
From Wang Ping to Jia Ling, how many years have female directors gone through? 丨 Night asked

author:Beijing News
From Wang Ping to Jia Ling, how many years have female directors gone through? 丨 Night asked

Answer: A. Wang Ping B. Xu Jinglei C. Catherine Bigelow

When asked which male directors do you know? It is estimated that many people can report a long list. But if you can say the names of the three female directors without thinking, it is estimated that many people cannot answer.

There is a female director Zhang Ziyi in the National Day file "My Father and Me", and the documentary "Make a Good Movie" at the end of last year let us enter the world of Xu Anhua. In the field of TELEVISION dramas, this year there is Li Shaohong, who made "The Words of the Great Song Palace", and Hu Mei, whose works have not yet been broadcast... Still, there are too few female directors.

Not only are there few female directors, but there are not many works with female themes that can enter the room. Although we have seen more and more female creators in the shortlist for awards such as the Academy Awards in recent years, based on political correctness or the trend of public opinion, there is still room for improvement in number and proportion. In addition to winning awards, there is still room for improvement for female directors in seeking investment opportunities and receiving support from all sides.

Although there are many difficulties, there are some female directors in the history of cinema who have worked hard to break through the shackles of gender, use their talents to tell wonderful stories, and strive to improve the status of women in the industry.

Born on October 15, 1943, Penny Marshall was the first female director to gross more than $100 million, a former actress who later switched to directing. In 1988, she collaborated with Tom Hanks on the famous science fiction film Grow Up. Featuring a child who suddenly becomes an adult overnight, the film tells the story of the complexity of the adult world and the innocence and kindness of children, and the film grossed more than $100 million in North America.

Who was the first female director of New China? Wang Ping, she won the director's award when Penny Marshall was only 20 years old. Wang Ping is also a director who has been turned from an actress to a director, and she has further advanced the theme to war films. In 1952, she participated in the establishment of the Bayi Film Studio, and through the filming of military education documentaries "River Attack" and "Qi Jianhua Accelerated Literacy Law", she created a precedent for Female Directors in China to control major military themes. In 1963, she won the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Director for the film "Locust Tree Village". It is worth mentioning that the recently released 4K remake of the movie "The Eternal Wave" is also directed by her. It can be seen that the works of female directors are not only short in parents and long in children's feelings, but they can also control their grand careers and themes.

The first female director to make a film in China to achieve box office success was Xu Jinglei. In 2010, her fourth film "Dulala Promotion" won 100 million yuan at the box office in Chinese mainland, becoming the first female director in mainland China to break 100 million yuan at the box office. Today, we know that Jia Ling's "Hello, Li Huanying" ranks second in the Chinese film and television list with a box office of 5.414 billion yuan. Female directors will get better and better in China.

Back in Hollywood, the first director to win the Academy Award for Best Female Director was Catherine Bigelow. In 2008, she won the Best Picture and Best Director Awards at the 82nd Academy Awards for the war film "Bomb Disposal Unit", becoming the first Ever Academy Award for Best Female Director. From 1929 to 2008, women directors went for 79 years. I hope that more female directors will win awards in the future.

Written by Wu Longzhen

Proofreading Li Lijun

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