unprecedented shock, remembering his son, who will soon enter the university, Roh Moo-hyun began to think about the future and future of the country.

In 1982, a young man, introduced by a friend, came to Roh Moo-hyun's law firm, and this person was the current South Korean president Moon Jae-in.

A Korean political drama that is even more exciting than a movie: Roh Moo-hyun's reforms, a fierce operation

Like Roh Moo-hyun, Moon Jae-in was also born in the cold door, the difference is that when he was young, FeiYang was a well-known problem student, smoking, drinking, fighting, and fighting, how to cool. He was persuaded to resign from the school several times, but others were smart, and no matter how much they tossed and turned without delaying their studies, they were still admitted to the Law School of Qixi University.

At that time, Park Geun-hye and his father Park Chung-hee, who was the president at the time, had great power and engaged in an iron-fisted government, and although the economy took off, it was also premised on sacrificing the rights of the people. The young Wen Zai, who was already a hot-blooded young man, took the lead in organizing a demonstration against the iron fist rule, and as a result, sat in a small black house for 8 months and was expelled from the school. Not long after his release from prison, he enlisted in the army, and during his time as a soldier, he was twice awarded the first class commendation of the brigade commander.

It is worth mentioning that the brigade commander was South Korean President Chun Doo-hwan, who later came to power by a coup d'état. He was also the figure who took the lead in opposing Moon Jae-in in the future, and after retiring from the army, in order to prepare for the judicial examination for Moon Jae-in, he easily passed the first round, and when the second round of the examination was held, Iron Touwa's temper flared up again, ran to participate in various demonstrations, and was arrested again, knowing in the detention center that he had passed the second examination.

After graduating from the Judicial Training Institute, I originally wanted to become a judge, but I couldn't do it because of several demonstrations. Back in Busan, after being introduced by friends, I came to the law firm of Roh Moo-hyun mentioned earlier.

At that time, Roh Moo-hyun was straightforward and free-spirited, which deeply attracted Roh Moo-hyun. Roh Moo-hyun also feels that Moon's temper misses him very much, and the two people are like-minded and agree to be a clean lawyer. The partnership opened a Busan Labor Law Firm, which specializes in providing legal advice to the working class, speaking out for the people at the bottom and vulnerable groups, and also meeting many people of insight in the opposition.

With the fall of Chun Doo-hwan's junta in 1988, more and more opposition political forces actively poured into politics, and roh Moo-hyun, who was introduced by the leader of the movement, Kim Yong-sam, was called a member of parliament, and has since embarked on the political journey.

Moon Jae-in had little interest in politics and continued to stay in Busan as his young lawyer.

In 1996, there was a case that shocked China and South Korea, that is, the famous Pesca code incident. At that time, there were 6 Korean Chinese on this ship. Because of the unbearable South Korean captain, long-term abuse and humiliation, indignantly resisted the killing of 11 South Korean crew members, after which they were sentenced to death, although the facts of the abuse were stated in court, but the foreign country has neither money nor knows people, even if the reason is great, it is also drowned in the overwhelming public opinion, want to appeal, but there is no way to ask for help, who will risk the "great disobedience of the world" to defend a few foreigners?

At this time, the "iron head baby" Moon Jae-in stood up again, the great Busan, there are very few lawyers who can take this kind of case, and the lawyers who dare to take this kind of case may not have a second except him. Zhao Feng, a lawyer who was defending the Chinese side at the time, once said to Moon Jae-in: If you feel embarrassed, you can hand over the case to someone else. He thought about it a little and said, "I'll do my best."

A Korean political drama that is even more exciting than a movie: Roh Moo-hyun's reforms, a fierce operation

During the second-instance trial, he cooperated with the Chinese lawyer Tongli and argued on the basis of reason. In addition, he provided financial assistance to these Chinese crew members and assisted their families in visiting Korea. After unremitting efforts, except for the mastermind, all 5 other people were sentenced to death indefinitely. It can be said that he stood against public opinion and the nation, and even the courage of public selflessness, defending several foreigners he had never met, and he always believed that even the most heinous murderers could be wronged, and they must strictly abide by the law and sentence, rather than brutally punish them.

He took the vow of being a clean lawyer.

Fast forward to 2002, south Korea's presidential election is imminent, and Roh Moo-hyun, the big brother who is a rising political star, also participated in this competition. He became the presidential candidate of the New Millennium Democratic Party, and his competitors at that time were Lee Hye-chang, who came from a well-known family, and Zheng Mengzhun, the sixth son of the founder of Hyundai Group, who was the old brother who bid for the 2002 World Cup for South Korea and bribed the referee.

The election process was complicated, and because of Lee Hye-chang's strength, Roh Moo-hyun and Chung Mong-joon initially ran jointly. Both parties push a candidate, and then according to the polls, which is higher and which is higher. Roh Moo-hyun's public opinion is higher than That of Jeong Mong-joon, so Roh Moo-hyun became president.

Originally, the election format was very good, but just before the vote, this Zheng Mengzhun suddenly announced that he and Roh Moo-hyun had parted ways. Because Lu Wuxuan proposed to restrict and supervise the chaebols after taking office, and the relationship between the United States and North Korea is different from what they thought, this kind of move harms the interests of the chaebols.

Fortunately, Lu Wuxuan finally won the general election without any danger, during which Time Moon Jae-in also did his best, using his many years of accumulated contacts to win a large number of votes in Busan Qinglan and other regions.

On February 25, 2003, Lu Xuan officially took office, he arranged for Moon Jae-in to serve as the chief secretary of civil affairs, and entered the government for the first time, which can be said to be a dream for most people, but Wen Zaiying is not keen on politics, but he can't stand the requests of old friends, and after several considerations, he cautiously agrees, but he can do less than a year of trivial government affairs, endless exposure, and unwarranted doubts from opponent parties, making him feel pressured, exhausted, simply resign, and sneak to Nepal to relax

Lu Wuxuan here is an idealist who emphasizes morality, so his political views are also relatively idealistic, and he is bent on practicing clean government, which is simply to say that the ruling party and the opposition party put forward policies to discuss together.

But in South Korea, where chaebols are so big, it is impossible for Them to be controlled by chaebols. This is not realistic in terms of the political environment in South Korea.

A Korean political drama that is even more exciting than a movie: Roh Moo-hyun's reforms, a fierce operation

The first country is too small, barely enough for a political party to toss, and more monks and less porridge. Second, not all South Korean politicians are for the country and the people, some want to make money, some want to get power. Isn't it against those people to do such a show?

But Lu Wuxuan was relatively rigid, insisted on practicing clean government, and was even willing to give up some of his rights in order to promote cooperation between the ruling party and the opposition party. This is too idealistic. A gentleman cannot defeat a villain, and if he gives the right to govern to the opposition party, people will not only not be grateful, but they will feel that you have given less.

And this operation, at the same time, stimulated colleagues in the party. Everyone worked hard to send you to the presidency, pointing out that you would be promoted and rich together, even if you couldn't get rich, you could live a good life with your rights, and as a result, they ceded power to the opposition.

To this end, Roh Moo-hyun could only quit the New Millennium Democratic Party and become an isolated, non-partisan president, like a light rod commander.

Because Roh Moo-hyun was born into poverty and his policies were biased toward the people, this also offended the domestic chaebol forces.

He actively safeguarded the subjectivity of the country, insisted on building an independent national defense, and demanded the recovery of wartime command, which offended the United States. In terms of foreign relations, he devoted himself to improving relations with China, easing the situation between the dprks and the ROK, opposing the Japanese government's falsification of history and the US war of aggression, and offending the conservative domestic political forces represented by the opposition party. After this operation, those who can be offended are offended, and those who cannot be offended are also offended. He tried to carry out a series of reform measures, but they were always rejected by the opposition party with a majority of seats in Congress, and nothing could be done at all. To make matters worse, several of his relatives and aides were caught up in a social scandal, and the opposition party immediately joined forces with the prosecutor's office, stabbed the bare-rod president, and launched an impeachment bill. The main points are illegal campaign funds, making the country's economy unhealthy, and violating the election law, which has set off an overwhelming wave of "inverting The Lu" wave.

Roh Moo-hyun was cornered and could only hold a popular newcomer vote. Try to use public opinion to keep the presidency in order to continue to promote political innovation.

Moon Jae-in had been traveling leisurely abroad, but when he received this news, he returned home non-stop. After Moon returned to China, he also did his best to run around, constantly organizing speeches and civic activities, and launching a candlelight rally of all people to unite all those who supported the president.

Finally, according to a Chosun Ilbo poll, the percentage opposed to impeachment was as high as 71 percent, and only 24 percent supported impeachment. South Korea's Constitutional Court also rejected the request for impeachment on the grounds that, first, Roh Moo-hyun violated the election law, but not to the extent of removal. Second, the bribery was committed by his cronies before he came to power, and there is no evidence to prove that it is related to Roh Moo-hyun himself. Third, the crime of economic sabotage is not a reason to impeach the president. As a result, the crisis that lasted for 63 days in South Korean politics was officially lifted.

A Korean political drama that is even more exciting than a movie: Roh Moo-hyun's reforms, a fierce operation

Therefore, the Big National Party and the New Millennium Party also caused the people to criticize and write, and eventually the head of the Big National Party resigned.

It was at this time that Park Geun-hye ascended to the top seat of the Grand National Party. The New Millennium Democratic Party has also changed its head.

By this time, the support of the Kuomintang that supported Roh Moo-hyun's opening up soared, taking 152 of the 299 parliamentarian seats.

After this storm, Roh Moo-hyun also began to reflect on his political views, but he always adhered to the views of clean government, people-friendly politics and independent diplomacy, and contacted Park Geun-hye several times, hoping that the two sides could put aside the party struggle for the benefit of the country, and more importantly, through this incident, he realized the extremely serious institutional problem - the procuratorate.

The Prosecutor's Office of south Korea, called the Great Inspectorate of The Republic of Korea, is a powerful government agency. In our country, the public security organs and the procuratorate perform their respective duties, cooperate with each other and supervise each other. However, South Korea is different, south Korea is the procuratorate is in charge of the supervision, prosecution, interrogation, investigation and seizure of the power of the procuratorate, in addition to the prosecution of exclusivism and prosecutor dictatorship. To put it bluntly, it is to manage oneself, the procurator handles all the litigation behavior, and even the superior has no right to inquire about the special case, the procurator can not talk about the institution, do not talk about the method, and even according to their own will, cognition, unchecked investigation of anyone, there is no check or balance of the authority.

In addition to being assassinated, almost all the presidents in South Korea have been killed by the procuratorate, which is why the President of South Korea is a high-risk profession. Once the prosecutor's office colludes with political parties, even the president will not be spared.

So Roh Moo-hyun wants to push for procuratorial reform, but the vast majority of South Korean prosecutors are vested interests and conservative forces. It is difficult for them to surrender power and ascend to heaven. Until the end of his term, Roh Moo-hyun's achievements were also quite limited

In March 2007, Moon entered the Blue House to deal with the handover to the next government, and in February of the following year, Roh Moo-hyun stepped down from office and returned to the countryside to farm. But this leisurely life was soon broken.

The new national party, supported by chaebols, the new president Lee Myung-bak, came to power. This party is the big national party mentioned earlier. It coincided with the arrest of the president of Taiguang Industrial for taking bribes. It turned out to be Roh Moo-hyun's wife, and his daughter and his eldest brother's son-in-law had also been bribed, adding up to almost $6 million. Roh Moo-hyun didn't know all this during his tenure, and he felt so guilty that he blamed everything on himself for not making money.

In April 2009, he was sent all the way from the countryside to the procuratorate and subjected to a rigorous interrogation of more than ten hours, and during the next two months of investigation, the media public opinion bombarded in turn, criticizing sarcasm, sarcasm, sarcasm, and various voices came and went, everyone around Roh Moo-hyun was deeply tormented and under unimaginable pressure, and he himself apologized sincerely in front of the media more than once, posting articles through social platforms in an almost pleading tone, hoping that everyone would return him a clean life.

In the early hours of May 23, 2009, Roh Moo-hyun committed suicide at the age of 63 after jumping off a cliff on a hill not far from his home. Expressing his innocence in the suicide note will give him a fair evaluation, but the suicide note published by the Korean media is another version.

A Korean political drama that is even more exciting than a movie: Roh Moo-hyun's reforms, a fierce operation

At the funeral, Lee Myung-bak was also present, which had a little bit of a graveyard bungee. A member of parliament in the field stepped forward and denounced it as a political revenge, demanding that he apologize, and the agitated people also echoed it, but were stopped by the guards, and this time Moon Jae-in did not become an iron-headed baby anymore, but instead bowed down and apologized: we were rude.

The most serious riot was that Lee Myung-bak said he didn't mind, and turned around and asked the police to prosecute the lawmaker. Finally, in front of Roh Moo-hyun's grave, he chose a stone slab and wrote: Please rest in peace.

Then the pain and anger behind this is difficult to hide after all. "The mud under the spring is cut down, and I remember that the snow in the world is full of heads." After that, the clean lawyer's path was alone. And a seed of revenge has been sown.

Next, look at how Moon Jae-in took revenge in pain, which is a wonderful story. Please watch the next chapter, "The Great Drama of the Baseball Nation Beyond the Movie: Moon Jae-in's Revenge,"

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