
China's "mother of semiconductors", Xie Xide, in order to return to China to serve, did not hesitate to sever ties with his father

author:Head of the Department of History

When it comes to semiconductors, I believe many people will think of semiconductor radios. In fact, semiconductors are the collective name of integrated circuits, communication systems, photovoltaic power generation, and other power conversion fields.

After entering the twentieth century, countries are focusing on improving conductor and insulator materials in semiconductors. Nowadays, from supercomputers to mobile phones or digital recorders, the core units of which are very closely related to semiconductors.

Since the 1950s, China has focused on the construction of semiconductor physics. For example, the Department of Semiconductor Physics opened by Peking University, Fudan University and Nanjing University is a well-deserved ace major.

However, if you mention who has made great contributions to the semiconductors of new China? That So-called China's "mother of semiconductors", Xie Xide, should not be forgotten.

China's "mother of semiconductors", Xie Xide, in order to return to China to serve, did not hesitate to sever ties with his father

In March 1921, Xie Xide was born in Chihu Township, Gongjiang Town, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province. His father, Xie Yuming, graduated from Yenching University in his early years, and his mother, Guo Yujin, was a high-achieving student at Xiamen University.

In 1923, Xie Yuming received a scholarship from the Rockefeller Foundation and immediately went to the United States to study.

In 1925, Xie Xide's mother, Guo Jinyu, fell ill and died. At this time, his father Xie Yuming was studying for a doctorate in physics at the University of Chicago in the United States. In his childhood, Xie Xide lived with his grandmother in the countryside of Quanzhou.

In 1926, Xie Yuming returned to China and was invited to serve as a professor in the Department of Physics of Yenching University, taking Xie Xide to his side. In 1928, Xie Yuming married Zhang Shunying, a graduate of Yenching University's Mathematics Department, giving xie Xide, who was only seven years old, a complete family.

In 1932, at the age of 11, Xie Xide entered yenching University Affiliated High School and later transferred to Beiman Girls' High School. After the outbreak of the Lugou Bridge Incident, Xie Yuming came to Changsha with his family to avoid disaster and served as a professor in the Department of Physics of Hunan University.

In the summer of 1938, Xie Xide graduated from Fuxiang Girls' High School in Changsha, Hunan Province, with the first place in the class, and was successfully admitted to Hunan University. However, he was forced to take a break from school because of sudden bone and joint tuberculosis, and later went to Guiyang and Huishui to recuperate and spent four years in bed.

This osteoarthropathy that Shahid suffered from needed to be treated with special medicines. Because medical conditions were quite limited during the war, shahid was delayed in the best treatment time, and she suffered from osteoarticular diseases throughout her life.

In 1942, Xie Xide relied on self-study and followed in the footsteps of his mother Guo Yujin and was successfully admitted to the Department of Mathematics and Physics of Xiamen University. In 1947, Sheheed was admitted to Smith College to pursue a master's degree in physics.

Two years later, Sheheed entered the Department of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for further study, where he worked on theoretical research on the light blocking properties of hydrogen in high-pressure states, and eventually received his Ph.D. degree.

China's "mother of semiconductors", Xie Xide, in order to return to China to serve, did not hesitate to sever ties with his father


At this time, when new China was founded and the country was in ruins waiting to be rebuilt, the scientists in the United States headed by Qian Xuesen did not want to return to the motherland at any time and use the knowledge they had learned to contribute to the construction of new China.

At that time, Xie Xide and her boyfriend Cao Tianqin had a sweet relationship, because Cao Tianqin studied in the Uk, and the two wrote letters to each other every day to complain about their hearts. In the letter, both Xie Xide and Cao Tianqin mentioned the idea of returning to the motherland at an early date.

When the Korean War broke out in 1950, the United States forbade Chinese students studying science, engineering, medicine, and agriculture to return to China, and Shahid could not return to China directly from the United States.

In order to return to China as soon as possible, Xie Xide and Cao Tianqin have been trying to find a way, but they are firmly opposed by their father. Her father blamed her for not doing research abroad, and her stubborn father claimed to break off relations with his sister.

She applied to go to England to marry Cao Tianqin first, and the couple returned to China from England.

In May 1952, On the pretext of going to The United Kingdom to get married, Sheheed escaped from the United States and came to the United Kingdom to formally marry Cao Tianqin. After the wedding, the two spent a short honeymoon in the UK.

He then sailed to India, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, and Shenzhen, and returned to Shanghai by car from Guangzhou on the National Day of 1952.

After returning to China, Xie Xide came to teach in the Department of Physics of Fudan University. At that time, the Department of Physics of Fudan University was facing the dilemma of weak faculty and many new courses being unscheduled.

From 1952 to 1956, Shehid taught six basic and professional courses, and personally wrote textbooks and lecture notes. The "Semiconductor Physics" written with Mr. Huang Kunlao is regarded as the guideline by everyone.

To this day, Semiconductor Physics is still a highly authoritative work of high academic standards.

China's "mother of semiconductors", Xie Xide, in order to return to China to serve, did not hesitate to sever ties with his father

Wedding photo of Xie Xide and Cao Tianqin

In May 1956, Sheaid and Cao Tianqin joined the Communist Party of China. In the same year, some teachers and students from the physics departments of Peking University, Fudan University, Nanjing University, Xiamen University, Jilin University, and five universities gathered in Beijing to jointly establish the joint semiconductor physics specialization. Xie Xide served as deputy director and cultivated a large number of semiconductor backbone talents for China.

In 1958, Sheheed and Cao Tianqin's first child was born. Because Sheheed is an elderly mother, coupled with the hidden disease of the body, in order to give birth to the child smoothly, Sheheed suffered a lot.

What is admirable is that in June 1958, in order to pursue the cause of education, Xie Xide put aside his child who was only five months old and went to peking university to work for nearly two years. In the past two years, Shahid has gathered less with his family.

However, Sheheed has achieved major scientific results in more than two years. Under her leadership, Fudan University established advanced experimental techniques such as paramagnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopy.

At the end of 1962, Sheheed was promoted to professor, where she taught courses in semiconductor theory for graduate students and wrote lecture notes.

In 1966, Sheheed led a scientific delegation to attend the annual conference on solid state physics in the United Kingdom. At the meeting, Sheheed's academic speeches were unanimously praised by teachers and students of other colleges and universities at home and abroad.

Upon his return, Sheheed was diagnosed with breast cancer in October 1966. At the end of the same year, Xie Xide and her husband Cao Tianqin were isolated for review. In 1970, Sheheed was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma again, and with the heavy physical labor required on weekdays, Shaheed's body completely collapsed.

After more than six years of scrutiny, in 1973, Sheheed finally regained his reputation and continued to work on semiconductors. In the summer of 1976, Sheheed suffered his third onset of cancer.

According to the doctor's advice, Shaheed needed to be hospitalized for a long time, receiving deep X-rays, plus high-dose chemotherapy, which was the only way to save Sheheedd's life.

China's "mother of semiconductors", Xie Xide, in order to return to China to serve, did not hesitate to sever ties with his father

According to common sense, Shahid, who is so seriously ill, should put aside scientific research experiments, honestly follow the doctor's arrangement, and receive various treatments. However, Shaheed had an infinite love for the cause of science. She endured the pain of illness, traveled back and forth between schools and hospitals, personally guided graduate students in business, and was responsible for the development of related scientific experiments.

In 1977, When Comrade Deng Xiaoping put things right, Xie Xide immediately put forward the initiative to develop surface physics in our country, which won the support of the state. In the same year, Xie Xide served as the vice president of Fudan University and took the lead in building the surface physics laboratory of Fudan University.

After more than ten years of efforts, approved by the State Planning Commission in 1990, Fudan University officially built the State Key Laboratory of Applied Surface Physics, and Xie Xide was also elected as the presidium of the Faculty of Chinese Academy of Sciences twice in 1981 and 1992.

In 1986, Sheheed was elected an honorary member of the American Physical Society. In the early 1980s, Professor Bardeen, a famous American scientist who won two Nobel Prizes in Physics, visited China. He came to Shanghai to meet with Sheheed by name and have intimate talks with him.

After Returning to the United States, Professor Bardeen praised everyone and said: "In China, the scientist Professor Sheheed is one of the most influential people. Not only that, in 1986, when Sheaid led a delegation to visit the United States, he met Yang Zhenning, a Chinese-American scientist.

Yang Zhenning excitedly told Xie Xide that Xie Xide's father, Xie Yuming, had once met Yang Zhenning. Now that Xie Xide has inherited his father's business, Yang Zhenning is very happy and immediately said that he will fully support Xie Xide's various scientific research experiments and contribute his own strength to the motherland.

In June 1987, Sheheed received the honorary doctorate title of State University of New York. Meanwhile, USA Today newspaper said: "Sheheed is the president of Harvard University in China. ”

China's "mother of semiconductors", Xie Xide, in order to return to China to serve, did not hesitate to sever ties with his father

In 1988, Xie Xide officially stepped down as the president of Fudan University. Under the leadership of Xie Xide, Fudan University took the lead in breaking the model of only liberal arts and sciences in China, and added five colleges of technical science, life science and management science to Fudan University.

In addition to his fruitful achievements in the academic field, Sheheed is also the leader in promoting international cooperation and exchanges after China's reform and opening up. At the end of the 1970s, Sheheed actively carried out contacts with foreign universities and recommended Chinese scholars to visit foreign countries and cooperate in research.

Sheheed dragged the sick body, frequently led delegations to attend various international conferences, footprints in more than 20 countries in the world, and actively promoted China's position in the international semiconductor physics community.

In 1993, Sheheed presided over the Fourth International Conference on Surface Structures held in Shanghai, which was a complete success. Due to physical reasons and old age and infirmity, Shahid slowly retreated to the second line and spent more time with his little granddaughter.

According to the memories of Sheheedd's students and friends, she was a person who loved life and knew life. In his youth, Sheheed was bedridden for 4 years due to osteoarticular diseases, and Shahid was accompanied by books.

She often said: "Reading is my greatest interest, reading can make me forget the pain of illness, make my life full, reading is a good recipe for self-disease." ”

Due to his frailty, Shaheed paid great attention to sports. In an interview in 1998, Sheheed said that she often pays attention to the latest news of China's athletes, and she is also a die-hard fan of the Shanghai Shenhua team.

Compared with his wife Xie Xide, Cao Tianqin may be somewhat "obscure". In fact, Cao Tianqin has made outstanding contributions to the physical chemistry of proteins and virus research, and the couple has successfully developed "Herbicide No. 1" together with other researchers.

China's "mother of semiconductors", Xie Xide, in order to return to China to serve, did not hesitate to sever ties with his father

Sheheed (right) with her husband Cao Tianqin (left

In 1995, Xie Xide's husband Cao Tianqin died of illness, and the couple had been together for more than 50 years. Cao Tianqin's death dealt a big blow to Sheshid.

On the evening of March 4, 2000, Mr. Sheheed passed away at the age of 79, leaving the communist cause for which she had worked all her life.

Shaheed's life was an extraordinary life. She not only stubbornly fought against the disease, but also dedicated her life to the country and the people.

salute! Mr. Xie is an example for all Communist Party members! It is an example for China's scientific and educational circles! It is also a model for the Chinese people!

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