
Rome: Animal "cold meal" to relieve the heat

author:Bright Net
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"罗马:动物“冷餐”解暑","en":"Rome: Animal \"cold meal\" to relieve the heat"},"description":{"content":"8月26日,一只海狮在意大利罗马动物园享用冰冻食物。夏日炎炎,意大利罗马动物园的工作人员为动物提供冰冻或冰镇食物,帮助它...","en":"A sea lion enjoys frozen food at the Zoo in Rome, Italy, on Aug. 26. In the summer heat, the staff of the Zoo in Rome, Italy, provide frozen or chilled food for the animals, help it..."}},"items":[]}

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