
Saito Asuka, who holds a coconut brand coconut juice in his hand, almost said, "I drank from childhood to adulthood."

author:3DM Game Network

A word-for-word coconut brand coconut juice.

If an idol appears in front of the camera with a product, it is estimated that the first reaction of most people is that the idol is advertising, or the spokesperson of the product. Of course, nothing is absolute, if the idol is a foreigner and is confused because he is not familiar with the domestic products in front of the camera. Then, it is difficult for the audience to determine whether this is the real reaction of the idol or the effect of the program that has been discussed in advance.

Saito Asuka, who holds a coconut brand coconut juice in his hand, almost said, "I drank from childhood to adulthood."

Source: Weibo @Saito Asuka-ASUKA

For example, Japanese idol Asuka Saito focused on the coconut palm brand coconut juice displayed in front of the camera at the Birthday Eve Festival on August 9th. To be honest, rather than saying that this move is a carefully deliberated program effect, it may be more fans who think that this is "really unfamiliar" with Saito Asuka and Coconut Tree brand coconut juice.

Here's a brief introduction to the characters and events. Saito Asuka is one of the active members of the large Japanese girl idol group Nogizaka 46, and has a considerable number of fans in Japan and the country, which can be regarded as a well-known Japanese idol in Japan. Not long ago, August 10th was Saito's 23rd birthday, and on August 9th, she held a live broadcast of the Birthday Eve Festival on Sina Weibo. This is probably a commercial cooperation between Weibo and Nogizaka 46 for domestic fans, otherwise, the "gifts" carefully prepared by the official for Saito Asuka could not be such as domestic mooncakes, wife cakes, peanuts and other commodities.

Saito Asuka, who holds a coconut brand coconut juice in his hand, almost said, "I drank from childhood to adulthood."

Coconut tree brand coconut water, naturally also "mixed" in this batch of gifts. Subsequently, there was a scene mentioned at the beginning of the article - Saito Asuka selected the coconut brand coconut juice in the "Hundred Flowers Bush", and then asked the translator with a confused face what he was holding, and by the way, he advertised the coconut brand coconut juice again.

It is reasonable to say that Saito Asuka picked any of the things in this pile of domestic food, after all, judging from the reaction of Saito Asuka in the live broadcast, she really did not know these snacks. Of course, if she likes the wife cake at a glance, the reaction of the fans may be greater - in the follow-up live broadcast, the fans asked Saito Asuka to eat the first food, which is the wife cake. Incidentally, in the warm-up of the translator at the beginning of the live broadcast, the translator also replied to the bullet screen with a special "straight ball": "What about the wife? The wife is still behind."

Although the "program effect" of coconut palm juice is not as good as that of the wife cake, it also quickly leads a wave of "rhythm" among fans. After all, Saito Asuka's move is too much like the product promotion of coconut brand coconut juice, and the coconut brand coconut juice advertisement is well-known in China as "soil" and "customary" - look at the design of the bottle that resembles a large character newspaper and a small street advertisement, coupled with a proud model and a slogan of "drinking from small to large", how to look, can make people think of the small card in the hotel room. Some fans even watch the hilarity is not too big, but also put the bottle body model, P into Saito Asuka - this time "Saito Asuka endorsement coconut brand coconut juice" statement, is even more false.

Saito Asuka, who holds a coconut brand coconut juice in his hand, almost said, "I drank from childhood to adulthood."

This level of P-chart is naturally very simple to see through, after all, even the photo of Saito Asuka on P is from this birthday festival. However, Saito Asuka himself did not mind the P-chart behavior of fans and this emoji, and even praised the fans as geniuses on Weibo.

Saito Asuka, who holds a coconut brand coconut juice in his hand, almost said, "I drank from childhood to adulthood."

Regarding this small storm, the focus is still on the coconut palm brand coconut water.

Saito Asuka is too much like endorsing coconut palm juice, so he has that emoji. If you change to another product, you may not even be qualified to make memes for fans. In the final analysis, the unique advertising and packaging of coconut juice has deeply affected a generation of domestic consumers.

However, if the packaging design of coconut palm juice is normal, "Dumb Head Bird" (Saito Asuka's nickname among fans) will not become "emoji". You put a prominent model on the bottle, and add a sentence next to it, "from small to large", saying that you are not playing "edge ball", no one believes it.

Most netizens still refuse the "soil-to-slag" packaging design of coconut brand coconut juice. The most "poisonous" by the coconut brand coconut juice advertisement should be the audience in the theater. As a "regular customer" in theater advertising, the audience is estimated to have experienced the baptism of plump beauties and "drinking from small to large". Netizens who like to watch movies have naturally become one of the "main forces" of the coconut brand coconut water advertisement.

Saito Asuka, who holds a coconut brand coconut juice in his hand, almost said, "I drank from childhood to adulthood."

Source: Douban Group @ Lielie

However, because coconut brand coconut juice is an old brand in the domestic beverage market, coupled with the taste of coconut brand coconut water is really good, there is no coconut water drink in China that can play more than coconut brand coconut water, resulting in many netizens for coconut brand coconut water is love and hate. They all say it's "the drink is really delicious, the advertising is really not good". Under normal circumstances, netizens criticize the publicity of advertisements and products, mostly referring to the exaggerated publicity of advertisements, the quality of the product is not good, it belongs to the "golden jade outside, defeated in it"; I did not expect that in the coconut tree brand coconut juice, it was completely reversed, and the advertisement actually became the one that dragged its legs.

According to netizens, it is that coconut palm juice sells well, not because of advertising, but coconut water is really delicious.

Saito Asuka, who holds a coconut brand coconut juice in his hand, almost said, "I drank from childhood to adulthood."

Not only do netizens think that the advertisement of coconut juice is inappropriate, but even the relevant government agencies feel that the advertisement of coconut juice is too vulgar. In 2019, coconut brand coconut juice was reported for the combination of "plump beauty + drinking from small to large" in the advertisement. Subsequently, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television issued a document and ordered the suspension of some explicit advertisements for "coconut brand coconut juice". To tell the truth, as far as the plump models in the coconut water of the coconut tree brand are dangling, they still hold up the coconut water and say "from small to large" after the end, which is indeed in line with the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television's statement that "it is easy to mislead the general audience, especially minors."

Interestingly, Coconut Tree brand coconut juice is also on Weibo, defending its "drinking from small to large", claiming that its "drinking from small to large" did not violate the advertising law and was approved by the China Advertising Association. In addition, "drinking from small to large" refers to the age of consumers, and there is no direct connection with breast augmentation. Subsequently, the coconut brand coconut juice also released a number of awards it won. Just from the perspective of winning the award, the gold content of coconut palm juice, an old domestic beverage, is indeed not low.

Saito Asuka, who holds a coconut brand coconut juice in his hand, almost said, "I drank from childhood to adulthood."

However, this defense of coconut palm juice has not been recognized by netizens, but has further aroused the opposition of netizens. This set of statements can not be explained at all, before the coconut brand coconut juice used "breast enlargement effect" as a product promotion gimmick. In the previous slogan of coconut brand coconut juice, the word breast augmentation was indeed mentioned repeatedly.

Because of this incident, Coconut Brand Coconut Juice was eventually fined 200,000 yuan. However, Coconut Tree Brand Coconut Juice adheres to the "principle" of "knowing that it is wrong, dare to dare next time", and still retains the iconic advertising slogan of "drinking from small to large". It's just that the models on the packaging are no longer leaking as they used to be.

Not only in the packaging design of the product, but even in the recruitment and purchase of coconut advertising, coconut tree group also uses this small street advertising design. Now many netizens have been "bent aesthetics" by the coconut tree group's advertisements, and even when they see similar advertisements, they will think of coconut brand coconut water. Whether this verifies the phrase "the extreme soil is the tide", I don't know, but from another point of view, the coconut brand coconut juice advertisement does "disguise" its publicity task.

Saito Asuka, who holds a coconut brand coconut juice in his hand, almost said, "I drank from childhood to adulthood."

However, the incident of the Coconut Tree Group "eating up" due to advertising problems has also been happening continuously. In 2020, because the recruitment information of the "Coconut Tree Training Professional Manager School" was suspected of violating China's labor regulations, the Coconut Tree Group apologized; in 2021, the Coconut Tree Group was considered to be false propaganda by netizens because of a simple and rude and extremely "materialistic" enrollment advertisement; in the same year, the Hainan Provincial Market Supervision Bureau filed a case against the Coconut Tree Group on the grounds of "suspected of publishing illegal advertisements". Now, even many media outlets call Coconut Tree Group "the old fritters of the vulgar advertising industry".

Coconut Tree Group has repeatedly suffered losses in advertising issues, has it not been the intention of dismissing designers? Sorry, this really can't be dismissed, because involved in the packaging design, there is Wang Guangxing, chairman of the Coconut Tree Group.

Saito Asuka, who holds a coconut brand coconut juice in his hand, almost said, "I drank from childhood to adulthood."

Seeing this, there may be netizens who will propose that this is a typical case of professionally incorrect high-level executives who insist on going their own way to make products. But this is actually a bit wronged Chairman Wang Guangxing, because when Wang Guangxing joined the Coconut Tree Group, the position he applied for was an artist.

At that time, it could not be called the Coconut Tree Group, it should be called "Haikou Canning Factory".

However, it was Wang Guangxing, who was born as an artist, who later took over the Haikou canning factory on the verge of bankruptcy, and after various vigorous reforms, the Haikou canning factory was "revived". These are all memories of the 1980s and 1990s. It was at that time that Wang Guangxing began to lead the team to develop coconut water drinks, creating the current coconut brand coconut water in one fell swoop. In fact, in addition to the well-known phrase "drink from small to large", "no use of coconut milk, no flavor when squeezed raw" is the most classic advertising slogan of coconut palm juice.

Saito Asuka, who holds a coconut brand coconut juice in his hand, almost said, "I drank from childhood to adulthood."

With the growing fame of coconut palm juice, Wang Guangxing may have remembered his old art, so he personally designed this product packaging that now seems to be "earthy to explosive", and has continued for decades - such a statement is somewhat inaccurate, because the year number on the packaging is "+1" every year. For this situation, it can only be said that Chairman Wang Guangxing has "taken off" with the Coconut Tree Group, and he can't let people live the addiction of the old line?

Saito Asuka, who holds a coconut brand coconut juice in his hand, almost said, "I drank from childhood to adulthood."

But what is difficult to understand is why Wang Guangxing always has a chest to go through. In addition to the coconut brand coconut juice that previously enabled plump models and claimed to be able to enlarge breasts, Coconut Tree Group also launched a "chest bottle" volcanic rock mineral water in 2016. That style is even more difficult to say.

Here's a look at the actors and models who endorse Coconut Tree Group's products. Now the spokesperson on the packaging is the actor Xu Dongdong, who has always played a sexy role in film and television works. The models who have previously cooperated with the Coconut Tree Group are mostly pleural, and even some pleural champions.

Saito Asuka, who holds a coconut brand coconut juice in his hand, almost said, "I drank from childhood to adulthood."

Xu Dongdong

It is common for products to find actors or beautiful models to endorse, but if they are too kitsch, they may have the opposite effect on publicity.

Although Coconut Tree brand coconut juice has been complained about by consumers because of advertising, as a long-established brand in the domestic beverage industry, Coconut Tree Group's profits have exceeded 4 billion yuan in recent years, and even account for 1% of the GDP of Hainan Province. In addition, the "products claimed by Coconut Tree Group are exported to more than 30 countries and regions such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, and have become world brands." "It's not a joke either. At least in Japan, coconut palm juice has always been sold.

For example, on RaKuten, a major Shopping Site in Japan, you can buy Coconut Palm Brand Coconut Juice effortlessly. Locals can also buy this item at any time in the import shop.

Saito Asuka, who holds a coconut brand coconut juice in his hand, almost said, "I drank from childhood to adulthood."

On Twitter, Coconut Tree brand coconut water also comes with a certain amount of traffic. For example, the previous advertising cases have aroused the discussion of some Japanese netizens.

Saito Asuka, who holds a coconut brand coconut juice in his hand, almost said, "I drank from childhood to adulthood."

Discussion of coconut brand coconut juice violation ads by Japanese netizens on Twitter

Of course, the packaging of coconut palm juice has not made Japanese netizens complain. After all, this is already difficult to explain with "edge ball".

Saito Asuka, who holds a coconut brand coconut juice in his hand, almost said, "I drank from childhood to adulthood."

The Japanese netizen finally set his sights on his chest

Interestingly, Japanese designer Toshi Takada has also repeatedly posted praise for the packaging of coconut palm juice and identified it as a new fashion style.

Saito Asuka, who holds a coconut brand coconut juice in his hand, almost said, "I drank from childhood to adulthood."

Takada praised the packaging of coconut palm brand coconut juice

Could it be that we all misunderstand coconut palm juice? The packaging design of this wave of coconut brand coconut juice is really on the fifth floor?

This, of course, is only a joke. However, since coconut palm juice is sold in Japan, this time Saito Asuka is connected to it, and maybe we can really talk about cooperation.

However, I don't know if fans and consumers can accept Saito Asuka on the earthy packaging.

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