
If "The Stone of His Mountain" wants to do good, he must first use it

author:Return to the moon as before

Lu Xun is undoubtedly a typical case of a very successful change of profession, and he abandoned medicine to follow the text and estimated that he did not expect to have such a large position in the field of literature, so that it affected generations of young people. I remember when I was in school, Lu Xun's articles were mandatory content every semester, and they were also required content for examinations, and each student could say a few words of Mr. Lu Xun's classic quotations.

So, where did Lu Xun's keen insight, philosophical thought and cultural frontiers come from? Lu Xun said to himself that the secret of his ability to create these short stories was to rely on the hundreds of foreign works he had seen before, which can be said to be the greatest guidance for his literary imagination.

If "The Stone of His Mountain" wants to do good, he must first use it

In the Analects of Wei Linggong, Zigong asks for benevolence. Zi Yue: "If a worker desires to do good, he must first use his weapon." Ju is a state, a sage who is a doctor, and a benevolent person who is a friend. "

As the saying goes, "Sharpen the knife without mistake for a woodcutter.". Craftsmen polish the tools before work, and the operation can be handy, and the effect of doing more with less can be achieved. Writing homework is the same, first of all, you know how to write, second, how to write it well, and finally, you can control your work as you want.

Zhou Shuren used the pen name Lu Xun to publish the diary-style short story "Diary of a Madman" in the New Youth Volume 4 and No. 5, and the name spread.

During the May Fourth period, the new cultural fans who advocated the cultural revolution were infected by Lu Xun's works for a time, and as a small number of intellectuals who held new ideas, they felt joy and admiration for someone like Lu Xun who dared to use a pen as a weapon. Lu Xun also quickly became a celebrity in the cultural circle.

If "The Stone of His Mountain" wants to do good, he must first use it

Not everyone has the potential to convey their ideas to readers through the print media in the form of a virtual story. Lu Xun also had his own upbringing, from April 1902 to April 1904, he studied language at the Hongwen Academy in Tokyo, which lasted two years. It was also from this period that he began to be exposed to foreign language reading; from September 1904 to March 1906, he studied medicine in Sendai for a year and a half; from March 1906 to September 1909, he engaged in cultural movements in Tokyo for three and a half years, which was the time when he read a large number of foreign classics, laying a solid foundation for his later writing.

Lu Xun's "Scream", "Chao Hua Xi Shi", "New Story Compilation", "Wild Grass Collection", etc., so many rich and sharp works, stem from his keen capture of reality, but also from his accumulation and absorption of previous knowledge.

Lu Xun's "Blessing" is a well-known classic, and it has nothing to do with Turgenev's "The Story of Lieutenant Yelgunov" on the surface, but the central idea of both is the same, that is, the weight of life that life can bear, thinking about how to heal one's psychological wounds. Xiang Lin's sister-in-law's suffering is sympathetic, but the only person who really redeems her can be herself, and others are just a bystander.

If "The Stone of His Mountain" wants to do good, he must first use it

Four of the ten Russian novels collected by Lu Xun are the works of Turgenev, which shows how much he liked Turgenev. Not only that, Lu Xun also liked Turgenev's prose poems, and from his collection, he also received German translations of Turgenev's 50 prose poems.

Zhou Shuren once said: We admired Du jie Nafu very much at that time, but for some reason, we always did not translate his novels, probably because of admiration, so we did not dare to take it easily.

Zhou Shuren's active choice and early acceptance of Turgenev had a far-reaching impact on the birth and maturity of the novelist Lu Xun. In drawing on the works of others, Lu Xun, coupled with his unique insight into the cultural psychology of the people of his homeland, has become a new creativity of conscious initiative after strengthening, so his works have attracted widespread attention as soon as they came out.

If "The Stone of His Mountain" wants to do good, he must first use it


In addition, in "Social Drama", the teenagers in the water towns of Jiangnan in Huaxia and the teenagers who appear in the vast wilderness in "Grassland", although the fates experienced are completely different, but the endings are all lamentable.

Not only the ending, but also the appearance in the novel, but also the breath of youth. Gogol "With invisible tears of sorrow, invigorate the people of his country." The expression must have deeply touched Zhou Shuren, otherwise he would not have found its shadow in his "Social Drama".

Zhou Shuren's pen gave birth to the "spiritual warrior" on the land of China, a pioneer in rebelling against the family system and etiquette, an enlightener of the new youth, and a unique cry of the Eastern Kingdom at that time.

If "The Stone of His Mountain" wants to do good, he must first use it

At the end of the article, standing on the shoulders of giants and looking out, you can always gain more true knowledge and insight than ordinary people. Through the reading of hundreds of foreign works, Lu Xun has accumulated creative energy that cannot be underestimated, "The stone of his mountain can attack jade." "Read the books that Mr. Lu Xun has read and become the person you want to be."

"The Stone of His Mountain" is two generations of scholars, after more than thirty years of exploration, to sort out the problems that have plagued the academic circles for many years, to find out the reason why Zhou Shuren became Lu Xun, the introduction part is written wonderfully, it is worth understanding and mastering.

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Author: Guiyue Likes to read and write reviews, and hopes to share and communicate with everyone...

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