
Larson recorded a new song, she almost suffocated at birth, and won the Talent Show at the age of 10

Sarah Larsson is a famous Swedish singer who won the second season of Sweden's Got Talent in 2008 at the age of 10 and released her debut mini-album Introducing in 2013. She tweeted in September 2018 that she would soon release a new single, "Destroy My Life." (Image from Oriental IC)

Larson recorded a new song, she almost suffocated at birth, and won the Talent Show at the age of 10

On October 16, 2018, Zara Larsson came to Global Broadcasting to promote her new single "Destroy My Life". (Image from Oriental IC)

Larson recorded a new song, she almost suffocated at birth, and won the Talent Show at the age of 10

On that day, her high heels have a chic flame decoration, which reminds me of Nezha who stepped on the hot wheel in ancient Chinese legend. (Image from Oriental IC)

Larson recorded a new song, she almost suffocated at birth, and won the Talent Show at the age of 10

When Larson was born, he nearly suffocated due to lack of oxygen in his neck. She is a fan of American singer Beyondcé, who considers herself a feminist and the second label is "social activist." Pictured here is Larson attending an event in Los Angeles on May 7, 2017. (Image from Oriental IC)

Larson recorded a new song, she almost suffocated at birth, and won the Talent Show at the age of 10

Pictured on October 16, 2018, Larson finished recording, the assistant helped her pull the car door, and she smiled at reporters and fans. (Image from Oriental IC)

Larson recorded a new song, she almost suffocated at birth, and won the Talent Show at the age of 10

She has been dating British male model Brian H. Whittaker since 2017. On December 11, 2017, Larson, along with American singer John Legend, once again participated in the Nobel Peace Prize concert. Pictured here is Larson singing at Weston Park, Staffordshire, Uk, on August 21, 2016. (Image from Oriental IC)

Larson recorded a new song, she almost suffocated at birth, and won the Talent Show at the age of 10

Larson said she was "hated a lot" for feminist views, including what she called "men's hate." She said she "didn't care" about it. (Image from Oriental IC)

Larson recorded a new song, she almost suffocated at birth, and won the Talent Show at the age of 10

On October 22, 2016, Larson was named one of The 30 Most Influential Teens of 2016 by Time Magazine. On 11 November 2016, she released I Would Like, which ranked second in the UK and fourth in Sweden. Pictured here, Larson appears on a television show in Stockholm, Sweden, on February 15, 2017. (Image from Oriental IC)

Larson recorded a new song, she almost suffocated at birth, and won the Talent Show at the age of 10

On October 16, 2018, Larson came to Global Broadcasting to promote her new single "Destroy My Life". Larson is youthful, bold and enthusiastic, she is full of positive energy, a bit like Rihanna, and her performance in the song "Uncover" is simply Rihanna's possession. (Image from Oriental IC)

Larson recorded a new song, she almost suffocated at birth, and won the Talent Show at the age of 10

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