
Looking back at the road ahead, set sail for a new journey - Liu Liyun, deputy secretary of the party committee and dean of the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, delivered a speech at the 2021 graduation ceremony of the Sichuan Conservatory of Music

author:Tianfu TV
Looking back at the road ahead, set sail for a new journey - Liu Liyun, deputy secretary of the party committee and dean of the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, delivered a speech at the 2021 graduation ceremony of the Sichuan Conservatory of Music

Dear students, teachers, parents and friends,

Good morning, everyone!

Fiery June, peach and plum fragrance. Today, is destined to be an unforgettable day, 4229 students are about to graduate from Chuanyin, embark on a new journey in life, as the principal, my heart is extremely excited, not only for everyone is about to leave the alma mater, but also for everyone's academic success, but also for everyone's good future blessings. Here, entrusted by Professor Zhou Siyuan, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College, on behalf of all the faculty and staff, I would like to express my warm congratulations to the students who are about to embark on a new journey in life! I would like to pay high tribute to the teachers who have poured their blood and sweat into the growth of their students! Congratulations to all the parents who have worked hard silently!

Looking back at the road ahead, the four years of college are like a white colt passing through the gap and a flash, and everyone has grown from a new student who is eager for knowledge to a graduate who has achieved success. Four years of university life, the campus is full of your footsteps and figures. At this moment, everyone must remember the time when they sat in the classroom and studied hard against the sweltering heat and cold; It must be unforgettable to play beautiful notes, dance steps, and paint proud paintings in the piano room, on the stage, and in the studio; it must be unforgettable that the youthful flying of the healthy posture at the Games; You will definitely remember eating in the school cafeteria, listening to concerts in the concert hall, and consulting materials in the library. I think it's only a moment to preserve this memory, but to think back on it forever.

Four years of college time, said long is not long, said short is not short, everyone has the harvest of academic growth, there is a teacher-student friendship, the same window friendship touched, there is the sweat of hard work, there is confusion on the road to growth, there is a clear after the solution of doubts. Today, all these are condensed and sublimated here, making our graduation ceremony more profound and meaningful. For the 37 outstanding graduates at the provincial level and 154 outstanding graduates at the university level who have been commended today, they are the representatives among you, and they are also a summary and affirmation of your four years of university life. Also, today is of special significance to Peng Zhenzheng of the Piano Department and Shi Yuying of the Opera Chorus Department, because today is their birthday, and today's successful graduation and bachelor's degree are their best birthday gifts. In short, today everyone is about to walk out of the Chuanyin campus with joy, harvest and expectation, and all our school leaders and teachers are really happy and proud of you, because you have brilliantly shone the unrepentant youth of Chuanyin people, composed the beautiful music of Chuanyin people, and carved the footprints of Chuanyin people moving forward.

Students, walking out of school is an important milestone in the course of life. At this exciting time, the country, society and families all have high expectations for you. We must live up to this expectation, take university graduation as a new starting point in life, strive to "make merit, meritorious service, and make a statement", do ordinary things well, cast extraordinary in the ordinary, and achieve career in the ordinary. On the occasion of parting, I send you six words.

First, we must have the feelings of home and country. The five-thousand-year culture of the Chinese nation tells us that "home" and "country" have always been inseparable. A famous association written by The Ming Dynasty Gu Xiancheng, "The sound of reading in the wind and rain, the sound of reading in the ears, family affairs and state affairs and the world are concerned about everything", has become the motto of today's readers who care about national affairs and establish feelings of home and country. From the Book of Rites. From "self-cultivation and family rule of the country and peace in the world" to Fan Zhongyan's "Yueyang Louji" "the world is worried and worried before the world, and the world is happy and happy after the world"; from Cao Zhi's "sacrificing his body to go to the country in difficulty, the facts are suddenly returning" to Wang Changlin's sacrifice of "wearing golden armor in a hundred battles in Huangsha, not breaking the Loulan and never returning"; all kinds of "the world rises and falls, and the pirate has the responsibility" all express the spirit of responsibility of every citizen. The prosperity and strength of a country are inseparable from the people, so General Secretary Xi Jinping said that the Jiangshan is the people, and the people are the Jiangshan. And "the wisdom of the youth is the wisdom of the country, the wealth of the youth is the wealth of the country, and the strength of the youth is the strength of the country", which is even more a truth. Students walking out of the Chuanyin campus and walking from the school gate to the doors of enterprises, organs and units will officially become the fresh blood of the country's high-quality development and a new force of modernization. In the days to come, everyone should strive to be patriotic and promising young people and contribute their wisdom and strength to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The second is to have the ambition to live up to this life. At a symposium with the masters and students of The Great Master on May 2, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged the vast number of young people to "be inspired, set up lofty ambitions, and be strivers." Every young person should cherish this great era and be a strivers in the new era. "In every era, there are inspirational examples worth learning from, and Mr. Wang Guangqi, who has a great relationship with our school, is a good example for us." Mr. Wang Guangqi was a famous social activist in China's "May Fourth" period, an outstanding musicologist and music historian in the history of modern and contemporary music, the founder of comparative musicology, and the first Chinese to obtain a doctorate in music in China. Facing the apocalyptic and old China, he advocated the establishment of a vigorous young China suitable for the twentieth century, and regarded the young China as part of the ideal juvenile world. In order to achieve this goal, he established the Famous Society of Young China in the May Fourth Period, launched the vigorous work-study mutual aid group movement, and had deep contacts with young Mao Zedong and scholar Li Dazhao, which was extremely influential and appealing at that time. At the same time, he is also a pathfinder in thought, and his idea of "music saving the country" still has strong practical significance today. "Those who have aspirations can achieve anything", the youth of struggle is beautiful, we must learn and inherit the spirit of Mr. Wang Guangqi's diligent pursuit, and strive towards our own life aspirations.

Third, we must have the responsibility of giving up ourselves to others. In the world of life, some burdens must be shouldered, and we must have the courage of "shouldering morality on iron shoulders and writing articles with clever hands". Stepping out of school and into society, we will take on different roles. There are different roles, there are different responsibilities and responsibilities. In the society, we must actively input positive energy, and use our own practical actions to serve and guide the development of a certain aspect. As a graduate of Chuanyin, in addition to having a good aesthetic accomplishment, it is also necessary to have a high degree of social responsibility, and to do its best to influence the people around you to establish a good aesthetic and lead the whole society to practice healthy aesthetics. In the unit, we must be diligent and pragmatic, and create a better future with our own hands. We must not give up on ourselves because of a temporary adversity, or even directly "lie flat"; we must "not be happy with things, not sad with ourselves", work creatively, and realize the value of life with tenacity. In the family, we must fulfill the responsibility of being a child and a parent in the future, and a happy family is a warm harbor where we can stop and rest when we are tired, so Deng Xiaoping, the chief architect of our reform and opening up, said that the family is a good thing.

Fourth, we must have the heart to adhere to kindness. Friendliness is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, the excellent personal quality of citizens, the moral bond for building harmonious interpersonal relations, and the ethical basis for maintaining good social order. In fact, kindness is the heart of people, as long as we adhere to this heart, we can be a kind person. The ancients once said, "Don't do it with evil and small, don't do it with goodness", that is, kindness can be a smile, a greeting, that is, some tiny details in life, such as patiently explaining when strangers on the street ask for directions, people around them encountering difficulties to lend a helping hand, giving up seats to people in need on the bus, and so on. Kindness is still a kind of forbearance, in the face of disputes and contradictions, we must learn to "take a step back from the calm wind and waves, let the three points of the sea and the sky" "He who is good is also good." The relationship between people and people is always a two-way interaction. He who loves others, he who loves others, he who respects others, he who respects others, he who helps others, he who always helps. Those who bring happiness to more people, society will surely praise them as the happiest people, not only to send warmth to others, but also to bring help to themselves.

Fifth, we must have an endless pursuit of learning. Zhuang Zi said: "My life also has an end, and my knowledge has no end." This means that our lives are finite and our knowledge is infinite. Now is the era of knowledge and information explosion, technological innovation, industrial change is leading the profound changes in the world, we can only keep pace with the times by "living to the old, learning from the old". The four-year undergraduate study is mainly around a professional direction to learn the relevant basic theories, basic knowledge and basic skills, establish a reasonable knowledge structure, and lay a good foundation for the society to engage in scientific research, production or other work. It can be said that some of your knowledge is still "knowing what it is, but not knowing why it is so", to understand the truth that "on paper to finally feel shallow, never know this matter to do", to understand that learning itself is a skill, just like absorbing nutrients, a short period of time can not see the effect, the accumulation of time will make us bloom like a flower, can cast our colorful life.

Sixth, we must have the insistence on treating others with integrity. "People do not stand without faith, karma does not prosper without faith, and the country will decline without faith." If a person loses faith in others, he will lose the foundation of self-cultivation and life, and the foundation of his career will eventually suffer. From ancient times to the present, integrity is very important, the ancients with "a gentleman's word, the horse is difficult to chase", said that integrity plays an important role. Integrity is even more precious for today's society, and the core values of socialism list integrity as the essence, which is the basic value pursuit for every citizen. To be honest, we must first adhere to honesty, so as to win trust. Honesty and trust are a tree and Tilian, honesty is the premise of gaining trust, honesty to people will naturally gain people's trust, dishonesty to people will produce a crisis of trust. Perhaps a dishonest person may deceive some people at a specific time, on a specific occasion, through special means, but only temporarily, the "true face of Lushan" will eventually appear, so the basis of trust will always be honesty.

Students, at this time of farewell, I put these feelings about being a person and doing things into your heavy bags, hoping to have a little enlightenment for your future life journey.

Students, the 2021 graduation of Sichuan Conservatory of Music has arrived, and I would like to borrow the words of General Secretary Xi Jinping to set sail for you, "Young people are both dreamers and dreamers, and each generation of young people has their own opportunities and opportunities." Youth does not ask questions, the years become their own style! The baton of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has been passed into your hands, and you must bravely shoulder this responsibility entrusted by the times.

Finally, one more word of advice, remember to go back to your alma mater often! Come on, after the waves! Students, cherish!

June 25, 2021

◎ Source: Sichuan Conservatory of Music

◎ The copyright belongs to the original author, please indicate the source when reprinting

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