
Wait for the woman who loves

author:The flowers on the other side 3144456

The blue sea, the tide rises and falls, the waves crash on the shore, the sound of seagulls.

A pair of old sisters, walking together on the seashore.

There, they met a young man who was seriously injured and dying.

Wait for the woman who loves

Good sisters, take him home and take good care of him.

The youth did not speak English, and they taught him patiently.

They found that the young man was from Poland and was named Andrea.

Unconsciously, they gradually fall in love with the shy Andrea and regard him as their family.

Wait for the woman who loves

Andrea's arrival shattered their peaceful lives and awakened the love that had been silent in their hearts.

They gave everything they wanted to make his body get better as soon as possible.

The sound of her sister's piano made Andrea's eyes shine with excitement. It was only then that they discovered that Angel loved music.

Wait for the woman who loves

So they brought in country fiddlers to play for Andrea.

Andrea saw the violin like she saw a long-lost friend.

He couldn't wait to take the violin from his hands and improvise variations of that bland country music.

Wait for the woman who loves

The sound of his piano, like the flow of clouds and water, immediately touched them.

They were surprised to find that Andrea had been a gifted violinist who had taken a boat to the United States in search of his musical dreams.

Andrea's piano also deeply shook the heart of a Russian female painter named Olga, who couldn't help but fall in love with this talented violinist.

Wait for the woman who loves

Olga decides to take Andrea to London to find her brother, who is principal violinist in the London Symphony Orchestra.

Olga's proposal rekindled Andrea's musical dreams.

Although he cares about the two sisters, for the sake of his dreams, he quietly leaves with Olga.

Wait for the woman who loves

Andrea's resignation made her sister secretly hurt. She stood in front of the window, silently staring out the window.

The lavender swaying in the wind, like the deepest longing for love in her soul, quiet, long, lingering...

Wait for the woman who loves

Soon, Andrea sent a letter to the two sisters.

In the letter, he sincerely expressed his gratitude and invited them to his first concert in London.

The sisters took the train to London and came to the concert hall.

In the concert hall, there was silence. Suddenly, the melodious piano sounded.

They saw the people with their hearts in mind, standing on the stage and becoming the focus of the whole audience.

Wait for the woman who loves

He is so elegant, so devoted, his world is only music, his piano voice tells the heart, pure, affectionate, gentle, sad...

When the concert was over, Andrea came to the two sisters and thanked them, but he was soon called away.

Wait for the woman who loves

The two sisters, turning gracefully, quietly left the concert hall...

It was still the sea, and the tide rolled the waves and lapped at the reef. Seagulls circle and sing in the wind and waves.

The lavender in the garden, still dancing gently with the wind, still waiting for the love in the heart...

Wait for the woman who loves

Love waited and was lost.

Only the throbbing of the heart, the melodious sound of the piano, the brief and warm encounter, remain in the heart.

A love story, it ended like this, but I can never forget it.

Wait for the woman who loves

If you have loved before, why should you really have you?

Perhaps still expecting, time and space cannot extinguish the love in the heart.

When the heart no longer desires, love may come inadvertently.

Maybe it's the love that's late, the love that's late, like Shelley's acura, is the lavender reborn in the forest, pure affection, stretching on and on...

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