
Actress in distress in the shower! The glass door of the hotel exploded and cut her arm, Wang Manni: the body is sad and more hurt

author:Pickpocket sister outside the circle

How careful does a person need to be to live this life?

Actress in distress in the shower! The glass door of the hotel exploded and cut her arm, Wang Manni: the body is sad and more hurt

On the evening of October 22, Wang Yuwen published an article on the social platform with the title of "Serious safety accidents occurred in the hotel, and the actress was almost disabled all over the body".

Actress in distress in the shower! The glass door of the hotel exploded and cut her arm, Wang Manni: the body is sad and more hurt

Out of professional sensitivity, the pickpocket sister quickly went to understand the whole thing.

It turned out that as early as the 16th of this month, Wang Yuwen was taking a bath in the guest room of a hotel in Guangzhou, and when she came out of the shower, the glass door of the bathroom suddenly exploded, resulting in multiple injuries to Wang Yuwen's arm and wrist.

Actress in distress in the shower! The glass door of the hotel exploded and cut her arm, Wang Manni: the body is sad and more hurt

It is reasonable to say that when such a thing happens, the hotel should immediately pay attention to it, take it to a large hospital for examination and treatment, and actively discuss compensation.

Who knows, the hotel staff only took her to a nearby community clinic for simple treatment, and did not even give her tetanus.

Actress in distress in the shower! The glass door of the hotel exploded and cut her arm, Wang Manni: the body is sad and more hurt

Because Wang Yuwen was frightened at that time, she did not think too much about it.

Unexpectedly, when she came back, she found that the stitches and threads of the injured arm and wrist were sewn randomly, there were many peels, and inflammation began to appear.

Actress in distress in the shower! The glass door of the hotel exploded and cut her arm, Wang Manni: the body is sad and more hurt

Either they are dissatisfied with the hotel's handling methods, methods and attitudes, or they feel wronged.

Therefore, Wang Yuwen, who had been entangled for a week, directly exposed the matter.

But everyone has been eating the melon of "piano prince" Li Yundi these two days, who will care about this?

Wang Yuwen was busy until most of the night, no one spoke for her, solidarity, she involuntarily sighed: "Body hurt, heart hurt even more!" ”

Actress in distress in the shower! The glass door of the hotel exploded and cut her arm, Wang Manni: the body is sad and more hurt

But is it no wonder that others? An ordinary netizen voice, how can it so easily attract everyone's attention?

So I clicked on Wang Yuwen's avatar and found an interesting message.

It turned out that this Wang Yuwen turned out to be actor and model Wang Manni!

Actress in distress in the shower! The glass door of the hotel exploded and cut her arm, Wang Manni: the body is sad and more hurt

Tell me what name you changed? Even if netizens recognize you as "Wang Mani" in "Thirty Only", the heat is higher than this Wang Yuwen, not to mention that you yourself are small and famous?

Manni Wang, who graduated from Sichuan University of Foreign Chinese, is also a student in the acting department of the Beijing Film Academy.

As early as 2010, Wang Manni entered the film and television circle by participating in Zhang Guoguo's self-directed and self-directed urban love drama "Better to Dance".

Since then, she has participated in "The Great Cause of Party Building" directed by Han Sanping and Huang Jianxin; participated in "Tianji Fuchun Mountain Jutu" starring Andy Lau and Lin Chiling; and participated in the comedy movie "Rampage Hollywood" starring Huang Xiaoming and Xiao Yanzi... At the same time, she has also endorsed many games such as "Tianlong Eight Parts" and "Fengshen Matchless".

Actress in distress in the shower! The glass door of the hotel exploded and cut her arm, Wang Manni: the body is sad and more hurt

However, I don't know when Wang Manni actually "disappeared".

It is astonishing that she has now re-entered the field of vision in this way.

hype? Or did he have to show up as a last resort? Or is it not discussed with the hotel's compensation issue?

None of these questions matter! Importantly, the problems exposed by this matter should be brought to our attention.

Actress in distress in the shower! The glass door of the hotel exploded and cut her arm, Wang Manni: the body is sad and more hurt

First, the weather is cooler, the temperature is changeable, the temperature difference is too large, whether we live in the hotel, or at home, we must pay attention to the glass of the bathroom, this is a "time bomb" ah!

Before she did self-media, she worked as a hotel manager in Hangzhou for more than ten years. In the autumn and winter of each year, passengers are almost injured due to the explosion of bathroom glass.

At the same time, the news about the explosion of the bathroom at home on the Internet is more frequent and numerous.

Actress in distress in the shower! The glass door of the hotel exploded and cut her arm, Wang Manni: the body is sad and more hurt

The reason is nothing more than because the glass is unevenly heated when the temperature difference is large, coupled with the poor quality of the glass itself. When hit, even sometimes without touching it, it will explode on its own.

In addition to making high-quality glass doors, the solution is to paste tempered film on both sides of the glass as much as possible, so that accidents can be effectively reduced.

Actress in distress in the shower! The glass door of the hotel exploded and cut her arm, Wang Manni: the body is sad and more hurt

Second, after the accident, you should be calm and calm, and you must go to a professional hospital for medical treatment.

In terms of the personal experience of the pickpocket sister, a person is easily frightened after being scratched by glass. In the panic, it is easy to cause secondary injuries; coupled with random cleaning, there is no timely medical treatment, which can easily lead to infection.

For example, I have encountered passengers who wash themselves with tap water after being cut by glass. What was originally a small wound at the time was later inflamed due to infection, coupled with unprofessional dressing and stitching, resulted in scars on the injured. When post-processing, it is extremely headache!

Actress in distress in the shower! The glass door of the hotel exploded and cut her arm, Wang Manni: the body is sad and more hurt

Third, online rights protection is a last resort, and it is necessary to be rational and objective when speaking out.

As far as Wang Manni's revelations are concerned, she did not announce the hotel's handling method and compensation results. When she spoke, she directly made all the information of the hotel public, which inevitably threatened the suspect, with a strong personal subjective color, which was very easy to cause panic among tourists and damage to the reputation of the hotel.

The correct approach is to report to the departments of business administration, fire protection, health, consumer associations, etc., and must not be in the form of online rights protection.

Because it was originally just an entertainment news, after being put into public opinion, it is easy to upgrade into social news. At the same time, it also made her suspected of taking advantage of the opportunity to hype. In recent years, are there still fewer celebrities and artists in the entertainment industry who operate in this way?

Actress in distress in the shower! The glass door of the hotel exploded and cut her arm, Wang Manni: the body is sad and more hurt

Fourth, as far as the entertainment industry is concerned, artists should be cautious about changing their names.

In recent years, somehow the entertainment industry has become popular in the wind of name change: Zhang Jiayi changed to "Zhang Jiayi", Li Shiwei changed to "Li Shiyun", Ebo changed to Jaw Jingwen, Deng Ziqi almost couldn't even use his own name... There are some people with relatively large fame and relatively strong strength, and the name change does not affect the acting career. For example, Zhang Jiayi's name change will not be affected.

And some of them have accumulated a little fame and changed their names in a hurry, but they have made the audience not know. For example, Obo, Li Shiwei, Wang Manni and so on.

Actress in distress in the shower! The glass door of the hotel exploded and cut her arm, Wang Manni: the body is sad and more hurt

Therefore, in this accident, if Wang Manni came out to break the news, then the effect would definitely be better than Wang Yuwen. Because netizens only know Wang Manni, do not know Wang Yuwen!

Fifth, as melon-eating masses, they must eat melons rationally, do not believe in rumors, and do not spread rumors.

The pickpockets are soft-spoken, but the call for "eating melons rationally" has been shouted many times.

Wang Manni's injury is not false, but the hotel side is actually a victim, not to mention that the result of the treatment should not be influenced by public opinion.

Unfortunately, after the incident, many netizens indiscriminately began to boycott, internet storm hotels, demanding huge compensation, and even the clinics that treated them were implicated.

The media took the meaning out of context, looked at the pictures and wrote words; the self-media rushed up; netizens were indignant, countless red V, gold V, yellow V verbally criticized, and chased and beaten...

Actress in distress in the shower! The glass door of the hotel exploded and cut her arm, Wang Manni: the body is sad and more hurt

Does this help with the final direction of things and the outcome of the process?

Therefore, the parties need to be calm, and netizens also need to be calm - calm is the best attitude to deal with the problem!

Hopefully, this will not happen again.

Actress in distress in the shower! The glass door of the hotel exploded and cut her arm, Wang Manni: the body is sad and more hurt

I am a pickpocket sister outside the circle, may you be happy!

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