
Detail analysis of the movie "Ocean Paradise": Accumulating emotions from subtleties, the progressive plot develops Daifuku's gesture of loving neat letters

author:Entertainment catchers
Detail analysis of the movie "Ocean Paradise": Accumulating emotions from subtleties, the progressive plot develops Daifuku's gesture of loving neat letters

I watched Ocean Paradise a long time ago, and now that I look at it again, I'm still being touched in the deepest recesses of the human heart.

The protagonist of Ocean Paradise is a 21-year-old boy named Daifuku. Daifuku was diagnosed with autism as a child. Autism is often referred to as autism, and children with this symptom "have language but have difficulty communicating with you, have hearing but are always deaf, have behavior but always go against your will... They live in their own world and cannot express their emotions like ordinary people.

In fact, the film gave people a sense of despair from the beginning, but the director did not try to spread it. Only as the plot progresses can the audience understand the whole story. The film tells the story slowly, and many details appear repeatedly to build and promote the relationship between the characters, gradually promote the development of the plot, and accumulate emotions. When the last emotion erupts, the audience cannot let go.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > Daifuku loves to be tidy</h1>

Detail analysis of the movie "Ocean Paradise": Accumulating emotions from subtleties, the progressive plot develops Daifuku's gesture of loving neat letters

Daifuku, as a special autistic person, has a very striking feature from the beginning to the end of the movie, and he loves cleanliness. When his father tried to jump into the sea with Daifuku to commit suicide and did not succeed in taking him home, the director deliberately took a close-up of Daifuku changing shoes, and you can see that Daifuku put his shoes very neatly, not only that, but also many other things, such as putting chopsticks, putting stools on shelves in Chai's sister-in-law's shop, putting his father's money when he taught him to know yuan, and finally, after his father's death, Daifuku would put the broom away when he boiled eggs himself.

From Daifuku's point of view, Daifuku's life is simple, and when he first comes into contact with something and then remembers it, he forms a habit. When he saw his father put the dog on the TV, he felt that he should put the dog on the TV, because his father taught him this, and when he saw that his father did it, he thought it was right. Well, Daifuku loves this neat habit, which is a summary of his habits of life: simple and unchanging.

Detail analysis of the movie "Ocean Paradise": Accumulating emotions from subtleties, the progressive plot develops Daifuku's gesture of loving neat letters

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > letter</h1>

Detail analysis of the movie "Ocean Paradise": Accumulating emotions from subtleties, the progressive plot develops Daifuku's gesture of loving neat letters

In this film, I think the details of the letter have two major uses.

One is design suspense. The father's letter to Chai's sister-in-law appears shortly after the beginning of the film, but the director is not eager to let the audience know what the content of the letter is. Later, the suspense was further deepened by presenting the letter again and again through Daifuku.

The second is to establish and promote character relationships, mainly about the relationship between the father and the chai sister-in-law. The appearance of this letter established the relationship between the father and chai sister-in-law, and later Chai sister-in-law discovered the letter, and the secret was revealed. Chai Sister-in-law knew that Wang Xincheng did not take Dafu to treat the disease, but went to the sea to commit suicide, and the relationship between Chai Sister-in-law and Wang Xincheng further developed, no longer simple Chai Sister-in-law admired him so simple, and later Chai Sister-in-law proposed to raise Dafu, which is closely related to the discovery of this letter.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > Daifuku's gesture</h1>

Detail analysis of the movie "Ocean Paradise": Accumulating emotions from subtleties, the progressive plot develops Daifuku's gesture of loving neat letters

This is one of the most overlooked details, and when I first watched the film, I didn't pay special attention to this gesture, but simply thought that it was just an outward manifestation of the pathology of an autistic child.

Detail analysis of the movie "Ocean Paradise": Accumulating emotions from subtleties, the progressive plot develops Daifuku's gesture of loving neat letters

In the film, Daifuku greets people with such gestures: the first time he goes to the Oceanographic Museum to touch the fish tank with his hand; at the Oceanographic Museum, he taps the dolphin's forehead with his hand; in the heavy rain, open his arms and feel the rain on the palm of his hand... This is how the autistic Daifuku communicates with the outside world. Daifuku is not good at expressing his feelings, but his heart is not confused, but cannot be expressed in words, so the contact with the outside world with his hands is like his inner and outer communication.

Detail analysis of the movie "Ocean Paradise": Accumulating emotions from subtleties, the progressive plot develops Daifuku's gesture of loving neat letters

Overall, it's a very sincere film. I would rather say that this is a sincere literary and artistic film, which allows us to learn more about autistic children, and the director also writes the imperfect reality of the current public welfare system into the film, which also hopes that the whole society will pay more attention to autistic children.

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