
Ali appeared a group of Tibetan wild donkeys, besieged by wolves and chased by brown bears, even Tibetan mastiffs came to bully it 01 Tibetan wild donkeys were besieged by wolves, some fell to the ground, some also bit the wolf tail 02 Tibetan brown bear blind cat encountered dead rats, and actually killed a Tibetan wild donkey 03 Tibetan mastiffs surrounded the Tibetan wild donkey to bite, but the donkeys next to them left their companions and ran away

author:Natural geography of Snow Spirit Valley

Ali, Tibet, a wilderness on earth that still retains its original state. Ali brings together the Himalayas, Karakoram, Kunlun and Gandhis mountains, and is also covered with large and small sea seeds, hiding many unsolved mysteries; Ali is also known as the "source of all waters", the main source of the Brahmaputra, Indus and Ganges.

Ali appeared a group of Tibetan wild donkeys, besieged by wolves and chased by brown bears, even Tibetan mastiffs came to bully it 01 Tibetan wild donkeys were besieged by wolves, some fell to the ground, some also bit the wolf tail 02 Tibetan brown bear blind cat encountered dead rats, and actually killed a Tibetan wild donkey 03 Tibetan mastiffs surrounded the Tibetan wild donkey to bite, but the donkeys next to them left their companions and ran away

Ali is also a haven for wildlife and a sanctuary for rare species. Everywhere you can see Tibetan antelopes, Tibetan wild donkeys and Tibetan hartebeests foraging happily, and the cute marmot bows to tourists at every turn; on the shore of the lake, the big spotted geese are walking; next to the road, a "stubborn" Tibetan wild donkey will also have a race with the cars that come and go.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="76" >01 Tibetan wild donkeys were besieged by wolves, some of which fell to the ground, and some of which bit the tail of the wolf </h1>

Like Tibetan antelope and wild yak, Tibetan wild donkeys are endemic to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Although this guy is tall and tall, they are most afraid of wolves, snow leopards and brown bears, and sometimes even lynx are afraid.

Ali appeared a group of Tibetan wild donkeys, besieged by wolves and chased by brown bears, even Tibetan mastiffs came to bully it 01 Tibetan wild donkeys were besieged by wolves, some fell to the ground, some also bit the wolf tail 02 Tibetan brown bear blind cat encountered dead rats, and actually killed a Tibetan wild donkey 03 Tibetan mastiffs surrounded the Tibetan wild donkey to bite, but the donkeys next to them left their companions and ran away

The number one predator of the Tibetan wild donkey is not the snow leopard, nor the leopard (because so far, no leopard has been found here), but the petite wild wolf. In the Ali wilderness, in addition to snow leopards, many animals are afraid of wild wolves. Some Tibetans have personally seen wolves herding sheep into the swamp, and after the sheep have fallen into the mud, they are slowly hunted.

These guys eat an astonishing amount of food, 3-5 times that of dogs, and eat 10-20 pounds of meat at a time. Wolves also survive to this day mainly by preying on large ungulates such as Tibetan wild donkeys and antelopes.

In the wilderness of Chabu Township, Ali Gaize County, when the sun was about to set, a group of Tibetan wild donkeys appeared on the horizon, leisurely eating grass, only a newly adult male donkey chasing the opposite sex, none of them aware of the imminent danger.

Ali appeared a group of Tibetan wild donkeys, besieged by wolves and chased by brown bears, even Tibetan mastiffs came to bully it 01 Tibetan wild donkeys were besieged by wolves, some fell to the ground, some also bit the wolf tail 02 Tibetan brown bear blind cat encountered dead rats, and actually killed a Tibetan wild donkey 03 Tibetan mastiffs surrounded the Tibetan wild donkey to bite, but the donkeys next to them left their companions and ran away

The hungry wolf suddenly and without warning sprang out of the stone cave and prepared to attack the herd of Tibetan wild donkeys not far away. They were in groups, as many as seven or eight from a distance, running and making low howls from time to time. The wolves were all around, and the Tibetan donkeys didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, still eating grass.

The first to attack the donkey was the first male wolf, who had just reached adulthood, which had no experience, and let the old, sick and disabled wild donkey in the queue not attack, but directly pounced on a strong male donkey, and when it struggled to jump on the male donkey, it was quickly thrown to the ground by the male donkey, and it also rolled several times, and did not get up for several minutes.

Next to it, a Tibetan wild donkey, very strong, seems to be not afraid of wolves, kicks a wolf down with one foot, and bites the tail of the wolf, dragging and running.

Ali appeared a group of Tibetan wild donkeys, besieged by wolves and chased by brown bears, even Tibetan mastiffs came to bully it 01 Tibetan wild donkeys were besieged by wolves, some fell to the ground, some also bit the wolf tail 02 Tibetan brown bear blind cat encountered dead rats, and actually killed a Tibetan wild donkey 03 Tibetan mastiffs surrounded the Tibetan wild donkey to bite, but the donkeys next to them left their companions and ran away

The head wolf really couldn't look at it anymore, rushed up and bit the throat of an old donkey, grabbed it deadly, and let the old donkey struggle, to no avail. Finally, several wolves rushed up, biting their butts, biting their backs, and in a few moments the old donkey fell to the ground.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="103" >02 Tibetan brown bear blind cat encountered a dead rat and actually killed a Tibetan wild donkey </h1>

The Tibetan brown bears of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are the only subspecies of brown bears on Earth that feed mainly on meat, and they are also the biggest opportunists, with the best at small and burrowing mammals such as pikas, marmots and hares.

Of course, Tibetan brown bears also want to prey on antelope tooth sacrifice, but because of their bulky bodies, the speed of running up is quite a dish, plus endurance is not good, can not catch up! What's more, Ali is full of desert, there are almost no trees and shrubs, it is not easy to hide, and brown bears are difficult to catch ungulates.

Therefore, they often follow the wolves, waiting for the opportunity to "steal" the wolves' prey. However, Tibetan brown bears are still very honest in many cases, picking up some of the wolf's leftover prey to eat after the wolves have left. According to scientists, Tibetan brown bears pick up food from wolves very frequently and have become an important source of food for Tibetan brown bears.

Fortunately, the palm strength of the Tibetan brown bear is invincible, and sometimes the blind cat can meet the dead rat. No, the Tibetan brown bear actually hunted and killed a Tibetan wild donkey alone. Many people suspect that the Tibetan wild donkey sent it to the door by himself, otherwise with the slow speed of the Tibetan brown bear, he would not even be able to catch up with the donkey feathers.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="104" >03 The Tibetan mastiff herd tore around the Tibetan wild donkey, but the donkey herd next to it left its companions and ran </h1>

Stray Tibetan mastiffs on the Tibetan Plateau are generally larger, weighing an average of more than 18 kilograms. They not only prey on herders' cattle and sheep, but also often hunt wild animals such as rock sheep and antelopes in groups, and even Tibetan wild donkeys dare to attack.

No, a Tibetan wild donkey was chased into the lake by the Tibetan mastiff, and in the blink of an eye, the water splashed everywhere, a Tibetan mastiff immediately jumped on the donkey, the second Tibetan mastiff jumped up, followed by the third, fourth, fifth...

Ali appeared a group of Tibetan wild donkeys, besieged by wolves and chased by brown bears, even Tibetan mastiffs came to bully it 01 Tibetan wild donkeys were besieged by wolves, some fell to the ground, some also bit the wolf tail 02 Tibetan brown bear blind cat encountered dead rats, and actually killed a Tibetan wild donkey 03 Tibetan mastiffs surrounded the Tibetan wild donkey to bite, but the donkeys next to them left their companions and ran away

The Tibetan wild donkey climbed up to the shore with difficulty, but its back had been torn open several times, and the blood began to flow down non-stop, and the Tibetan mastiffs at this time were also breathless.

What is strange is that when the Tibetan mastiff herd attacked the Tibetan wild donkey, the strong Tibetan wild donkeys around them did not come to help, but just desperately fled, allowing the Tibetan mastiff to attack his companions, as if they had nothing to do with it.

The injured Tibetan wild donkey stood on the shore and found that the donkey herd had run away, leaving him alone in the wilderness, and he had to fight for his life, and perhaps there was a livelihood!

So, it raised its hind hooves and kicked at a Tibetan mastiff behind it, because it was desperately fighting, and this time it used all its strength, and this unfortunate Tibetan mastiff was kicked out a full 5 meters away.

Ali appeared a group of Tibetan wild donkeys, besieged by wolves and chased by brown bears, even Tibetan mastiffs came to bully it 01 Tibetan wild donkeys were besieged by wolves, some fell to the ground, some also bit the wolf tail 02 Tibetan brown bear blind cat encountered dead rats, and actually killed a Tibetan wild donkey 03 Tibetan mastiffs surrounded the Tibetan wild donkey to bite, but the donkeys next to them left their companions and ran away

Just then, several other Tibetan mastiffs took advantage of the void and bit the neck of the Tibetan donkey. Not long after, the Tibetan wild donkey could not hold on any longer, and fell on the wasteland with a "fluttering" sound, and then, more than a dozen Tibetan mastiffs took the opportunity to pounce on it, opening their mouths to tear around on the Tibetan wild donkey, and after a while, only a skeleton was left.

Ali appeared a group of Tibetan wild donkeys, besieged by wolves and chased by brown bears, even Tibetan mastiffs came to bully it 01 Tibetan wild donkeys were besieged by wolves, some fell to the ground, some also bit the wolf tail 02 Tibetan brown bear blind cat encountered dead rats, and actually killed a Tibetan wild donkey 03 Tibetan mastiffs surrounded the Tibetan wild donkey to bite, but the donkeys next to them left their companions and ran away

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="105" > conclusion </h1>

The Tibetan wild donkey also weighs several hundred pounds, coupled with its fearsome hind hooves and running speed, even if it is hunted by wolves, it will not fall into being bullied by wandering Tibetan mastiffs. It seems that no matter how old you are, if you don't unite, it will be very difficult for a population to survive on the earth!

Xuelinggu Nature Lab/Production

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