
Kim Joon-so Shin Sung-rok starred in the musical "Dracula" and postponed the opening date

Kim Joon-so Shin Sung-rok starred in the musical "Dracula" and postponed the opening date
Kim Joon-so Shin Sung-rok starred in the musical "Dracula" and postponed the opening date

The musical "Dracula" starring Kim Joon-so, Shin Sung-rok and other artists has postponed the opening date to May 20.

"Dracula" was originally scheduled to be staged on May 18, but because the crew was infected with the new crown virus pneumonia and delayed the rehearsal, the production company decided to postpone the start date to May 20.

Dracula Productions said that the 18th and 19th tickets already sold will be fully refunded and will be given priority access to purchase tickets.

Jiang Duoyue/Wen OD COMPANY Provided/Figure Copyright Mydaily prohibits reprinting

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