
The value of historical and cultural cities is re-examined | Xicheng District held the 2020 annual meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities

author:Xicheng, Beijing
The value of historical and cultural cities is re-examined | Xicheng District held the 2020 annual meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities

On December 5, Xicheng District held the 2020 annual meeting of the Historical and Cultural City Protection Committee, the theme of which was "Re-examination of the Value of Historical and Cultural Cities". Experts such as Xie Chensheng, Fu Xinian, Wang Dong, Ke Huanzhang, Qiu Yue, Shan Jixiang, Bian Lanchun, Ma Bingjian, Tang Yuyang, Gao Lianfang, Fan Zhiqiang, Gao Yejing, Lü Bin, Tao Tao, Zhang Guanghan, Wang Hui, and Huang He were invited to attend the meeting. Sun Shuo, deputy secretary of the district party committee and district governor, presided over the meeting.

The value of historical and cultural cities is re-examined | Xicheng District held the 2020 annual meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities

Sun Junmin, secretary of the district party committee, delivered a speech

At the meeting, Sun Junmin, secretary of the district party committee, delivered a speech. On behalf of Xicheng District, she first welcomed the leaders, experts and guests attending the meeting. She said that in recent years, Xicheng District has adhered to the principle of attaching equal importance to the protection and inheritance of the old city, continuously improved the protection mechanism of famous historical and cultural cities, and made breakthrough progress. This year is the end of the "13th Five-Year Plan" and the year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and the promulgation and implementation of the control regulations in the core areas further clarifies the core values of the old city and points out the direction for the protection of famous historical and cultural cities. At this special juncture, this year's annual meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities is of great significance for promoting the experience in the protection of the old city and thinking about how to better protect and inherit the historical context of the ancient capital. In the future, Xicheng District will adhere to the system concept, earnestly work hard to strengthen overall planning, pay more attention to the overall planning of planning and projects, pay more attention to the overall planning of protection and renewal, and social governance, promote co-construction, co-governance, and sharing, and promote the sustainability of the protection of the old city; earnestly work hard to highlight the key points and produce fine products, focus on the key areas of "two axes, one ring, one city", promote the protection and renewal of neighborhoods in depth and finely, and deeply implement the protection and rectification of the central axis; and earnestly work hard to strengthen the excavation and utilization of history and culture, and actively promote cultural retreat 3. Repair and revitalization, so that the history and culture can be better inherited, and the image of the capital of a big country and the charm of Chinese culture are displayed.

The value of historical and cultural cities is re-examined | Xicheng District held the 2020 annual meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities

At the meeting, Francesco Banderlin, former UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Cultural Affairs and Professor of Urban Planning and Conservation at Venice University of Architecture, delivered a video speech; Professor Lü Zhou, Professor of the School of Architecture of Tsinghua University, delivered a speech on "Core Methods for the Construction of the Value System of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities", which gave everyone a new understanding of the value cognition of historical and cultural cities, the integration of historical and cultural resources and how to make these resources "come alive"; Yin Zhanqun, director of the Suzhou Municipal Cultural Relics Protection and Appraisal Committee, gave a speech on the theme of "Several Issues in the Protection and Development of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities", sharing the experience of the protection of Suzhou's famous historical and cultural cities; Liu Weiyan, executive deputy commander of the Construction Headquarters of Fujing Street in Shichahai, shared the "Gulou West Street Finishing and Rejuvenation Plan "Stable Block Construction"", introducing that through "micro-repair and micro-renewal", the old street that was once built in violation of many illegal constructions and chaotic traffic order has become a "quiet block" covered with trees. Li Zixiang, representative of the Dashilar Liuli Factory Construction Headquarters, shared "New Ideas for Preserving the Original Taste of The Old Neighborhood of Yanshou"; Li Jingquan, representative of the Construction Headquarters of the Tianqiao Performing Arts District, shared "Exploration of the Rejuvenation of the Tianqiao in the New Era"; Zhao Xing, leader of the Youth Work Committee of the District Mingcheng Committee and planner of the Municipal Planning Institute, shared "Four Huizhi: Intellectual Crowdfunding for the Protection of Famous Cities".

The value of historical and cultural cities is re-examined | Xicheng District held the 2020 annual meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities

At the morning meeting, the participating experts also affirmed and commented on the protection of famous historical and cultural cities in Xicheng District, and put forward opinions and suggestions on the better protection of famous cities in Xicheng District in the future.

The value of historical and cultural cities is re-examined | Xicheng District held the 2020 annual meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities

It is worth mentioning that this year's annual meeting will take the form of online and offline. In the afternoon, in addition to the "four" Huizhi online sharing of academic research and practical activities in the past year, the annual meeting also broadcast the central axis experience activities and non-genetic cultural and creative exhibitions.

The value of historical and cultural cities is re-examined | Xicheng District held the 2020 annual meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities

Since its establishment in 2011, the Xicheng District Famous City Committee has set up a special advisory group composed of respected senior experts in the protection of the old city, urban planning, ancient construction crafts, intangible cultural heritage, etc., and there are currently 30 experts in the Xicheng District Famous City Committee and the Art Review Committee. In 2017, the Xicheng District Famous City Committee launched the "Four" Huizhi Plan, and this year, the "Four" Huizhi Plan openly recruited 61 shortlisted projects, attracting more people with lofty ideals to participate in the protection team of historical and cultural cities.

Text: Shi Wei

Photo: Xicheng Branch of Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources

Production: Fan Luyang

Editor-in-charge: Wang Zhao

Review: Hou Mingyue

The value of historical and cultural cities is re-examined | Xicheng District held the 2020 annual meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities

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The value of historical and cultural cities is re-examined | Xicheng District held the 2020 annual meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities

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