
Spend 50,000 to transform the garage into a house, less than 25 square meters, into an ideal place for the elderly

author:Talk about renovation

Talk about the decoration and share the various experiences and knowledge of the decoration. Hello everyone, I am talking about decoration, pay attention to me to learn more about those things about decoration!

Every family has a difficult scripture, which is a big truth, whether you are rich or poor, you can't escape the reality of this life.

Originally I had a set of new houses that were only renovated, and when I renovated, I also reserved a room for my mother-in-law to live in, and I can feel inconvenient for my mother-in-law to live in the new house for a long time, and I feel that it is not grounded, and I run back and forth upstairs and downstairs, which is particularly troublesome, and there is no country house to live comfortably.

The mother-in-law saw that someone in the community changed the garage into a bedroom, and it was very comfortable to live, so that it was particularly convenient to get in and out, and there was no need to go up and down the stairs. Mother-in-law saw that this wanted to live in a good living environment, there is nothing to chat about how good it is for other people's parents to live in the garage, considering that the mother-in-law is old, and there is diabetes and rheumatism, the body is not very good, for convenience, after careful consideration, decided to spend 80,000 yuan to buy a garage, but also with other people's homes to change into a house, to the mother-in-law to live.

Spend 50,000 to transform the garage into a house, less than 25 square meters, into an ideal place for the elderly

It is such a garage, and the former owner discussed, and finally bought it with 80,000 yuan, ready to be decorated into a new room for the mother-in-law to use independently. As for why this garage is chosen, the main reason is that the line of sight is particularly good, and there is sunshine, which is particularly convenient for the elderly, and you can directly see this garage in your own home, so it is more than 10,000 expensive.

Spend 50,000 to transform the garage into a house, less than 25 square meters, into an ideal place for the elderly

Since you have bought a garage and are ready to change it into a room to use, it is naturally inseparable from the decoration. Directly found the original renovation team to decorate their new house, and asked them to help decorate the garage into a room.

At the beginning of the water and electricity positioning is very important, this must be personally present, because this is directly related to the mother-in-law in the future in life is convenient, in order to this also let the mother-in-law personally decide, completely in accordance with her use habits, to avoid the inconvenience of use after installation.

Spend 50,000 to transform the garage into a house, less than 25 square meters, into an ideal place for the elderly

When it was dry, the materials entered the site, the construction personnel entered the site, and began to walk on the water and electricity.

Although the garage is small, but as a room to use, should have the same function can not be saved, especially after the addition of the bathroom, water supply and sewing is very critical, so this point should be careful, to ensure the convenience of future use.

Spend 50,000 to transform the garage into a house, less than 25 square meters, into an ideal place for the elderly

After the water and electricity are done, considering that the garage is directly attached to the ground, but also a height with the outside ground, it is not possible to use it as a room, so the ground is raised, so that even if it rains outside, the water will not flow to the home. At the same time, taking into account the moisture of the ground, when looking for the ground on the ground, the following also did a moisture-proof treatment, did a waterproof, to ensure that the ground will not return water in the later stage, with such anti-moisture measures, living in the garage room does not have to worry about moisture.

Spend 50,000 to transform the garage into a house, less than 25 square meters, into an ideal place for the elderly

Since it is used as a room, then the original garage door can not be used, because the garage door is inconvenient to open, used to park the use is OK, as a home to use is not appropriate, so the original garage door position redesign, changed into a single door, but also added a window, used for ventilation, to ensure the ease of access and lighting requirements in life.

Spend 50,000 to transform the garage into a house, less than 25 square meters, into an ideal place for the elderly

The windows and security doors are installed, now let's see if it feels like home. After passing the same change, the garage also has a ventilated and lighting window, and an anti-theft net is added outside, so that ventilation can be opened during the day, and the security door is increased, which is more convenient for the mother-in-law to enter and exit daily, and the security is better than the original garage door.

Spend 50,000 to transform the garage into a house, less than 25 square meters, into an ideal place for the elderly

Looking at the renovated garage room, it can be said that it is a new look, and it is still very good-looking. The entire garage room wall and roof are all made of integrated wall panels, the biggest advantage of this material is moisture-proof, and it is most suitable for the garage room on the first floor to use.

After entering the garage room, there is a shoe cabinet against the wall, which is used to change the shoes and store the shoes of the mother-in-law, and a mirror is installed on the wall next to it, so that the mother-in-law can use it every day when she goes out, which is very convenient. As for the water dispenser is temporarily placed here, after the real stay, it will be moved to the position with a power outlet, which cannot be placed with the shoe cabinet.

Spend 50,000 to transform the garage into a house, less than 25 square meters, into an ideal place for the elderly

The entire garage room floor is paved with floor tiles, which can prevent moisture and also facilitate the cleaning of the floor, especially suitable for grounded gas on the first floor. The newly added window position is equipped with a good look and blackout inside, and with the decorative stickers inside the security door, it is still very trendy.

Spend 50,000 to transform the garage into a house, less than 25 square meters, into an ideal place for the elderly

Used as a room, wardrobes and beds are essential furniture items. Considering the mother-in-law's liking, the bed, bedding, and wardrobe are all made in the style she likes, and everything is centered on her liking. At the same time, a decorative painting was also installed at the head of the bed to increase the sense of warmth. There is also a small table next to the bedside table, which is requested by the mother-in-law, saying that it can be used more.

Spend 50,000 to transform the garage into a house, less than 25 square meters, into an ideal place for the elderly

When used as a room, a bathroom is essential. Changing the bathroom in the garage can be said to be very difficult, especially the water can be said to be very troublesome and expensive.

Now the bathroom is installed, the function inside is complete, the mother-in-law is particularly happy after seeing it, there are many functions, bathroom cabinets, toilets, washing machines, water heaters, and the bathroom of home life is exactly the same.

Spend 50,000 to transform the garage into a house, less than 25 square meters, into an ideal place for the elderly

Considering that the lighting of the bathroom is not very good, so in the design, but also deliberately installed an atmosphere lamp under the bathroom cabinet, wait until the evening when using the bathroom, you can open this, not dazzling, it is very convenient to use.

Spend 50,000 to transform the garage into a house, less than 25 square meters, into an ideal place for the elderly

Showers in the bathroom are essential so that bathing is particularly convenient. And in terms of space, it is much larger than the general bathroom, and it is very comfortable to use.

The whole garage room is made of floor tiles, because it is the first floor, so the ground is easy to get dirty, but I am not worried about this, because as long as you use the "cleaning tablet", you can make the floor tile cleaning very easy, and completely solve this problem.

Spend 50,000 to transform the garage into a house, less than 25 square meters, into an ideal place for the elderly

Simple cleaning of the ground at home, then after cleaning, there will always be water stains on the surface, if you walk on it with socks alone, it will soon get dirty, and walking on it always feels sticky, which is caused by the cleaning not being in place.

Spend 50,000 to transform the garage into a house, less than 25 square meters, into an ideal place for the elderly

In the mopping, add a floor cleaning tablet to the water, and then mop the floor normally, and when it is dried, it can reach the usual level of how to drag it is difficult to achieve a smooth and bright degree.

Spend 50,000 to transform the garage into a house, less than 25 square meters, into an ideal place for the elderly

Regardless of whether the floor of your home is tiled or floor, after mopping the floor through the tile floor cleaning sheet, you can do it clean and bright, even if you wear socks on the ground, you don't have to worry about getting dirty.

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Tile defoliation cleaning tablets ¥19.8 Purchase

Spend 50,000 to transform the garage into a house, less than 25 square meters, into an ideal place for the elderly

The contrast between the floor before and after using the cleaning tablets is really amazing, and the same is true for the floor tiles! The cleaned floor is clean and polished, just like you just finished renovating, looking at the floor is bright and clean, the mood will change for the better.

Spend 50,000 to transform the garage into a house, less than 25 square meters, into an ideal place for the elderly

This is also my own life experience summed up, has been using, every time the mother-in-law in the mopping, said this is good, in the future when they live in the garage room, but also to use.

Now the garage room is renovated, relatives and friends know this after the incident, but scolded us, said that we are not filial piety, they live downstairs to let the mother-in-law live in the garage, but the mother-in-law said, this is their own requirements, living upstairs is not convenient at all, now dead or alive do not want to move out, said that the garage is comfortable, when there is nothing to do at the door basking in the sun, and the old people in the community to chat about home, now I really do not know what to do, I do not want to bear the name of filial piety, everyone say what to do now? Hurry up and give me an idea!

The above content is originally decorated by Changtan, the picture originates from the network, and the infringement is deleted, thank you for reading!

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