
8 cute pet sun shadows recommended to cure the whole winter

author:Chiaki Japanese

This Spring Festival is a special Spring Festival.

I wish you all good health, health and peace.

Let's watch 8 Japanese movies about cute pets.


"Ten Engagements with Dogs"

Douban score: 8.1

8 cute pet sun shadows recommended to cure the whole winter

Fourteen-year-old teenage girl Akira Saito adopted a cute puppy, and at her mother's suggestion, she named the puppy Sox and made ten pacts with the puppy.

With her mother dying and her father busy at work, "Sox" became Mingli's most loyal playmate.

In order to make up for the debt to his daughter after all the incidents, the father decided to quit his job and open a small clinic, and the two lived together again.

When she grew up, Mingli began a busy life, and she spent less and less time with "Sox" and her father.

Soon, ten years after the first encounter with Sox, "Sox" has come to the end of his life.

At this time, Mingli remembered the ten agreements with "Sox".

8 cute pet sun shadows recommended to cure the whole winter

In addition to depicting the loyalty and companionship of the dog, this film also deeply portrays family, friendship and love, and the scene of reconciliation with the father is touching.

The Sox in the play also seems to be able to really communicate with Mingli's heart, and the trust between dogs and humans is directly transmitted to the audience through the screen.

In the end, the separate drama earned everyone's tears, which touched us and healed people's hearts.


"The Day You Named"

Douban score: 8.5

8 cute pet sun shadows recommended to cure the whole winter

The film depicts television producer Kanami Kuno being shocked after witnessing the 311 earthquake in Japan and seeing cats and dogs abandoned in the fukushima nuclear power plant.

During the interview, she met many lovers.

Seeing their serious attitude, they were touched by the friendship between the cats and dogs that escaped the devastation of the earthquake and the owners.

Began to record the warm life of the elderly and dogs being reborn and supporting each other.

8 cute pet sun shadows recommended to cure the whole winter

The film shows us the aftermath of the disaster and its pets from a third perspective.

The idea of adoption instead of buying, which is emphasized in the play, is transmitted through the lens to our own concept that the companionship of pets is equally important.

Just as the line in the play, "Do not fear the cruel reality, the life that can be saved should not give up", we can also see the hope of the future in the saved life.


Guide Dog Q

Douban score: 8.4

8 cute pet sun shadows recommended to cure the whole winter

The film depicts a cute Labrador dog chosen to be trained as a guide dog, and in order for it to build a relationship with humans, it is fostered in a couple's home.

After hard training, Little Q finally became a guide dog and met his first owner, Mr. Watanabe. However, when Watanabe and Xiao Q had just established a relationship of trust, Mr. Watanabe fell ill, and Xiao Q had to return to the training center.

After spending 7 years in the training center, Little Q finally returned to the home of his "adoptive parents", but this time it was he who fell ill.

Little Q's life is plain and boring to everyone, but for him these feelings are warm enough.

The reason why dogs' lives are so short is because people need more time to learn how to live better, and dogs already know how to do it, so they don't need to stay in the world for so long.

In the past, we may only see the cuteness of dogs, but after watching this film, you will definitely have a sense of respect for dogs.


7 Days of Sunflowers and Puppies

Douban score: 7.6

8 cute pet sun shadows recommended to cure the whole winter

Akiji Kanzaki, who works at a stray dog shelter, is a kind man who loves animals, and although he tries to help as many dogs as possible find new owners, he still has no choice but to press the button again and again to end the dog's life.

One day, Akishi and his colleagues encounter a female dog with a puppy, the female dog is fierce and abnormal, and will do everything to protect the child.

Although under pressure from his supervisor, Akishi was reluctant to hurt the dog's mother and son no matter what.

He managed to extend the residential period, traveled around to contact the new owner, and gradually established trust with the female dog in the process.

This film is based on real events, and the moving acting skills of Uncle Yaren convey the film's emotions to the fullest, and the warm strategy is really overwhelming.

Here he is not the jealous Naoki Hanzawa, he is a gentle father, a good guardian of the mother and son of the puppy Coco, Pudding and Sunflower.

Sincere love and kindness can break the barriers of life and become a warm sun in winter.


"The Cat's Reward"

8 cute pet sun shadows recommended to cure the whole winter

Haru Yoshioka is an ordinary confused high school girl, one day on the way out of school, she accidentally saved a kitten under the wheel that almost died, who ever thought that the kitten would stand upright and thank the girl in a human way.

What Xiao Chun couldn't imagine was that her inadvertent act of kindness changed her destiny.

It turned out that the kitten was the prince of the cat kingdom, in order to repay Xiao Chun's kindness, the cat kingdom launched a ridiculous act of repaying favors throughout the country, and Xiao Chun accepted the invitation of the kingdom to be a guest, during which he agreed to become the prince's concubine.

The girl turned into a cat at first sight, and the mysterious baron became her lifesaver.

8 cute pet sun shadows recommended to cure the whole winter

It's an entertaining and philosophical animated film in which countless cats and cats make people shout awsl (A'i'm dead), and the cat baron is sue and reliable.

As The Cat Baron says, don't forget the time, don't forget who you are.

Whether it is a cat or a person, the key is to master your own time and master your own people (cats) to live.

Life can do as it pleases, but it cannot go with the flow.

By the way, the theme song in the play is "Transformed into the Wind" that was later covered by Liang Jingru as "Big Hand Holding Small Hand".


"The Ever-Changing Tanuki Cat"

8 cute pet sun shadows recommended to cure the whole winter

The film tells the story of a group of tanuki cats living near Tokyo who want to use magic to scare humans, thereby putting community construction projects on hold.

With the development of life, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government proposed the concept of "Tama New City", and humans began to expand into the primeval forest, and the Tanuki family was greatly affected.

The forest is eroded a little, and the fate of the Tanuki family is in danger, and the film uses the mouth of the Tanuki cat to criticize the humans who have destroyed the natural environment.

The tanuki cat in the film is delicate and cute, and while conveying the theme of protecting the environment, it is also very entertaining.

Produced by Studio Ghibli, it is well worth seeing.


"You and Me"

Douban score: 8.2

8 cute pet sun shadows recommended to cure the whole winter

The film tells the story of an American leopard-print shorthaired cat "Silver King" (I) and a young man (you) who dreams of becoming a cartoonist, from meeting and parting touching tear-jerking stories.

8 cute pet sun shadows recommended to cure the whole winter

The man is a young man who has volunteered to become a cartoonist, and under his gentle face there is an unswerving insistence on his ideals.

For the man who has been defeated and defeated repeatedly, the cat called the Silver King is undoubtedly a burden in his life.

He hoped to find a warm home and a kind owner for the Silver King, but in the end he could not give up the dependence we had grown up in just a few days.

In this way, one person and one cat spent ten long and happy years in a cramped and warm hut.

8 cute pet sun shadows recommended to cure the whole winter


"Renting a Cat"

Douban score: 7.3

The film tells the story of Shayoko, who runs a "rental cat house" and rents cats to lonely people.

The guests who came to rent the cat house gradually found a new direction in their lives through contact with Sha Daizi and the cats.

8 cute pet sun shadows recommended to cure the whole winter

Beautiful and kind but with a somewhat eerie demeanor, she packs the cats in a small trailer every day and walks along the riverbank while singing a unique "rental cat" bark.

In the process, she met a well-to-do but lonely old woman, a middle-aged man who had been working alone in Tokyo for six years, a branch manager who had worked at a car rental company for twelve years, and a middle school classmate who had been involved in the underworld.

On the cold winter day, everyone will follow the free night, and witness the world with her cats, joy and sorrow.

The above are the eight cute pet movies brought by the editor for everyone~

It is the Spring Festival, it is better to blow the heating cloud at home with the family to suck the cats, cats and dogs!

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