
Ask for advice! Joshua specifically called little Kritchenko to ask for a way to defeat Plev

author:Fight Vision

As the current IBF, IBO, WBA, WBO heavyweight world champion, Anthony Joshua can be said to be the top professional boxing heavyweight existence. Looking at today's professional boxing heavyweights, it can be said that in addition to a few people such as Tyson Fury and Deonta Wild, Anthony Joshua is almost a rare opponent.

Ask for advice! Joshua specifically called little Kritchenko to ask for a way to defeat Plev

But even so, Anthony Joshua was preparing very seriously against his next opponent, Kulbright Plev. In order to get the most accurate information, Anthony Joshua even specifically called the ukrainian boxer Vladimir Krychko, the former heavyweight of professional boxing, and the two talked for a long time, the main focus of which was Kubrecht Plev.

Ask for advice! Joshua specifically called little Kritchenko to ask for a way to defeat Plev

Because in 2014, Vladimir Kritschenko gave Kulbright Plev the only defeat of his career so far. Now, Anthony Joshua will be battling Kulbright Plev in his own World Champion of Champions.

Today, Vladimir Kritschenko, once a heavyweight first man, has retired for years, and Vladimir Kritschenko has left the ring since being defeated by Anthony Joshua in 2017. But he remains in touch with Anthony Joshua, both world boxers who were former Olympic gold medalists and anthony Joshua, who was a sparring partner for Vladimir Kritschenko, and the two had a good personal relationship.

Ask for advice! Joshua specifically called little Kritchenko to ask for a way to defeat Plev

So, when Anthony Joshua needed advice on something, he would not hesitate to contact Vladimir Kritchenko to hear his opinion.

Anthony Joshua told Sky Sports: "About four weeks ago, the two of us talked about the match with Kulbright Plev. He had some of his own opinions and shared them with me. ”

Although he was about to face the same opponent, Anthony Joshua realized in his conversation that the game the two faced was completely different.

Ask for advice! Joshua specifically called little Kritchenko to ask for a way to defeat Plev

Anthony Joshua told reporters: "Even if you face the same opponent, because of the different times, the two games will not be the same. So, even though Vladimir Kritchenko gave me some advice on how to deal with Kubrit Plev, I had to be reserved. Because the Kulbright Plev I was going to play was completely different from Kulbright Plev, who had lost to Vladimir Kritchenko. ”

This match can be said to be a new start to Anthony Joshua's career, as it is his first defending title since regaining the world heavyweight gold belt in December 2019. In December last year, Anthony Joshua regained the title of World Boxer after 12 rounds of the "Battle of the Dunes" in Saudi Arabia after defeating American boxer Andy Ruiz Jr. He also avenged his own defeat by Andy Ruiz Jr. TKO in June 2019.

Ask for advice! Joshua specifically called little Kritchenko to ask for a way to defeat Plev

Anthony Joshua is 30 years old with a height of 198cm and an arm span of 208cm. A 2012 Olympic gold medalist, Anthony Joshua began his professional boxing career in 2013. In April 2016, Anthony Joshua defeated Charles Martin to win the IBF Heavyweight World Champion Gold Belt. In April 2017, Anthony Joshua took the WBA Heavyweight World Champion Gold Belt at TKO in the 11th round of the tournament, and won the WBO Heavyweight World Champion Gold Belt in March 2018. The current professional record is 23 wins and 1 loss, with 21 KO opponents winning.

Ask for advice! Joshua specifically called little Kritchenko to ask for a way to defeat Plev

Kubrat Pulev, 39, won the heavyweight gold medal at the 2008 European Boxing Championships in amateur boxing. Since the beginning of his professional boxing career in 2009, he has achieved a record of 28 wins and 1 loss, of which 14 KO opponents have won.

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