
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

author:Konoh E-Renko

[High-energy E Beizi] is today's headline signed author, this article is high-energy E Beizi original, prohibit any form of reproduction, reprint please contact the background, but welcome to forward to the circle of friends.

This year's Valentine's Day, many couples who separate the two places can only "cloud dating".

But there is a pair in the entertainment industry, just the opposite. They were married for more than 300 days, and finally rushed to "run" before Valentine's Day, so that fans on both sides were happy and rushed to "meet" on the hot search.

This pair is Rainie Yang and Li Ronghao.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

The long wait of 300 days did not consume the love of the two people, but made this long-term reunion full of expectations.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

The definition of independent women is still being debated,

This pair gives us popular independent marriage

Not seeing each other, did not affect the small two mouths across the network cable greasy crooked. Two days before Rainie Yang's birthday, Li Ronghao wrote a huge sweet little love song.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Who isn't sour in a two-way crush?

On the birthday day, she also stepped on the spot to send blessings to Rainie Yang.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

In fact, every year before that, Li Ronghao had stepped on a point to send blessings, but the title was from scratch, from "my girl" to "wife".

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

When they don't meet, the two people will also find ways to interact more, such as taking a childhood photo in the air.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Come on a memory kill.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

And Rainie Yang will carefully record every 100 days of not seeing each other. At first, it was a little sad.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

200 days, began to helpless.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

For 300 days, a dog figure that resembled Li Ronghao was produced.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Later, the dog became a tacit little secret between the two people.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

The sweetness of dog food is seriously exceeded

Some netizens who do not understand will ask: Can't one party sacrifice a little, put down all work and life, and go to the other party's location?

But fans who are familiar with their own bean-loving temperament know it: these two are "very independent" people.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Do not erase their "independent" existence because of marriage, these two interpret the love concept of young people in the new era.

Last year' "The Voice", a contestant sang The Song of Rainie Yang, and One of the judges, Nicholas Tse, got into trouble with Li Ronghao: "It's the sister-in-law's song ~"

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Li Ronghao corrected him solemnly: "It is not my sister-in-law, it is the singer Rainie Yang." ”

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

She was not an appendage to him, it was a respect, but also an affirmation.

Afterwards, Rainie Yang also played the terrier, and added her ID on Weibo: is the sister-in-law a singer or an actor, it is estimated that it can be expanded to be: is the sister-in-law a singer, is the actor a new dancer or a gym madman...

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Li Ronghao's daily life will never lack the figure of Rainie Yang, and it can even be regarded as a wife demon. Rainie Yang's new specialty must be the first support.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Rainie Yang accidentally fell off the stage at the concert, and Li Ronghao, who could not see people, was both distressed and proud.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Rainie Yang has never been a silk flower, and has been working hard to engage in her career over the years. From the beginning of the "cute godfather" to today's singer Rainie Yang, she has walked steadily every step.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

In an interview, she was also asked about the balance between love and career, and her response was: "Good love will make the career better, and only the wrong person will make the career worse." ”

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Before getting married, her career was very hard, her life arrangement was very rich, and after she got married, her career was more fighting, and her life arrangement was more abundant...

More than three hundred days after separation, Rainie Yang opened N concerts, and every time it was a breakthrough in physical limits.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Rainie Yang sang "Confession" several times in concert

Although Li Ronghao can't go to the scene to support, he will also have the heart to prepare a small surprise and sing "Ambiguous" with Rainie Yang.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Li Ronghao is really too good at it

Although the separation is not willing, during this time, the two people have not given up their self-growth and brought greater surprises to each other when they reunite.

A few days ago, there was a topic of whether an independent woman should ask for a bride price in "Strange Story", which was directly on the hot search.

The content of the subsequent debate has been fully expanded: how can men and women get along independently or how can they be independent in love?

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

The final result may have a criterion that can be generalized: I fell in love with you, and I did not lose myself.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Single dogs are full of fragrance,

The sisters who ride the wind and waves bring the philosophy of solitude

These two seasons of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" have a reservation link, that is, the girlfriend's love symposium.

The sisters' concept of love is more exciting than the other, combined with their own emotional experience or life state, it is more interesting.

Zhang Hanyun debuted at the age of 15 and has always given people the feeling of a little girl in the past. When she was 24 years old, she once said that because she debuted too early and did not shoot much drag, her parents and fans were anxious about her life's events. At a film screening, she also encouraged the single young men on the spot to bravely pursue her, expressing the hope that they could find their ideal partner as soon as possible.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Source: Yangcheng Evening News

At that time, she was like a "little girl who hated to marry", thinking that marriage was a "life event" that had to be completed at a certain age, but she blinked to 31 years old, and she was still single but had a more mature understanding of marriage.

She feels that the process of marriage is a sense of ritual that you are willing to fully engage in and trust that person.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

However, we must be mentally prepared that if one day the two are separated, as a girl, you must have the ability to be independent mentally and financially.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Most importantly, whenever you want, you must know how to love yourself.

In this way, when you want to end a bad relationship, you have the courage to bravely kick the scumbag away like Kikiko.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Zhou Bichang, in the face of the classic problems of "people who love me" and "people I love", she chose the latter.

It's not because of insecurity, but when you become the most wanted person, the attraction will be the same kind.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Over the years, she has played photography, gone up the mountains and the sea, and lived out N times the excitement of others.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

In this way, a person is very romantic, and meeting the right person will only be doubled.

Huang Ling is also a romantic, participating in the sisters' "Journey of Philharmonic", every time he goes to a new place, stays in a new room, the first thing must be to hang up the star lamp he has brought, and then while humming a little song, he lights the scented candle...

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

She also likes to pass on this romance and warmth, when Wan Qian was injured and hospitalized, others sent some flowers and supplements, but Huang Ling sent a large string of cosmic lights and starry sky lights, so that Wan Qian lay on the hospital bed to watch the Milky Way...

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Huang Ling in love, naturally also romantic to the extreme, she said that if two people are together, it is also necessary to light candles and play music, otherwise she will feel bitter when eating.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

It is worth mentioning that girls like romance, which does not mean that they will indulge in the pink bubbles of scumbags and find it difficult to sustain themselves.

Mao Xiaotong, who just hammered to death as a demon's ex-boyfriend, in the recording of the hammer scumbag man, is reasonable and well-informed, clear in thinking, and has not been taken away by the other party's rhetoric at all.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

In fact, after the breakup, she has long been moved on, on the Little Red Book, she shares work and life daily, all kinds of diaries, good species of grass, the naked eye can see more and more confident.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

A few days ago, I also posted a video of myself dancing at home on the Little Red Book, which is pleasing to the eye, who can not be hungry for such a figure?

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Mao Xiaotong once said that do not underestimate a woman's courage to deal with problems. I think that although a woman is a sensual animal, for a woman who knows how to love herself, she will recognize her own bottom line and will not compromise for love without principle.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Can love be alone?

The moment you fall in love with yourself, love unfolds

The concept of female stars is not ahead of the curve, and more young girls have long broken the dilemma of "waiting for people to love".

Recently, there is a "Little Red Book 214 Single Love Night" on the Internet "Listen to Her, Love" short film in the brush screen, a number of 30-78 years old people to tell what is "good love", spanning 50 years of love concept, everyone has their own unique views on love.

For example, which is more important, love or career? Fifteen-year-old female executives say that love is uncontrollable, but careers are always their own.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

The old lady who has been married for thirty-five years said that in our time, there was no choice, marriage and career had to be arranged by the state, and now girls have to choose, then choose the one that makes you happier.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

In fact, what love looks like, the choice is in their own hands.

Many senior bloggers on the Little Red Book also shared their views on "single love".

Zhang Yu, the founding editor-in-chief of VOGUE magazine, feels that single love is "focusing on so that you can be single-minded, and when you meet it, you will no longer look left and right." ”

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

"Life experiencer" Ming Zai said that after fully understanding his own preferences, abilities, principles and bottom line, and then paying his hot love to others, is the ideal "single love".

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

On the Little Red Book, you can see the current life status of women of different ages, they share their favorite cosmetics, and they are excited to discuss Mao Geping's "plastic surgery- grade" makeup techniques with like-minded sisters, or challenge handsome "genderless wear", not to please anyone, it is enough to be pleasing to the eye.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

They love to travel, love to explore, and are willing to share interesting scenery and experiences on the road with you, or visit the interesting little shops hidden in the city, and feel free to have a sister afternoon tea with you.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

ID:lady melody

Even if the epidemic is at home, they can come up with ten thousand interesting things to make life full of color and fragrance, such as cooking, baking, doing handicrafts, planting flowers and grass...

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Fashion grandmother Sun Jun, self-proclaimed "62 years old is still stinky beauty", on the Little Red Book, she and girlfriends of different ages share cheongsam dressups, frozen age cheats, and girlfriends to travel to the desert to shoot beautiful blockbusters...

I don't know which 70s actress is going to re-emerge?

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Whether single, in love, married or hot mom, these love attributes will not become their most important label, love yourself is the most important creed.

Yes, they are not who they are, from the moment they fall in love with themselves, they have found a lover who can be with them for a lifetime, have an inexhaustible romantic experience for a lifetime, and the addition of a partner is also the icing on the cake for their romance. Love is "the cherry on the cake."

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

On February 14, Valentine's Day, the Little Red Book platform sent a "single love" love letter to users.

This is a live-action drama music creation show with the theme of "single love", without a host, through the interpretation of male and female protagonists and four groups of performances, connecting the four story chapters of encounter, love, independence and love, conveying that it is the current young people's concept of love, that is, loving oneself is the beginning of lifelong romance.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

Swipe left or right to see more

The lineup of the party is also very exciting, with such powerful singers as Li Ronghao, Mao Buyi, Chen Grain, Dada Band, and Hu Xia.

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?
There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

There are also inspirational sisters Zhang Hanyun and Huang Ling, who taught countless women and women 30+ how to ride the wind and waves last year;

There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

At 8 p.m. on February 14, Xiaohongshu and Youku will broadcast this romantic "night of love" live, and at 11 o'clock later, it will be broadcast on Jiangsu Satellite TV.

Whether you are single or in love, I believe that this party will make you have new inspiration for "single love".

As a lifestyle community, Xiaohongshu now has more than 100 million monthly active users, and the content in the community has long broken the boundaries of beauty and fashion, and it silently carries the values of being a young person, beautiful, authentic, diverse, and most importantly, loving yourself.

Today's topic is:

How do you understand "single love"?

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There are no women in the entertainment industry waiting for love?

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