
British national treasure actor John Hurt died of illness at the age of 77

author:1905 Movie Network
British national treasure actor John Hurt died of illness at the age of 77

John Hurt recently passed away

1905 Film Network News Beijing time on January 28 news, according to foreign media reports, the well-known British actor John Hurt died a few days ago, at the age of 77. John Hurt has attracted much attention for the Academy Award film "Good Match country", and has been nominated for an Oscar for "Midnight Express" and "Elephant Man", and is known as a British national treasure actor.

Born in 1940 to a parish priesthood in Debayshire, England, John Hurt was the youngest of three children whose father had intended to train him to become a painter. However, as a teenager, Hurt had found himself more interested in acting and transferred to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London. He has never left the stage since.

British national treasure actor John Hurt died of illness at the age of 77

Hutt plays Ollivander

Perhaps many viewers are not familiar with him, for a long time as the famous British actor Hurt played the main roles in the supporting roles. He has starred in notable works such as Alien, King Ralph, and Daredevil, and he also starred in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone as Mr. Ollivander, the owner of the Wand Shop.

Hurt had struggled with cancer for years, and in 2015 he announced that he had pancreatic cancer and was receiving treatment.

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