
Remember me - Dream Quest


When I was a child, I didn't understand my grandmother's house in the country Chinese New Year's Eve why the lights were lit until dawn that day, and later I learned that maybe it was to illuminate the way for those who wanted to go home.

Remember me - Dream Quest

In fact, Disney is really suitable for adults to watch the "cartoon", this is a story about the Mexican Day of the Dead, Mexicans believe that the deceased will continue to live in another way, on the day of the Day of the Dead, these deceased people will cross the bridge to meet with the real relatives. So this day is celebrated across the country, and the protagonist of the story is a boy named Milo, born in a small town in Mexico, whose family has lived on shoes for generations.

Remember me - Dream Quest

Milo loves music more and has no interest in making shoes, but Milo's family has a strange house rule that prohibits everyone from touching any food related to music. Because Milo's great-great-great-grandfather once "abandoned his wife and daughter" in pursuit of his musical dreams and he never came back. So from Milo's great-great-great-grandmother, this rule was handed down.

Remember me - Dream Quest

And Milo wants to become a big singer like his idol Dracus, with a song Remember Me is popular all over the country, and Milo accidentally found that the guitar on the photo of his great-great-grandmother and grandfather is exactly the same as the guitar that Dracus has been playing, so he believes that his great-great-grandfather is Dracus, which further strengthens his dream of becoming a singer.

Remember me - Dream Quest

But after learning everything, Milo's family angrily smashed Milo's collection of records and guitars. Milo was distraught, but at the same time thought of Dracus's words; seizing the opportunity, Milo, who had lost his guitar, went to the church dedicated to Dracus and saw the guitar in the picture. He picked it up and prepared to attend the Day of the Dead Song. However, because he got the items of the deceased, he was accidentally involved in the "world of the dead"

Remember me - Dream Quest

His great-great-great-grandmother was unable to cross the Bridge because of Milo's arrival, and Milo was trapped in the undead world and could not return unless he was blessed by his family. Otherwise, after dawn, they will remain in the undead world forever. And Milo's great-great-great-grandmother added a blessing to him; he could never touch anything related to music in his life. The first thing Milo did when he returned was to pick up the guitar and return to the undead world again.

Remember me - Dream Quest

However, Milo, who once again returned to the undead world, was not ready to be blessed by his grandmother, but hoped to be blessed by his "great-great-great-grandfather" Dracus. Because he loves music, he knows that the god of song, Dracus, will surely bless him. However, he found it difficult to find Dracus, because he was also famous in the undead world, and in the most central and highest castle in the whole world. So he met a man who claimed to be able to help him, "Ector", who was a very optimistic man. There was no one to worship him, no fame, and he wanted to sneak through the checkpoint to see his family. However, he was identified as unable to pass, but he helped Milo to have his own selfish intentions and wanted to bring his picture back to be enshrined. Because he is about to be forgotten by his own family, if the person in the undead world is forgotten by the outside world, then he will really die, which is called the ultimate death.

Remember me - Dream Quest

Milo granted his request, and Héctor promised to help him find the God of Song. In the end, they went through some tests and finally found Dracus. But Milo was surprised to know that it turned out that there were many songs of the gods. It was all written by the "Extor" in front of him, and Exto's death was because of the murder of the god of song. They are locked up in a cave where Milo's worldview is about to collapse. Ector also began to open up to Milo, in fact; I wanted you to take my picture out, just to see the last side of my daughter "Coco" Milo was surprised, but it was my great-great-grandmother. If he is your daughter, doesn't that mean you are my great-great-great-grandfather? Milo regains her confidence after collapsing her worldview, and they are eventually rescued by their great-great-great-grandmother, and Exto's photo is lost on the way, indicating that Eric is about to usher in the ultimate death in the undead world. Milo said sadly; you sent me back, and I will never touch music again.

Remember me - Dream Quest

So Milo returned to the church again, saw the guitar on the ground, and he suddenly lit up hope. He sped back home, knowing that the most famous song Dracus had stolen was a song written to his daughter Coco by his great-great-great-grandfather, Ector, who had often sung it to her as a child. So he broke free from his family's shackles and came to Grandma Coco.

Remember me - Dream Quest
Remember me - Dream Quest

He sang the song softly; Remember me though I have to say goodbye, and then Grandma Coco finally opened her eyes and sang with him, and also took out the cut-out face and pasted it on it. Ector will not die either. Dracus was brought to the real world by the undead world for what he had done, and no one was there to worship him anymore. Milo eventually realized his dream as well.

Remember me - Dream Quest

In fact, the movie always tells us that family is the most important.

Remember me - Dream Quest

We must never forget how much our families love us. Because once we forget, they who are far away in the sky will truly die.

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