
100 years ago, the "Little Kai King", Lin Zexu's Kaishu teacher, known as the "first master of the late Qing Dynasty"

author:Sanyu Book Club

From the perspective of the entire context of the history of Chinese calligraphy, Xiao Kai reached its peak in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and Xiao Kai in the Tang Dynasty stepped onto another peak from the balance of posture and practicality and artistry!

100 years ago, the "Little Kai King", Lin Zexu's Kaishu teacher, known as the "first master of the late Qing Dynasty"

Guo Shangxian's "Huang Ting Neijing Jing" is a long volume in small letters

In the later Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, whether from the degree of perfection of techniques or from the height of temperament, they were far inferior to the Tang people, but although the general trend was so, there were also some amazing people who transcended time and space and could reach a height comparable to those of their predecessors!

In the late Qing Dynasty, there was a master of calligraphy, whose name of calligraphy has been well known to contemporary times, he is a model of characters like his people, and he is also a national hero, he is Lin Zexu! Is a person who perfectly integrates character and character!

In fact, in the late Qing Dynasty book world, there is a person whose fame is far beyond Lin Zexu, he is Lin Zexu's teacher, but also a colleague of teachers and friends, his calligraphy is well-known at home and abroad, Xiao Kai field is more profound, and has the title of "Xiao Kai King", known as "the first master of the Manchu Qing"!

100 years ago, the "Little Kai King", Lin Zexu's Kaishu teacher, known as the "first master of the late Qing Dynasty"

The critic Gong Xian at the time commented on his calligraphy:

"Mr. Lan Shi is known as the Eight Laws of Gong, the name Jia Daojian, the writing is out of the hand, the people hold it, the pieces are inched, and the salty arch is precious." Calligraphy Juan Xiu Yi Gong, straight into the room of the guest "Brick Pagoda Ming", Xingshu Si Ti Pingyuan (ZhenQing) "On sitting post", after middle age, almost with Dong Si weng Fang driving. ”

This means that his calligraphy is "complete with eight laws", every time he finishes writing, he will be bought and regarded as the most precious treasure, and the calligraphy of calligraphy is profound, and the calligraphy of Yan Zhenqing is not lost in middle age!

100 years ago, the "Little Kai King", Lin Zexu's Kaishu teacher, known as the "first master of the late Qing Dynasty"

He is Guo Shangxian, if you don't know him, then you must know the famous calligraphy theory work - "Fang Jian Guan Inscription", which is his handwriting, and his contribution to calligraphy theory is also outstanding!

Guo Shangxian is famous for his calligraphy, his xiaokai is particularly sophisticated, using the pen to use the Tang method, going deep into the doorways of Yan, Liu, and Ou, looking closely at the single word is the external structure, and carefully looking at the pen is the Ou Liu pen, he is one of the few people who can integrate different styles of calligraphy into Xiao Kai.

His representative work is the famous "Huangting Inner Scene Classic".

Guo Shangxian's "Huangting Inner Scene Classic" has a silk bar, each stroke can be fully displayed, the beginning and end and the line of writing are as stable as Mount Tai, extremely exquisite, which is the quality that contemporary people lack!

100 years ago, the "Little Kai King", Lin Zexu's Kaishu teacher, known as the "first master of the late Qing Dynasty"

In the Qing Dynasty book world, there was an indispensable great coffee Kang Youwei, who did not hesitate to praise Guo Shangxian, and he commented on Guo Shangxian's "Huangting Neijing Jing" in the "Guangyi Zhou Shuangyi":

"Between Jia Dao, Zhao Wuxing is weak and heavy Ouyang Xinben. Therefore, the Daoguang Jishi, Guo Lanshi and Zhang Hanfeng's two families, Dasheng yu shi... Fame is important. ”

It means that the calligraphers in the early Qing Dynasty liked Zhao Ziang, because Zhao was soft and boneless, so he learned more from Ouyang, and among this group of people, Guo Shangxian was an extremely outstanding talent, and he could be famous for a while!

100 years ago, the "Little Kai King", Lin Zexu's Kaishu teacher, known as the "first master of the late Qing Dynasty"

Guo Shangxian was a 14-year-old scholar of Jiaqing, excellent learning, calligraphy and painting are exquisite, his calligraphy is considered by the contemporary book world to be "deep into the room of the Han people", after middle age, his calligraphy is famous all over the world, even Korean and Japanese collectors are vying to buy his words!

Nowadays, Guo Shangxian can pass down very little ink in China, but more in Japan and South Korea, so his reputation is not loud in the contemporary book world.

Guo Shangxian now has only one small kai masterpiece in the "Palace Museum in Beijing", which is the famous "Huangting Inner Scene Classic"!

100 years ago, the "Little Kai King", Lin Zexu's Kaishu teacher, known as the "first master of the late Qing Dynasty"

Today, we have scanned the "Huangting Inner Scene Classic" in the Forbidden City according to the proportions of the original work, and restored the work exactly like the original work! Very clear and real, no different from the original!

To purchase Guo Shangxian's "Huangting Inner Scene Classic", please click below to purchase:

100 years ago, the "Little Kai King", Lin Zexu's Kaishu teacher, known as the "first master of the late Qing Dynasty"

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Guo Shangxian's "Huangting Inner Scene Classic" ¥119 purchase

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