
From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

author:Watch movie magazines

"Go to the bathroom!"

"Don't hurt our friendship for 5 minutes!"

"I swear with my child, come in!"

This is the language revealed in HBO's new documentary, Podcast Hunt: A Hollywood Sex Scandal.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

This kind of discourse with exclamation points often occurs before women are sexually harassed or sexually assaulted.

From Wu Yifan to Ali executive Wang Chengwen, many people do not understand:

Why should these people, who have achieved worldly success, take the form of violating women and satisfy their sexual needs?

The answer is clear, sexual assault has nothing to do with sex, only with power.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

Until now, we have no way of knowing how Wu Yifan used his power to carry out crimes, and how the internal team operated to level the balance.

The crime scene and the power system are like black boxes, and perhaps the answer can be found in this documentary.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

Oh, God

The man at the beginning of the article who is tough, resolute, and unquestionable is Harvey Weinstein.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

He was once a big figure in Hollywood, participating in the production and distribution of more than 300 Oscar nominations and winning more than 70 small gold people.

At the Oscars, Weinstein was thanked by the winners on a par with God.

The first post-90s Oscar queen "big cousin" (Jennifer Lawrence), holding a small gold man, said bluntly:

"Harvey, thank you for helping me kill everyone else."

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

Weinstein, who is like a "god", has a burly figure and a fiery temper that matches his identity.

He once locked a reporter's neck with his elbow at the scene of the interview and threw the five-pound marble ashtray at the editor.

Power brought him supreme pleasure.

Former assistant Qiu Luowena met Weinstein for the first time in the company's viewing room.

He wants to watch the latest cut of Shakespeare's Love Story, designating her to sit directly in front of him.

Qiu Luowena was worried about blocking his view and was ready to change positions, but she did not expect to be yelled at as soon as she got up.

Twenty years later, Churovina learned that it was a test.

Weinstein likes to give and take, likes to watch people resist, but does not like people who have too much self-esteem.

At that time, Qiu Luowena, who was yelled at, obediently sat back and passed the test.

For Weinstein, along with a sense of power, comes sexual needs.

This is an open secret in Hollywood.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

For decades, he often used his job as an excuse to trick female models and actresses into coming to his room and sexually assaulting them.

The routine is the same:

He would wear a white bathrobe, ask the other person to "massage" him, take the opportunity to make more excessive demands, or directly up and down his hands.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

The female assistant who had to get along with him because of his working relationship was certainly not spared.

His assistants would joke with each other, "Dress more in Weinstein's room."

In the room after nightfall, there is such a strange scene:

Weinstein was naked in front of all the assistants, dangling around, explaining the matter.

When Qiu Luowena first joined the company, she was shocked at first, and then told herself in her heart:

"It doesn't matter, he's a big man, he doesn't have to wear pants."

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price


At that time, Weinstein was on a business trip to Cannes with his team, and he put on duty for his assistants, with the latest shift until two o'clock in the morning.

Qiu Luowena was on duty at the beginning of this shift, and she put two pairs of tight pants on herself, thinking of going back to sleep after the shift.

On the first night, Weinstein was furious with her and avoided by her.

The next day, Weinstein talked to her about the script, praised her for being a great producer, and promised her anything she wanted in the film industry.

Then suddenly, she was asked to take off her pants:

"It must be hot to wear two pairs of pants."

Churovina was scared at the moment, Weinstein was big, grumpy, and it was late at night.

If he is provoked to be angry, his personal safety may be threatened.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

She told Weinstein explicitly that it made her feel uncomfortable and begged to leave.

Weinstein ignored her and talked to himself.

He felt that Qiu Luowena was young, unworldly, and had no emotional experience, which made him excited.

He said he'd never an Asian girl.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

Qiu Luowena's brain was down, and she could only think of "he is bigger than me, I am in trouble."

Weinstein pushed her to bed and said just "insert it."

By this time he had taken off Two of Qiu Luowena's tight pants, leaving only his underwear, and only a layer of cloth prevented him from succeeding.

He wanted to pull my legs apart, and I clamped my knees and tried to roll out of bed.

I also continued that it was late and I had to leave.

Finally Harvey got tired of getting so entangled that I was able to leave the room. ”

But then, Weinstein said something that made people chill behind their backs:

"We'll continue tomorrow night."

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

God's game

It was definitely a nightmarish night for QiuLovina.

She told the closest people around her for the first time-

Her supervisor, First Assistant perkins, Weinstein.

Perkins was also violated by Weinstein and fell to the ground crying with Churovina.

She was hit harder because she felt she wasn't protecting her subordinates and putting her in danger.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

Isolated in a foreign country, they decided to wait for their way back to find a way to call for help.

Perkins offered to help Qiurovina on morning and evening shifts to prevent her from being alone with Weinstein.

After the business trip, the two men went to a lawyer and sent the resignation letter and the lawyer's letter to Weinstein.

But what they didn't expect was that Weinstein used power as a tool to vent his desires, and he was also good at using power to excuse himself.

They're fighting the entire system of power that has helped Weinstein do whatever he wants for decades.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

Weinstein united with the counsel of the company and brought in the best criminal lawyers to negotiate with them.

Throughout the process, the Weinstein side has been taking the initiative.

Perkins and Churovina's lawyers were silent and seemed to be protecting Weinstein.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

They want the two people to agree to sign a confidentiality agreement and reach a financial settlement.

Perkins was so disgusted that she was about to throw up, she felt that it was bloody money, and she was determined not to ask for it.

But the lawyer told them it was the only option.

Because they did not report to the police immediately after being violated, and there was a lack of evidence.

They were eventually forced to sign the agreement, which each received £125,000.

It was still the '90s, and £125,000 was a huge sum.

But at the same time, they have a number of "responsibilities" to fulfill:

Do not mention the fact that you have been violated to anyone, including family members, doctors, or counselors.

As we already know, they have to call themselves to "shut people up."

They also can't have a full backup of the agreement, only a few pages that don't matter.

In addition, the lawyers, accountants, company employees at the negotiation site, and all those who may know about the agreement have additionally signed a confidentiality agreement.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

Perkins and Churovina fought for additional terms in the agreement, requiring the company to restrain Weinstein's behavior and fire him if a harassment agreement was made.

But I want to know that it won't work at all.

Using confidentiality agreements, Weinstein succeeded in shutting one victim after another.

Even if it is a victim with ironclad evidence, he has a way.

Such was the case with italian model Gutierrez, who, with the help of the police, got a recording of Weinstein admitting to having molested her.

Without a moment's hesitation, Gutierreth filed a complaint with the New York District Attorney's Office.

Everyone told her:

"Congratulations! We stopped a monster. ”

Unexpectedly, Gutierreth waited for the prosecutor's office to not prosecute.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

It turned out that Weinstein had assembled a strong network of senior defense lawyers, former law enforcement officials and private investigators.

While digging up Gutieleys' past sexual history, they fabricated that she had engaged in prostitution and submitted it to prosecutors.

On the other hand, it actively contributes to the political activities of prosecutors.

Many of the New York tabloids controlled by Weinstein began to report on gutilly's false news.

The "victim's guilt theory" in the minds of the public became Weinstein's accomplices.

"Did you listen to the recording?" Even if I'm a prostitute. ”

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

This is not the end of it, the younger brother who has been dependent on Gu Tieleis since childhood was interrogated by unknown people.

Gutierreth's reputation was ruined, and he did not want his family to be threatened, so he had to accept Weinstein's "escape" agreement.

This time he raised the compensation to $1 million, and Gutierreth, in addition to signing an agreement, had to hand over all the electronic communication equipment to the cybersecurity company and provide them with the email password to check.

All traces of weinstein's favor were deleted.

Weinstein is simply invincible, he is obsessed with this game of thrones, constantly enriching the gameplay.

For example, he worked Qiu Luowena's career development to prevent her from finding a job in the film industry.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

The confidentiality agreement signed by the two parties before has corresponding terms:

If Qiu Luowena encounters this situation, she can ask the company's legal director for help.

She called the man and was pulled back to work for the original company.

Based in Hong Kong, he will not share a room with Weinstein.

But this incident still made Weinstein inexplicably excited, and he met Perkins, who had fought alongside Churovina, and shouted at her:

"I won!"

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

The fall of God

People with power, addicted to controlling everything, always want to win.

Weak, power-trapped victims are forced into a game of no control.

Even if they hold a lot of money and become the "millionaires" in the mouth of the lawyers, they still bear humiliation.

Someone simply changed hands and donated the reparations to charity, like "atonement" for Weinstein.

Qiu Luowena tried to start a new life in Hong Kong, but felt that she was suffering from double aggression, and finally the whole person collapsed.

After two suicide attempts, she left the film industry altogether.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

Gutierreth also fell into chronic depression, unable to find a job and eating disorders.

For a while, she couldn't even get out of bed, and she had to take care of her mother for bathing.

Their lives were undoubtedly ruined, living in fear of things being exposed.

I want to forget everything, but I can't forget it.

"I hope it's all just a dream."

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

However, there are always people who stand up first and speak out.

At first, it was all anonymous, and the more later, more and more people with real names.

Actress Ashley Judd was the first victim willing to make her real name public in news reports.

The New York Times published an article containing accounts of dozens of victims and former company executives, including her, sparking a tsunami of public opinion.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

Qiu Luowena still remembers how she felt when she saw this report:

Both shocked and scared.

She hid in the bathroom, holding her 6-month-old baby, whispering to Perkins on the phone.

Then she struggled for a long time.

She was not ready to tell her husband, children and parents, fearing uncontrollable consequences.

But on the other hand, she learned that before and after herself, so many women were forced to sign confidentiality agreements, and she couldn't live with her conscience.

"What happened to me shouldn't have happened to other women."

She finally stood up and made her real name public.

The many victims of the voice are based on the same reason.

Alliances are formed between women because they have been hurt the same way, because they do not want others to be hurt.

Ronan Farrow's additional report in the New Yorker also benefited from this.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

Weinstein also struggled to deny "all allegations of sexual intercourse that are not mutually agreeable."

But he couldn't help but hammer one after another.

As of early 2020, at least 90 women have been exposed to the media or prosecuted by the judiciary.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

Some of them, like Churovina, escaped Weinstein's rape.

Also, not so lucky.

Their voices are faithfully presented by the media.

"If we don't say it's rape, we just downplay it and weaken their voices, then we don't report truthfully."

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

The party in charge of power does not always win.

Step by step, Weinstein lost everything he had in his control, was sentenced to 23 years in prison, and won the new crown.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

From Du Meizhu, who fought for her sisters, to Ali female employees who fought to the end, they bravely stood up and spoke out, and let those in power lose ground.

Wu Yifan was abandoned by capital, criticized by the official media, and also entered the bureau.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

Wang Chengwen was dismissed by Ali Group and never hired, and has just been taken criminal compulsory measures by the Jinan Municipal Public Security Bureau.

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

Chanel Miller, a victim of sexual assault at Stanford University, wrote in her autobiography, Know My Name:

"When silence and shame disappear, nothing will stop us.

Even if our mouths are covered and our bodies are entered, we don't stand idly by.

We're going to talk, we're going to talk, we're going to talk.

Survivors are taught never to cross a line.

But the moment she raised her hand, she crossed over. ”

From Wu Yifan to Ali 807, they have to pay the price

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