
Junko's cottage love

author:Orange interpretation

Life does not have to be more real, it is best to come to a little cottage spirit.



  I remember that on the day when I first got the key to the new house, Junko bought several magazines such as "Decoration Treasure Book" in one go, and within a few days, she drew a sketch of the future house. According to her sketch, she and Wenxin's 80-square-meter two-bedroom apartment are a combination of Chinese and Western. After the design was completed, Shunzi counted the passbooks at home, no more, no less, a hundred thousand, should be enough.

Junko's cottage love

  However, when Junzi brought the sketch to her husband Wenxin, Wenxin only stretched out and said, "I, I'll look at it again." ”

  Wen Xin looked at this, but he watched most of the night. The next day at breakfast, Wen Xin's eyes were red, and while he took the soy milk from Junzi's hand, he carefully said: "I see, that Kohler's toilet has been replaced by a Thai potter's, isn't it a toilet?" Why do you have to use 2,000 yuan a piece? ”

  "However, Kohler's toilet shape is very good-looking, and people are very environmentally friendly, and they are super quiet." Junko argued.

  "No matter how good-looking, how environmentally friendly, no matter how quiet the toilet is, isn't it also used for people to go to the toilet?" Can't we change into Taitao's and we can't pee? ”

  "You?" Shunzi's face was red, and he originally wanted to argue, but he thought about it for a moment: "Little can't bear to mess with big plots, or let him go." ”

  However, Shunzi did not expect that Wenxin next proposed the following rectification plans.

Junko's cottage love

  1. The TV background wall is canceled. The reason is that there are enough TV channels now that are dazzling enough.

  2. The sofa is unnecessarily leather. Aren't you talking about environmental protection? Leather is the most cruel. Moreover, the smell of animals will emanate from all year round, which affects the air quality.

  3. All the furniture is bought at the Xianghe Furniture Wholesale Market, what "Guoan Jiamei", what "red apple", are all sample goods. I don't believe we can use furniture for fifty years, with your character, fifty years do not know how many times to replace.

  4. The floor you choose is very good, but that floor seems to have a lot of price points, why not choose 200 pieces of a flat? I look at 80 is very good.


  Wen Xin continued to speak, and Shunzi's face sank, "In my opinion, why do you still want to marry a wife?" It is enough to find an old mother to cook for you and wash your clothes. ”

  Later, however, she obeyed her husband. Reminded by Wen Xin, she remembered that her father had recently needed surgery, and that she had been planning to have a child...

  It was good to be able to buy this house in the city, what else could she ask for? Moreover, Wen Xin had always loved her, and although he could only give her this materially, she knew that his love and her love had never shrunk.

  Junko figured it out and let him go.

  When the house was renovated, Junko was pleased to find that although it only cost 60,000 yuan, it looked just as beautiful, and the most emotional thing was the yellow fabric sofa, which was very harmonious with the surrounding environment. She suddenly remembered that the cottage mobile phone she was using was less than half the price of the big name mobile phone, and it could take photos, MP3, Internet access and other functions. Therefore, Junko jokingly called their house a "cottage" renovation.

  She said to herself that in this era of cottages, it is not necessary to live a more realistic life, it is best to have a little cottage spirit.


  Junko discovers that she is pregnant.

  For the first three months, Junko felt that she was in a state of motion sickness all the time. As soon as something shook around her, her stomach turned upside down and it was uncomfortable.

  Wen Xin was afraid of any danger that Junzi would encounter in a sardine-like crowded carriage alone, and decided to accompany Junzi to Wangjing first every day, and then from Wangjing to Shangdi to work. Wangjing and Shangdi were just one east and one west, so they had to get up an hour earlier than usual.

  After about half a month, Junzi saw that Wenxin's eyes were becoming more and more confused, and she knew that it was the result of serious lack of sleep.

  "Otherwise, let's buy a car." One day, Wen Xin finally tentatively asked Junzi.

  Junko nodded, and after half a moment, shook her head again.

  The family has that little money, what kind of car can you buy? Buy QQ? Charade? Alto? Forget it, Junko's dream is "Blue Bird". She didn't want her dreams to be discounted again, so she preferred to squeeze into the S-Rail cars every day in radiation suits.

Junko's cottage love

  Junko touched her stomach and said, "Baby, the harsh living environment can only make you better, you know?" ”

  However, on the morning of finding out that the neighbor Lao Li was working in Chaoyang, Junzi still had a clever move. Chaoyang is in the east, Wangjing is also in the east, will Old Li take the fifth ring road when he drives to work? Will it pass through Wangjing? If that's the case, can you let Old Li take himself for a ride when he goes to work?

  Junko was thrilled by her discovery, but when she told Wenxin her plan in a trembling voice, Wenxin's face sank.

  "Alas, I am a big man, how can I get my wife to sit in another man's car?" And also at this time? ”

  "Oh, don't be macho, old Li may not be willing to do it."

  Sure enough, when Junzi made a request to Old Li by text message, Old Li said euphemistically: "I am a novice driving, and you are not afraid to sit in my car?" ”

  Shunzi replied, "Life and death depend on fate, and wealth is in heaven!" ”

  Old Li was thunderstruck by Shunzi and only replied with two words: "Okay." ”

  Then, Junko went to work and had a car to sit on. Although Old Li threw her away every time to the edge of the fifth ring, although when Old Li was on a business trip, she still had to obediently squeeze the city railway, she still felt that she was very lucky.

  It's just that Wen Xin's face is getting darker. Every morning, when he delivered the shy,bellied Shunzi to Old Li's car, he smiled and twisted his face somewhere else.


  After giving birth and taking maternity leave at home for half a year, Junko spends time every day to maintain her blog.

  Junko played a design genius on the blog that she did not use in decoration, and made the blog very grand. On her blog, bloggers see a baby as delicate as an angel, a mother like the Virgin Mary. Of course, she did not forget to create an aura of a holy father for Wen Xin, so that he vaguely appeared behind the mother and son.

  On her blog, bloggers see a Wenxin who kisses his wife and children affectionately before going to work every day, a Wenxin who lets his daughter sleep in his fairy tale every day, and a Wenxin who runs all over Beijing to buy the most beautiful mother-and-child clothes for his wife and daughter.

  Netizens were very moved, and left messages to Shunzi one after another: "Oh my God, how did you find such a good husband?" ”

  Junko smiled, and across the screen, she tapped softly, "This is God's arrangement." ”

  All the bloggers did not expect that in order to type these words, Junko had let her daughter cry alone in the crib for ten minutes, and her omnipotent and careful husband had moved to the study to avoid her daughter's crying.

  Yes, you don't have to be too serious about living your life, and all the ornate decorations are just to make the days look better.

  Of course the days are beautiful. Junko likes to smell the sweet milk on her daughter,and even though she always spits up her milk, even though she once changed seven quilts for that little thing in one day, she still thinks it's beautiful. Junzi also likes to see Wenxin's clumsy appearance when changing her daughter's diaper, the child has been crying for a long time, but he does not know whether to grab her left or right leg first. Junko was surprised to find that a man who was so stout could be so gentle.

Junko's cottage love

  Yes, the days are lived out and shown. At this point, Junko feels that she is still very copycat.


  The daughter was weaned, and for the first time, they entrusted her daughter to a neighbor they knew. Junko can't remember when she and Wenxin went out alone after she had a daughter. In short, the long-lost world of two people made her very excited. She said that she was going to Haagen-Dazs for ice cream, because her daughter was weaned, and she could eat the "junk food" she wanted to eat unscrupulously.

  Standing together on the subway, just like that, standing face to face for a long time. Junko looks at everything fresh, and the life at home has made her forget the pain of crowding on the subway. They just stood like that, not saying anything, looking out the window at the tall buildings that flashed by. Then, they actually forgot to get out of the car, and when they crossed the Standing Water Bridge, they remembered that they might not be able to eat Haagen-Dazs today.

  Junko was a little upset. Wen Xin looked at her with an apologetic look in his eyes.

  Junko's eyes lit up, why not have a candlelight dinner? So the two of them rushed back to the supermarket to buy convenience dishes, red wine, and, yes, candles. The salesman said sorry, there were no candles. Junko didn't catch her breath and let out a violent cough.

  "Forget it, then two people at home guarding the TV to have a meal?" The world of two people is also romantic. Wen Xin quickly comforted Junzi. Junko thought, yes.

  Back home, Junko put the dishes on a plate and put them on the table. Then turn off all the lights and turn on only the dark red chandelier to create a little romantic atmosphere. But the room was suddenly completely dark, and nothing could be seen. What's going on?

  There was a power outage, wife. Wen Xin's voice drifted through the darkness. Junko sighed and squatted on the ground with her head held. It was a very depressing night, and God shattered Junko's romantic dreams again and again.

  Junko was leaning against the window in a daze, and Wenxin shouted and ran, "Wife, candle, candle!" Candlelit dinner! Then there was a "click" at the table, and then, a little, a little, the candle was lit. The candlelight shone on Wen Xin's eyes, sparkling.

Junko's cottage love

  Junko's mood also lit up at once. She asked, "Where did the candle come from?" "Borrowed next door!" Wen Xin looked proud. Junko laughed wildly, silly us, how did you not expect this out? Candlelight dinner can also have a cottage version!

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