
Alex 12 Constellation Weekly Horoscope (10.18-10.24)

author:Alex is an uncle
Alex 12 Constellation Weekly Horoscope (10.18-10.24)

Reference: Sun sign, rising sign (all need to refer)

Important horoscopes of the week:

This week, the water retrograde will officially end (October 18), which is also the last of the year (there will be 2-3 water retrogrades per year).

After the end of the water retrograde, although there is still a shadow period to be spent, this period is to enter the "aftercare" stage, which means that the problems that occur during the water retrograde, the stagnation or change encountered, will begin to be solved in the next shadow period, so there is no need to panic and worry, and with the end of the water retrograde, our efficiency will also increase.

Is there a big gain from this water retrograde? Especially in terms of interpersonal relationships and their own boundaries and skills for getting along with people. Some people may have solved a long misunderstanding in this water reversal, although it may not have substantially changed your relationship (after all, the estrangement has been encountered, and the distance of the heart has been created), but from another extent, it is also good to open the words and end the state of hostility or estrangement. Therefore, most people in this water retrograde is a period of "untying the knot" and "thinking through".

What did you gain?

There is also an important astrology this week, that is, the full moon that occurs in the sign of fire, in general, this week's astrological sign is very hot, but from another level to understand and explain, it can also be summarized as passion, enthusiasm. This full moon also brings us many instructions:

1, we may find new allies, such as teammates, group members, partners, allies, or people on the side of interests, or have a new nemesis, girlfriends, etc.

2, representing a new beginning to start, because the past plan has ended (whether it is failure or success), what we have to do now is to grasp the present, plan for the future, and this full moon, is a good opportunity.

3, it is quite easy to have a feeling of love at first sight, which should be the popular "sense of atmosphere" at the moment, because the atmosphere is just right, just hit their own heart, but the energy of the fire element is easy to fanaticism in the early stage, and there may not be sustained enthusiasm, so I also have to determine whether it is really just an impulse caused by brain fever.

4, then is not to be angry, others to encourage emotions, to be used by others, because it is easy to be deceived.

In addition, the sun will change its position and enter the water sign house position, the new constellation moon will be opened, when the sun enters Scorpio, the subjects we have to face have a new change, in the next month, we need to pay attention to these problems:

1, reconcile with ourselves this thing may be we are doing every moment, and into the Scorpio Moon, maybe this matter becomes more important, when we face life, there may be a lot of dissatisfaction, maybe we will amplify those bad emotions, and even more can feel the "sense of loneliness and loneliness", then we need to reconcile with ourselves, there are many ways, choose those more comfortable, relax the way is good - with friends to get together, can be a nutritious dialogue chat, It can also be a deep-seated collision of values, and these ways can release our innermost uneasiness and anxiety, and then return to calm.

2, dig out those truths, face the truth is the need for courage. Everyone is not stupid, everyone has their own intuition, and most of the time, we can actually predict the results of some things and the truth what it is, but because we lack the courage to face the truth, so we will subconsciously escape and deceive ourselves, just like in the relationship, obviously there are some things that cause their own uneasiness, but still find excuses and reasons, then in this Scorpio Month, we need to be strong, enhance our courage, to face those truths - facing the truth, is the beginning of the stop loss.

3, about the financial aspect, at the level of astrology, the house held by Scorpio is also related to money, if you have debt problems, personal credit certification needs or other problems, or apply for refunds, deal with financial disputes, including some dunning things, there will be further feedback in this Scorpio month.

4, about the "big people" thing, the so-called big people, can be powerful, have a background, have status, or the "big people" image in your mind, in the Scorpio Moon, these big people may have some important things happening, such as changes in popularity, or may violate the rules, laws, etc., or there are some secrets exposed.

5, we will be stimulated to possessive, jealous and even comparison, these feelings will play a role in all aspects of life, interpersonal communication, hope that they are more important, in the feelings, hope to be spoiled or unconditionally tolerated, forgive, or on the material level of comparison and jealousy, we need to digest reasonably in this Scorpio month, decompose these emotions, do not affect themselves, make negative and extreme paranoid words and deeds.

Health Note this week: Folliculitis, conjunctivitis, fever, burns, cramps, cervical spine, acne, blisters, pharyngitis, mouth ulcers.

The above is the impact on the social environment.

Sun or Rising Aries: This week's water retrograde is over, this is also the last water retrograde of the year, in the first half of the week may have more interpersonal interactions, you may also need to find friends in the first half of the week to help, or consult professional professional advice, which can allow you to solve the thorny problems you face as soon as possible, and in the first half of the week there may also be cooperation, tasks, activity confirmation, execution. Some people start to increase their travel this week, and may have travel trips to perform in the next few weeks. In addition, your sign will usher in a full moon, the full moon heralds the result, such as some people think for a long time, plan for a long time, or save money for a long time to buy something, then under the inspiration of this full moon, those things you have been waiting for for a long time are going to be done, or ushered in the answer, but because of the negative angle of Mars and Pluto, with the energy of this full moon, from last week to the next two weeks, this time is actually to pay attention to the stability of emotional relationships, some people may face quarrels or even breakups, and from the friendship level You feel that someone doesn't seem to be on your side, or that your relationship with you has become distant, and you may even feel jealous because the friend is getting closer to someone else or something like that. Because of the interaction between Mars and Pluto, you also need to pay attention to your own health problems, chest tightness or pain, or inflammation, fire, trauma, etc., and a small number of people have poor skin conditions. This week you may also have to deal with banking or wealth management, some people may work part-time to earn extra money, this week you may learn a secret, or puncture a lie. From the perspective of the workplace, this week's work efficiency will improve, this week there will be a large number of tasks to close or cooperate to confirm, into the implementation process stage, while the payment will also be settled, some people will leave or formally join the new job, this week the superior may be something wrong, maybe the superior is not honest but you will know the truth.

Love is about avoiding mutual accusations of pain.

Sun or Rising Taurus: You may have lost money, such as some money having to be spent or really breaking the bank (some people are cheated), or it may be some other form of loss, but you don't have to indulge in this negative emotion all the time, and it will start to get better after Wednesday. This week's water retrograde will also officially end, and you will feel busy from Monday to Tuesday, because everyone's efficiency will begin to return, and you will naturally be active or passively urged to be busy. During Monday to Wednesday, seek medical treatment, pay bills, make an appointment for a service, or make a request with your family, these days because the water retrograde has just ended, so pay attention to communication skills, gentle communication in everything, do not be irritable. And Mars and Pluto will also interact, this astrological sign is easy to encounter low pressure, easy to complain about people, and you yourself have to stay away from such people, inevitably this week there will be ineffective social occasions, maybe you were looking forward to going to a party, activity, but there will be a sense of disappointment and even dislike people on the scene. But the second half of the week's fortunes will begin to turn good, because the sun will come to your opposite position, this time the noble fortunes will begin to improve, and there may also be someone to help you, help you unblock the relationship, and even provide material help. This week, some people will get offers or work on the task, position, responsible for the change of field, and others will do part-time work to earn extra money. If you're dealing with a housing issue, there may be something going wrong this week, but you're patient and it's not insurmountable. You may have offended someone before, this week you should pay attention not to intensify the contradiction, and in the next few weeks, you must keep a low profile. Singles peach blossom fortune gradually turned higher, but do not wait for others to take the initiative, you have to take the step first. From the perspective of the workplace, the sense of busyness at work this week has increased, and there may be more overtime, due to the energy of the fire, this week's workplace is prone to gunpowder or other people's dereliction of duty, leaving the matter, resulting in a sense of conflict, but the second half of the week will begin to ease.

Love is taking the initiative to take a step.

Sun or ascending Gemini: This week your guardian star Mercury will end retrograde, finally the state will begin to improve, with the end of the water retrograde, this week's social things will increase, and you will also take the initiative to invite friends to meet, it is better to implement some agreements and meet in the first half of the week, and this week is also very suitable for talking about cooperation, talking about opportunities - if you want to establish contact with someone, then there will be good news this week, and this week is also suitable for interviewing new jobs, or expanding new customer areas, Although the toil is a little hard, the harvest is very good. Some people are busy moving, signing contracts, looking for an agent to help, or going for a medical examination. Life may be arranged to be full as a result, but it is important to note that from Thursday onwards, due to the appearance of the full moon and the four-point horoscope of fire, the second half of the week is prone to quarrels, and even there is a competitive relationship, which may be competition at work, or competition for a certain place, a certain person. Fire four points will also affect your small group, such as you have a fixed group, or have a small organization with close members, but this week it is easy to cause some other reasons to cause a situation between you to mind, dissatisfaction or even resentment, it is best to say the words, rather than buried in the heart, so as not to accumulate more and more problems in the future. This week, some people will be promoted to parents, or confess and get off the list, and some people will go to a new company to start a new career, in short, brand new is a beautiful word, and you can create a beginning for yourself. If you're not single, you need to focus on your partner's health or financial problems. Something in your home may be damaged this week, so to repair or replace it, a small number of people will make a deposit to buy something. From the perspective of the workplace, this week's work efficiency has improved, and at the same time, there will be new projects implemented in the first half of the week, if there are indicator tasks, there will be good results this week, but before the project is closed, there is no settlement of funds, there may still be a procrastination situation, need to be urged.

Love, is not to treat feelings as a game.

Sun or Ascending Cancer: No one likes to be treated with apathy. This week you may treat someone coldly, or someone will treat you coldly, such as when you are getting along, you feel that the other party is not active and avoidant, or you lack patience and do not want to communicate with someone, if you treat others coldly, then you need to restrain this thought, so as not to bring negative emotions to yourself, if others treat you like this, you may think about what the reason is in the past and find a solution. The water retrograde ends this week, and at the same time ushers in a full moon, which means that there will be something temporary, people, disrupting your original arrangement, so this week you need to make full use of your leisure time so as not to affect your original plan - fortunately, you have the ability to control the field, and eventually things can be resolved satisfactorily. During the full moon, your mood, sleep, gastrointestinal problems and the health problems of female elders need to be paid attention to, if you have children, the health of children should also pay attention to it, and you may need to take medication or adjust your work and rest habits, eating habits, etc. A small number of people may have to meet privately with their superiors this week, someone who means a lot to you, and you may talk about a very deep topic, or express your inner concerns, worries, or even things that you can't figure out, but the result of the conversation is good, and you will suddenly be cheerful. Some people will be trapped by love, but you may need to be scolded this week. In the second half of the week, Mars has a negative interaction with Pluto, and you may fight for them to protect and protect others, but this impulsive thing should not happen, and rational solution is more important. Married people should pay attention to the situation that their partner's elders are under pressure on themselves to make them unhappy. From the perspective of the workplace, there may be pressure at work this week, although the water retrograde is over, but it is precisely at this time that important things have begun to be implemented, causing themselves to feel nervous, and avoid being late in the first half of the week, or avoiding losing three or four performances, so as not to be reprimanded. Someone will ask you for help this week, but if it is a reasonable request, you can agree, and if it is unreasonable, you must refuse.

Love is a sense of grievance in the heart.

Sun or Ascending Leo: Voluntary and involuntary are two moods, the former is spontaneous and the latter has a feeling of compulsion, so for several weeks, you may be doing things you don't like very much, reaching out to people you don't like, but this week the water reversal is over, and this situation will be alleviated. Monday to Wednesday, joy, good news, surprises may appear, or receive a very good message, notification, if you are processing some materials, formalities, documents, submitting certain applications, there will be feedback this week. Some people may need to deal with tax, financial related matters, or have to go in and out of some relevant departments to handle business, so they are in a hurry and rush, but things are going well. In addition, you may have to alleviate some interpersonal problems this week, such as before you did not like someone very much, resulting in yourself treating this person with colored glasses, but now you may have figured it out or found different traits in the other person, so you will change your mind. With the collision between Mars and Jupiter, you may have a touching feeling for someone, or it is purely comfortable to get along with, not necessarily like, but think that this person is good, so it is also good to make a friend. And the advent of the full moon, this week there will be sudden consumption, or broken money, but also pay attention to being tricked into buying things at unreasonable prices. In the second half of the week, Mars interacts with Pluto, pay more attention to getting along with family and friends, it may be easy to annoy you, and even quarrels, and a small number of non-single people may re-mention the old things this week to cause conflicts. Some people will get offers. From the perspective of the workplace, there are positive news in the first half of this week's work, such as the project has been confirmed, the payment has been settled, or someone has come to help you share the business tasks, etc., or there are departmental, group dinners, gatherings, and team-building activities this week. Some have the opportunity to get a raise. But in the second half of the week, we should pay attention to our own work carefully so as not to be beaten into small reports.

Love, is not to show aggressive momentum.

Sun or Ascending Virgo: Once a full moon will happen in the financial, secret, and potential houses of your chart, in fact, since last week you have been feeling the impact of the full moon on you, and it will continue to appear this week - maybe you accidentally discovered someone else's secrets, maybe you began to hold back on someone and became less trusting. You also keep secrets in order to consider other people's moods and emotions, and it seems that you have become an all-knowing and all-powerful identity, but in fact you also have very anxious places - because these things are not things that you want to know or want to do, to touch. This week you need to find a reasonable way to decompress these negative energies. And the water retrograde will also end this week, and with the impact of the full moon, you may also have to pay bills, settle taxes, benefits, or stop dating (for example, you didn't confirm the relationship, but now you want to end it). This week your mood is particularly mature, and there are people who come to you for help, and you will be happy to help. And this week, there will also be opportunities to meet new friends, customers, resources, you may have a good impression of it, have a good impression, and the other party will feel the same way about you. And with the interaction between Mars and Pluto, you may not be able to stand what some people are doing, so it is easy to erupt from Wednesday to Friday, but you have to consider whether the value is worth it, don't get carried away. In addition, you may be disrupted during the week, although this is not in line with your usual habits, but occasionally such a situation will also have a windfall. This week I will meet with friends I haven't seen for a long time, and some people will receive gifts. Starting this week, perfect for creating wealth and value, you're going to get moving. Regarding personal health and family relationships, there is also a trend to improve, and many problems in life are also developing in a good direction, please be kind and patient. From the perspective of the workplace, there may be lies and distrust at work this week, causing you to be uncomfortable or even grumpy, but from the perspective of work tasks, there will be task confirmation, project cooperation execution process, and fast pace, so you may also have to accompany overtime. A small number of people will be played by customers or superiors, colleagues to play the emotional card, pay attention to keep calm.

Love is about creating something romantic.

Sun or Ascending Libra: Your house position ushered in a full moon, and this week the water retrograde will end, starting from September 27, you are one of the most obvious signs of the water retrograde effect, but this time there are also many places to benefit, such as you finally see someone, finally stop your unrealistic fantasies, and get down to earth. As the full moon of the week unfolds, some very realistic ideas will come into being put into practice – you want to make it clear to someone, or you want to pave the way for yourself, because you have been deceived, used or concealed, so your fortunes will start to improve at the beginning of the week, because you now know more and understand the big picture. Monday to Wednesday these days, for others to make requests or give you seem very tempting to stay vigilant, things may not be so ordinary or so beautiful, and because of the relationship of the full moon, some competitors or new competitive relationships have also emerged, before in the workplace or in the circle of friends, there may be people spreading negative things about you, or hostile to you, then this time you have to learn to protect yourself, and even to fight back. There are more clerical things this week, and some people also have to take leave, travel or travel. You may have to cancel a private meeting because of mood or temporarily have other, more important arrangements. Still pay attention to electronic products, electronic appliances or electronic data these places, although the water reverse ends, but due to the relationship between fire and hell, it is still prone to failure. The second half of the week is easy to have human consumption, break the bank, or advance money. Singles should pay attention to rotten peach blossom harassment. From the perspective of the workplace, someone at work this week will shirk responsibility, or someone may make unreasonable demands on you and let you deal with it, which feels like helping people clean up the mess, but you must pay attention to restraining your hard emotions so as not to provoke yourself. Some people may want to send off a colleague because of the reason for leaving or transferring.

Love, don't be seduced by sweet words.

Sun or Ascending Scorpio: The recent feeling is "don't want to act". With the end of the water retrograde, in fact, many repressed emotions, including disguised feelings, have become a load, so you have such a thought, really! This week's water retrograde is over, and this week is very suitable for talking, unraveling misunderstandings, letting the relationship ease, and even going back to the past, especially the relationships such as cooperative relationships and friendships, and if someone suffers from pain and suffering because of emotions, then after the end of the water retrograde, you will also find the right way to make your transition. During Monday to Wednesday, as the full moon approaches, you may be able to increase your productivity significantly, and there is also good news at work level during the week, especially if there is a upfront stagnation, slow cooperation can be advanced, or officially confirmed, for you, the sense of achievement is very obvious, and you will become more confident. But pay attention, the exclusion of those small groups, you may feel that someone is hostile to you, or treat them differently, then you must adjust your mentality and do not go to your heart. This week's financial fortunes have turned better, but because of the relationship between fire and darkness, because of unexpected situations, spending money and breaking money will also occur, but good financial operation will alleviate the pressure of this part. The sun will also officially come to your sign this week, Happy Birthday Scorpio, the sun will bless your noble fortunes, there will be people to help you, give you a chance, or solve a problem. Some people will participate in blind dates, have dates with people they like, or meet people who are excited, and they can be bold and proactive. People in different places have the opportunity to confirm the meeting time. There may be some situations within the family, between relatives or parents, which you may have to spend time dealing with, and some people are ready to move. From the perspective of the workplace, this week at work, you should pay attention to others to make excuses, be lazy, or not submit tasks according to the original time, which will cause you to get angry, especially in the first half of the week, and avoid being late this Monday to Tuesday.

Love is an opportunity that begins to brew.

Sun or Ascending Sagittarius: If the cheese of interest is not touched, you can actually maintain friendly relations with many people, but recently, not only because of the relationship between water retrogrades, you may find that some people are touching and challenging your bottom line. Some people will choose to burst out directly, and some people will endure it, but it is not that they do not care, but they must choose the right time to fight back. Mars' interaction with Pluto is to make you realize who your enemies are and who your teammates are, and now your vision becomes clear. A friend around you this week may bring you a secret, a breaking news or a notice that makes you feel uncomfortable, or someone asks you to borrow money, borrow something, or discuss the topic of interest with you, but no matter which one you seem to be a little resistant to - don't be so negative. From Monday to Wednesday, the water retrograde will end, and the things you are secretly preparing for in the early stages will gradually surface and may be implemented this week. Monday to Wednesday, at a bank, a medical institution, a hair salon or a high-end venue, you may be in and out of these places, and you may meet many people to talk about cooperation, to expand relationships or maintain relationships, and this week you will implement contracts, and some people will receive offers. In addition, there is also a pick-up in the exam luck, prepare well, you will pass the exam, assessment, training. The occurrence of a full moon may bring good news to some people about their children, or escalate to become parents, but it is necessary to pay attention to the health problems of female elders. The sun will enter your secret house this week, and this week you will know something in advance to prepare you to avoid losses, and your fortunes will decline, because this week you may have to spend more money than you planned. From the perspective of the workplace, this week's work should pay attention to the internal atmosphere of the office, there may be people who talk and provoke, find stubble, talk in words, or engage in small groups, but the project implementation level is relatively smooth, although there are pig teammates, but the overall impact is not large, do not worry.

Love is a period of lack of self-confidence.

Sun or ascending Capricorn: Mercury, which stays at the top of your chart, ends its retrograde this week, and from late September onwards, your group and workplace may have unstable situations, such as internal changes, reforms, or changes in people's hearts, etc. After a few weeks, this week will temporarily end, and your fortunes will begin to rise. There may be a lot of socializing to deal with this week, and there are also many relationships to maintain, so you may spend more time on this aspect, but the good news is that the results are more positive. However, due to the arrival of the full moon, you may have household chores to deal with, the health of your family, the relationship between children, or relatives, problems with the house, neighborhood relations, etc., which may affect your mood. You may get angry from Monday to Tuesday, and it is easy to meet rude or unprofessional people. In these two days, I am also easy to be urged, resulting in irritability, but be patient, the result is good. The occurrence of the full moon may also bring some people to enter a new workplace and be contacted by headhunters. Some people travel far away this week, or take vacations. You may also have to deal with tax and legal issues. Some people may confess, leave the bill or register their marriage. As Mars interacts with Pluto, focus on your health problems, fire, mouth, abdominal pain, or problems with your breasts and lymph nodes. A small percentage of people may make an appointment for surgery. And in the second half of the week, the sun changes positions, you may make an agreement with someone to form an alliance, and this week there are also people who bring you gossip or help you, and some people will make a profit and make money. From the perspective of the workplace, this week's internal turmoil will come to an end temporarily, but someone may refute you, or contradict you, but there will be good news in project cooperation, such as implementation, recommendation, project settlement, pay attention to workplace tongue, and will still exist.

Love, is not a glass heart.

Sun or ascending Aquarius: This week, Jupiter will end its retrograde in your sign, and in the past few months, in fact, the most affected place for you is that you seem to have lost your faith, lost what you believed, but this process of being broken is also a process of reinventing yourself, at least now you seem to have become more determined, and you know more about how to protect yourself and please yourself. Water retrograde will also end this week, and there will be a full moon, you may be invited to participate in activities this week, join an organization, or speak, competition, training, some people will be creative desire, very inspired, you can take advantage of this opportunity, if you have the idea to change jobs, this period can be taken action, because there are opportunities to find you, or contact you. Some will be joining a new work environment this week. This full moon has some effects on your fortunes, and there may be moments of emotional consumption, or spending money on dinner, as well as other people's birthdays and weddings. Mars also interacts with Pluto, and there may be situations where outsiders discuss your gossip, which you can ignore, but when it comes to making things out of nothing, learn to protect yourself. From Tuesday to Thursday, you may be a little impatient, especially obvious to family and friends, and control your emotions and don't hurt them. But you may also have discord and contradictions with female elders, but this week can be resolved. Pay attention to your vehicles, electronic devices, data, etc., although the water retrograde is over, these things still need to be paid attention to. From the perspective of the workplace, there is good news coming from this week's work, cooperation is confirmed, but note that some people may shirk responsibility, or take leave, leaving the job caused a lot of workload to fall on you, you may not be able to refuse all, and some people will travel or support the work tasks of other departments.

Love is to break your own illusory imagination.

Sun or Ascending Pisces: If you have a financial crisis, then the week will be resolved at the beginning of the week, because the water retrograde ends in your financial house, and the next three weeks are the time to solve financial problems, including your health problems. In addition, after the end of the water retrograde, it is also very suitable for unraveling interpersonal misunderstandings and knots, this week may wish to take the initiative to explain to the other party, or meet to talk about it. With the interaction between Mars and Jupiter, this week's fortunes have also improved, may get arrears, reimbursements, bonuses, benefits or some tail payments, etc., this astrological sign has also brought peach blossoms to some people, but the other party makes you a little unpredictable, insecure, you can wait and see for a while. Of course, there are also people who will lose interest in the original people this week, and discover "some dislike characteristics" in the other party. From Monday to Tuesday, there will be gunpowder on work or group work, and it is easy to work overtime temporarily, so you must be patient with this. There are also unexpected situations this week that disrupt your plans, or you need to take on other people's things, and although there are unhappiness, you will benefit in the end. Mars also has negative interactions with Pluto, focusing on family atmosphere, the health of elders, or you have personal belongings that are damaged, lost, etc., and a small number of people may seek legal advice or need to go to the relevant departments to handle business. Some people will be aesthetically pleasing this week, changing their appearance, but also expanding new customer resources, making new friends, may wish to move around more to meet new people. If you have a pet, you need to pay attention to your pet's health. From the perspective of the workplace, Monday to Tuesday may not be very pleasant, because someone is held accountable, you will be affected, and at the same time, the two days may be obvious in communication, but it will get better later, and some people may lose cooperation, but don't worry. A small percentage will leave.

Love is a little more period of investigation.

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