
Chuanyin Chuanyi joined hands with the "Effort Meal" team to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party and sing "National Music Pioneer"

author:Chuanguan News

Sichuan online reporter Li Ting

Chuanyin Chuanyi joined hands with the "Effort Meal" team to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party and sing "National Music Pioneer"

In April 101 years ago, a young man from Wenjiang, Chengdu, went to Germany, and with his national dream, he pioneered the oriental national music. "The reason why the Beijing (May Fourth) Movement spread to Chengdu in time and the young people were able to see the light in time cannot but be attributed to Wang Guangqi." These are the words written by the writer Li Jieren in the article "Remembrance of Wang Guangqi". On April 8, 101 years later, the opera "Wang Guangqi" held a press conference at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, which was jointly produced by the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, the Propaganda Department of the Wenjiang District Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the Sichuan Institute of Culture and Arts, and will premiere in July to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Chuanyin Chuanyi joined hands with the "Effort Meal" team to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party and sing "National Music Pioneer"

I have changed drafts more than ten times

Singing Chinese "Pioneers in Opera Studies" with Western Opera

Today, in the college of The Sichuan Conservatory of Music, there is also a statue of Wang Guangqi, a famous social activist in China's "May Fourth" period, a famous musicologist and music historian in the history of modern music, born in Wenjiang, Chengdu, Sichuan, and a revolutionary pioneer who made outstanding contributions to the spread of Marxism and the establishment of party organizations in Chengdu during the initial period of our party.

Chuanyin Chuanyi joined hands with the "Effort Meal" team to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party and sing "National Music Pioneer"

Xing Xiaobin, member of the Standing Committee of the Wenjiang District CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department of Chengdu, introduced the important nodes in Wang Guangqi's life, and the opera "Wang Guangqi" takes the major events that affected Wang Guangqi's life as the narrative node, and through the interpretation of Wang Guangqi, shows Wang Guangqi's life in the period of great social change in pursuing ideals and seeking the road to national salvation - from wang Guangqi's founding of the Young Chinese Society and the establishment of the Work-study Mutual Aid Society, back to studying in Germany, experiencing the division of the society, the failure of love, and extremely difficult and difficult choices. Eventually, he grew from a social activist to a music educator and music theorist in China.

"To be precise, Wang Guangqi is a social activist and a famous musicologist, he is the first person to compare the music of eastern and western nationalities, which is of epoch-making significance." Sun Hongbin, vice president of the Sichuan Conservatory of Music and composer of the play, introduced, "At first he studied law, then he was a journalist, and finally he established the Young China Society, which included all the influential figures in China at that time, such as Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu, and Mao Zedong, into his circle of friends." He was very patriotic, after going abroad to Germany, he studied the history of national music, studied the social function of music, the role of national salvation, and then through the comparative study of the national music of the East and the West, he used the power of music and spiritual power to save our country. ”

It is worth mentioning that "Wang Guangqi" also incorporates local Chinese musical elements into the opera form, especially highlighting the music and music traditions of the Wenjiang region of the Chengdu Plain. At the same time, due to the particularity of the characters' experiences, the play also integrates into the expression of European opera on the carrier of traditional national opera. Under the background of the turbulent and changing world pattern and the surging ideological trends of the times, it has opened up the fusion of Chinese and Western cultures, especially prominent music, and integrated traditional Chinese poetry, music and Western symphony, European folk dance and other artistic styles into one furnace, shaping an image of an early patriotic national intellectual who will always cherish his homeland and look at the world.

Chuanyin Chuanyi joined hands with the "Effort Meal" team to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party and sing "National Music Pioneer"

Dean Chuan Yin led the + "Effort Meal" team

I have changed the manuscript more than ten times, and I want to polish my artistic works with excellence

According to Liu Liyun, dean of the Sichuan Conservatory of Music and screenwriter of the play, the opera "Wang Guangqi" should not only be made into an educational feast for the audience, but also an audiovisual feast with national opera as the carrier, and even more importantly, an artistic feast with professional standards. The opera "Wang Guangqi" has been built into a masterpiece of ideological and artistic beauty, which can go to the whole sichuan, the whole country and even go abroad. "To this end, the whole team strives for excellence in the creation of rehearsals.

"The core of 'Wang Guangqi' is the revolutionary spirit, the spirit of national salvation, and the patriotic spirit, so when we changed the script, at least a dozen versions were changed, and after the director team came, they made great structural adjustments, and the purpose was to be able to present it wonderfully." Liu Liyun, dean of the Sichuan Conservatory of Music and screenwriter of the play, revealed that the wonderful presentation is also standard. "The first is to be good and the music to be good; the second is to be good, because it is an opera; the third is to be good to pass, and to be sung later." Based on these points, Sun Hongbin said that when "Wang Guangqi" uses music to shape the character image, it highlights the theme, adopts the creative method of combining the Chinese five-tone style with the Western major and small tones, with arias and narrative tones as the main tone, and solo singing, heavy singing, rotational singing, chorus and other forms of display. The instrumentation incorporates local Sichuan music elements, based on the Western orchestral music compiled by double pipes, combined with traditional Chinese national instruments, reflecting strong Chinese elements. At the same time, in order to avoid the people from being discouraged from the play, the musical rotation method of "Wang Guangqi" is rich in emotions and rich in connotation.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Sichuan Conservatory of Music created the opera "Wang Guangqi" with practical actions, actively cooperated with Wenjiang District and Sichuan Culture and Art College, created the opera "Wang Guangqi" with high standards, and opened the exploration of cooperation between professional colleges and first-line creative teams in Sichuan. The play was written by Professor Liu Liyun, deputy secretary of the Chuanyin Party Committee, dean, doctor of literature and doctoral supervisor, and Professor Zuo Zhilan, vice president of the Chuanyin Drama Academy, composed by Professor Sun Hongbin, member of the Standing Committee of the Chuanyin Party Committee and vice president, Gong Zhenxu, president of the Sichuan Culture and Arts College, as the literary coordinator, Pan Naiqi, screenwriter of the "Lotus Award" "Effort Meal" and national second-level screenwriter, as the literary coordinator and executive producer, the famous young director Wu Cheng, the special creator of the Chuanyin Art Office and the director of the Music Department of Xihua University Xiang Chenzi, Professor Yang Hua, Deputy Director of the Department of Chuanyin Composition, Associate Professor Ao Xiang, Assistant Director of the Department of Chuanyin Composition, Associate Professor Liu Qiqi of the Department of Chuanyin Composition, Xiao Xu, choreographer of "Effort Meal", served as the choreographer, Professor Tan Xuesheng, director of the Department of Ethnic Vocal Music and The Department of Opera Chorus, served as the vocal director, and Professor Zheng Jie and Kong Lei served as the artistic directors. It is worth mentioning that Bian Wentong, a professor of the Stage Art Department of the Central Academy of Drama, a "four batches" of talents from the Central Propaganda Department, and a senior visiting scholar at Yale University in the United States, helped the play, and served as the stage design and costume design of the opera "Wang Guangqi".

Next, Chuanyin will also launch a large-scale symphony ensemble "Shu Dao Suite Song", the theme symphony of the "Tianfu 39th National Congress", the "Long March of the Red Army in Sichuan" art exhibition, and the "Hundred Songs and Ode to a Hundred Years" original song exhibition, etc., with a variety of works of art to present the centenary of the founding of the party.

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