
Condensing Academic Wisdom and Disseminating Chinese Theory: Side Note no. 2 of the First "Academic China" International Summit Forum

author:China Social Science Net

Modernization is the common pursuit of human civilization, and the new path of Chinese-style modernization has profoundly changed the trend and pattern of world modernization and development, and contributed Chinese wisdom to the cause of human development and social progress. On October 15th, the first "Academic China" International Summit Forum came to an end in Beijing.

  Stirring up ideas, mutual learning among civilizations, guiding the future. During the two-day conference, more than 100 scholars from China and more than 20 countries focused on the theme of "New Road to Chinese-style Modernization", with a broad world vision and research perspective, from the perspectives of Marxist theory, philosophy, literature, history, economics, sociology, law, journalism and communication, political science, public administration, and international relations, and concentrated on the original frontier achievements in various disciplines of Philosophy and Social Sciences in China in the new era. It profoundly reveals the unique meaning and value of the times of the new path of Chinese-style modernization.

Condensing Academic Wisdom and Disseminating Chinese Theory: Side Note no. 2 of the First "Academic China" International Summit Forum

"Academic China" leads the international dialogue

  The 100 years since the founding of the Communist Party of China are not only 100 years of seeking happiness for the Chinese and the people, and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, but also 100 years in which the party attaches importance to theory, leads the work of philosophy and social science, and constantly promotes theoretical innovation and theoretical creation. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, especially since General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Philosophy and Social Science Work Forum, China's philosophy and social science circles have accelerated the construction of a discipline system, academic system and discourse system of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, and written a colorful chapter of social development with scholarship. The first "Academic China" International Summit Forum broke the previous discussion mode of sub-topics and demarcation lines, and the participating scholars displayed the remarkable achievements of Chinese academia from the perspective of history and reality, and discussed the path of Chinese-style modernization and future academic development.

  Modernization is an important driving force for promoting the progress of human civilization. The new path of Chinese-style modernization has completely broken the myth that modernization can only be achieved by following the capitalist modernization model. The new path of Chinese-style modernization with people as the center, common prosperity, peaceful development and win-win cooperation is an outstanding contribution made by the Chinese nation to the exploration of human modernization. Yu Pei, former director of the Institute of World History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that in the great changes in the world, China is the biggest benign variable. The rise of Chinese culture has produced more and more attraction and influence in the world. The convening of the first "Academic China" International Summit Forum is of great significance for enabling China's voice and Chinese wisdom to go to the world, care for mankind and embrace the future.

  "The holding of the 'Academic China' International Summit Forum is a landmark event for China to go to the home of the world's academics." Ouyang Kang, dean of the Institute of National Governance of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, said that from participation to hosting, from answering questions raised by "others" to taking the initiative to set major academic issues, and leading international dialogue and discussion, Today's Chinese academia is moving from the international academic away to the home, highlighting the international influence of Chinese academia and reflecting the improvement of China's international academic discourse.

  Over the past hundred years, the achievements made by our party in leading the people are not "miracles" caused by accidents, but the rational result of the inevitability of the law of historical development, and thus its process has become an irreversible historical trend. Han Zhen, director of the Academic Committee of Beijing Normal University, believes that the code for the success of the new road of Chinese-style modernization lies in the fact that the Communist Party of China holds high the banner of Marxism, finds a scientific theory that can enable China to save both the country and enlighten itself, truly unites the people of Chinese, organizes the people of Chinese, unites and leads the Chinese people to carry out revolution, construction, and reform, and has found a new path of Chinese-style modernization in the exploration of socialism with Chinese characteristics, creating a new form of human civilization. The forum focused on the new path of Chinese-style modernization and conducted multi-dimensional and interdisciplinary discussions, which is of great significance for leading Chinese and foreign academic circles to pay attention to China's development and study China's issues.

  Jin Yingzhong, a professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Shanghai Chinese University, who is far abroad, was deeply moved after watching the first "Academic China" International Summit Forum online. He told reporters that the scene of stepping onto the stage of Chinese philosophy and social sciences as a Leader of Chinese Scholarship, and domestic and foreign scholars from more than 10 basic disciplines gathered together to discuss the "GreatNess of the Nation", was impressive. With the theme of "New Path of Chinese-style Modernization", the forum demonstrated the ability and potential of the Chinese philosophical and social science circles to concentrate the efforts of various disciplines to discuss this "great country". In the journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, there are many true theories and real problems in contemporary China that require the Chinese philosophical and social science circles to concentrate the efforts of various disciplines to discuss. The cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics has not only opened up a new path of Chinese-style modernization, but also created a new form of human civilization, all of which are connected to and shared with the lifeline of the development of various disciplines of Chinese philosophy and social science. Therefore, bringing together the true insights of different disciplines that have common concerns and thinking from different professional perspectives is an effective way to promote the creation of academic truth and form a real academic prosperity.

  After the meeting, Zhang Taofu, executive dean of the School of Journalism of Fudan University, told reporters that the biggest highlight of the forum was that the understanding of modernization by Chinese and foreign scholars was no longer limited to "fixing the modernization theory put forward by the West in one statue", bidding farewell to the theoretical path and ideological trap of "single" modernization led and manipulated by the West, and moving toward the "plural" path of modernization theory. Due to the difference in localization, more international scholars are based on the observation and judgment of China over time, and the new path of Chinese-style modernization they have obtained is definitely a cross-border cognition, and it can be said that the efforts made by these scholars are very valuable. Through interdisciplinary discussions at different levels and from different angles, it will promote the construction of a theoretical framework for the new path of Chinese-style modernization, and enable Chinese and foreign scholars to reach a consensus on the new path of Chinese-style modernization to open up a new form of human civilization.

Duowei explores the new path of Chinese-style modernization

  The path of modernization is diverse, and exploration is endless. Why is the new path of Chinese-style modernization successful and of universal significance? How will China-style modernization achieve innovative development in the future? Many cutting-edge issues in contemporary Chinese philosophy and social science have become clearer and clearer in the collision of ideas of Chinese and foreign experts and scholars.

  At the forum, Robert Lawrence Kuhn, chairman of the Kuhn Foundation, summarized the 12 principles that have created a miracle of China's development, and pointed out that if the world wants to understand China, it must understand the way of thinking of the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese connotation of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation mainly includes: the basic vitality of the Communist Party of China, the concept of the Communist Party of China "people-centered", and china's great struggle and self-reliance needs.

  "These views are all useful attempts to understand the road to pluralistic modernization, and they are also useful work for human beings to correctly understand themselves." Zhou Hong, director of the Department of International Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that the "road to modernization" is a historical issue that people from all over the world are diligently pursuing, and it is also an academic topic that is hotly discussed in the world. The historical practice of human society proves that although the road to modernization has a distinction between priority and mutual learning, there is no distinction between superior and inferior, nor does it have "uniqueness" and "exclusivity". Although the road of modernization, which is bred in different national conditions and historical and cultural atmospheres, is more or less inspired and enlightened by the outside world, it is bound to be rooted in the local area in order to obtain inexhaustible vitality, which is the truth that more and more people of insight have reached a consensus, and the task before us is to more deeply understand the diversified road of modernization, to understand their respective characteristics and experiences, and to understand the lessons and deficiencies. In the process of comparison and mutual learning, each achieves their own self-improvement and improvement, and then achieves the purpose of promoting human progress. In order to do this, we must first have a reverence for the various histories of human life and the creations of human society.

  The innovation of the forum's research on the new path of Chinese-style modernization is that many scholars based on the "long-term historical vision" and emphasize the "pluralistic modernization" position of analyzing and interpreting the modernization issue. Zhang Yi, president of the Institute of Social Development Strategies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that China's modernization is not a modernization that repeats the Western path, but a modernization that combines its own history and reality. The exploration of a new path of Chinese-style modernization has added a new social form to human civilization. The exploration of common prosperity on the new path of Chinese-style modernization has also created an oriental template for the modernization of other parts of the world to narrow the income gap and share the fruits of social progress and development. During the discussion, foreign scholars also stressed that modernization under the leadership of the Communist Party of China is a modernization that implements the people's modernization needs in all processes of development and a modernization that embodies the people's will. China's major achievements in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way will certainly provide rich experience and support for the construction of a socialist modern country in the future, and China will certainly realize its ideal of modernization.

  Yuan Zushe, dean of the School of Philosophy and Government Management of Shaanxi Normal University, also found that Chinese and foreign scholars have almost invariably begun to get rid of the shortcomings of the narrow "Western-centrism" or "Western superiority theory" on issues such as the concept, road, and model of modernization, and tried to stand on the standpoint of world history and the overallity of mankind, and put themselves in the position of objectively evaluating the historical experience of Chinese-style modernization. It fully understands and affirms the leading role of the CPC in leading China's development and carrying out the great exploration and practice of modernization; and fully affirms the contribution of China's development to world history. At the same time, these international scholars have more affirmed the innovative meaning of the community of human destiny as a "spirit of the times", as well as the contribution of China's experience and wisdom to the world represented by China's poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation.

  The road problem is the fundamental problem of national governance, and the road advantage is the fundamental advantage of national development. What kind of development model to choose and what kind of development path to take is the lifeblood of the modernization drive of all countries in the world, and it is also a historical topic that the Chinese nation and the Chinese people have painstakingly explored in modern times. Wu Zhicheng, vice president of the Institute of International Strategic Studies of the Cpc Central Party School (National School of Administration), said that after the birth of the CPC, it has persistently integrated the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture, led the Chinese and people to go through countless hardships and unremitting struggles and practice, creating a new road of Chinese-style modernization and creating a new form of human civilization. History has proved that the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics is not only the only way to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the happiness and well-being of the Chinese people, but also the right way to promote human development and progress and create a better future for mankind.

Build an important platform for disseminating Chinese academic thought

  Deepening international academic exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, continuously enhancing the international discourse power, dissemination and influence of Chinese academia, accelerating the modernization process of all countries in the world, especially developing countries, and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, The Chinese philosophical and social science circles have great potential.

  Chinese civilization has gone through the pre-Qin Zi studies, the Two Han Classics, the Wei and Jin metaphysics, and the Sui and Tang Buddhist studies, and finally did not forget the original, integrated the foreign, realized the confluence of Confucianism and Taoism, gave birth to the Song Ming Theory, and let us stand at the peak of human civilization. At present, Chinese civilization has once again come to a key historical node. Wang Yi, vice president of Chinese Min University, firmly believes that under the guidance of Marxism, Chinese scholars who integrate China and the West will surely once again reach the peak of human civilization. In order to realize the rejuvenation of Chinese civilization, we must not only discover real problems, put forward good plans, adhere to high standards, and produce good knowledge products, but also devote ourselves to exploring first-class ideological resources and analytical frameworks, and contribute to a good academic world outlook. He proposed that in the field of Chinese legal science, we should adhere to Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, base ourselves on China's reality, face China's problems, inherit Chinese culture, carry forward Chinese wisdom, learn from extraterritorial experience, put forward Chinese plans, neither arrogant nor arrogant, and make unique contributions to rebuilding the self-esteem and self-confidence of our country and nation in the field of legal civilization.

  "For a long time since modern times, China has only learned from foreign countries and discussed theoretical hotspots around foreign academic circles. With the rise of China and the opening up of a new path of Chinese-style modernization, Chinese academia needs to take the initiative to set up topics to attract the attention of the international academic community, and jointly exchange and discuss. Xu Yong, a professor at the China Rural Research Institute of Central China Normal University, said that since the founding of New China, China has carried out epic and great practice, and the Chinese academic circles should express their theories of Chinese practice and Chinese experience, extract and summarize Chinese theories with subjectivity and originality from Chinese practice and Chinese experience, and truly answer questions such as why the Communist Party of China can, why Marxism works, and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good. Through international conferences, international publications and other ways to communicate with the international academic community, to create new concepts, new categories, new expressions that can be understood by the international academic community, so that foreign scholars can know China, understand China, and approach China.

  In Ouyang Kang's view, to promote the dialogue between Academic Research between China and the world on an equal footing, first of all, we must have a strong sense of history and problems, and focus on the major issues facing mankind and the world. Today's world is experiencing major changes unprecedented in a century, and the global governance pattern is undergoing profound changes. While the Communist Party of China has led the people to create a miracle of rapid economic development and long-term social stability that is rare in the world, China has the ability and responsibility to play a greater role in global affairs. Chinese scholars should take the lead in paying attention to and answering various questions in global governance, make instructive answers, and gain more discourse power in international affairs. Second, in summing up China's experience, we should develop and improve the new path of Chinese-style modernization. We must be good at finding wisdom and answers from China's road history experience, integrate institutional advantages, cultural advantages and social advantages, continuously enhance academic self-confidence, and promote China's steady progress. Third, to tell the Chinese story well, we must pay attention to the transformation of the discourse system. On the basis of emphasizing Chinese characteristics, in a way that is generally accepted and recognized by the international mainstream society, the Chinese road, The Chinese system and Chinese practice are clarified.

  Chinese philosophical and social scientists are rooted in the motherland, so that their academic development can not only obtain fertile soil, but also achieve world-renowned results. Jin Yingzhong said that Chinese philosophical and social scientists not only have the responsibility to grasp the general trend of history, grasp the initiative of history, continue to pay attention to China's development and study China's problems, but also have the possibility of absorbing the strengths of the world and absorbing the essence of the world while adhering to and developing their own subjectivity, creating an academic system with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese style, while serving the great motherland, observing the world and benefiting the world, so that their academic achievements are both Chinese and the world, illuminating the direction of human progress.

  The first "Academic China" International Summit Forum has come to an end, full of academic achievements, and we look forward to reuniting in the coming year. Fang Jun, editor-in-chief of China Social Science Magazine, said that the end of the forum is not the end of the ideological journey, academic journey and civilization journey, but a new starting point and continuation. The first "Academic China" International Summit Forum is a grand meeting of ideas, an academic dialogue, and a mutual learning of civilizations. The participating experts published many original ideas, theories and opinions around the theme of the forum, which was eye-opening and beautiful. More than 100 well-known scholars in different disciplines at home and abroad have launched interdisciplinary and in-depth academic dialogues around common topics, which not only demonstrates the dignity of scholarship, but also highlights the value of dialogue. Today, thinkers with rationality, pattern, and achievements are facing a historical responsibility to deepen theoretical research and theoretical thinking on dialogue, mutual learning, and integration among different civilizations. At the closing ceremony, Fang Jun sincerely hoped that academic experts and scholars at home and abroad would actively participate in the theme collection activities of the next forum, dynamically set the theme of the discussion, continue to contribute academic wisdom and strength to the "Academic China" International Summit Forum, and work together to jointly improve the international influence of Chinese academia.

  The first "Academic China" International Summit Forum was hosted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and hosted by the China Social Sciences Magazine. The forum strives to comprehensively display "China in Academia", "China in Theory" and "China in Philosophy and Social Sciences", build an influential academic forum brand in the world, and become an important platform for the prosperity of Chinese scholarship, the development of Chinese theory, and the dissemination of Chinese thought.

Source: China Social Science Network - China Social Science Daily Author: Duan Danjie, Zhang Yixin, Ruan Yiyan

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