
National protected animal - Mongolian wild ass

Mongolian wild donkey: shaped like a mule, the body size is between the domestic donkey and the domestic horse, the body length can reach 260 cm, the shoulder height is about 120 cm, the tail length is about 80 cm, and the weight is about 250 kg.

National protected animal - Mongolian wild ass

The back of the neck has a short mane, the dorsal side, shoulders, and back of the neck are light yellowish brown, there is a tan dorsal line in the center of the back extending to the base of the tail, and the neck, thorax, body side, and abdomen are yellowish-white, and there is no obvious dividing line with the dorsal coat color.

National protected animal - Mongolian wild ass

It lives in desert or semi-desert areas, and mostly inhabits the subarctic plateau at an altitude of 3000-5000 meters. It is a typical desert animal.

National protected animal - Mongolian wild ass

Mongolian wild donkeys are extremely drought tolerant and can go days without drinking water. In winter, it mainly eats snow to quench thirst. Feeds on grasses, sedges and lily grasses.

National protected animal - Mongolian wild ass

Wild donkeys are good at running, running at speeds of up to 45 kilometers per hour, and even wolves can't catch up with them. Good cluster life, high vigilance. Camp wandering life.

National protected animal - Mongolian wild ass

Mongolian wild donkeys have a habit of moving in groups, and females, males and young donkeys live wandering together all year round. 5-8 heads or 20-30 heads per group.

National protected animal - Mongolian wild ass

Mongolian wild donkeys mate in heat from August to September, with a gestation period of about 11 months and 1 litter per litter.

National protected animal - Mongolian wild ass

It is found in China, India, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mongolia and Turkmenistan.

National protected animal - Mongolian wild ass

Listed on the IUCN 2012 Red List of Threatened Species ver3.1 – Endangered. China's national first-class protected animals.

National protected animal - Mongolian wild ass

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