
Bad breath is annoying and embarrassing, and the reason may be here

author:Dr. Zhang Dandan

After the epidemic, masks have become a must-have for us, but have you also found such a problem - it turns out that you have bad breath! Why didn't I feel that I had a tone before, was it because the mask was covered for a long time, which made our tone worse?

In fact, bad breath is not directly related to masks, and bad breath can be said to be a very common phenomenon.

In our daily life, people with bad breath are by no means in the minority, it not only affects social interaction, but also damages their own image. When you talk with your friends, if a peculiar smell comes from your mouth at this time, it will really make people retreat. Especially when a blind date meets a blind date for the first time, this odor may block your happy future. Bad breath may seem like a minor problem, but it can really affect your life and even your future.

Bad breath is annoying and embarrassing, and the reason may be here

You know, bad breath will never appear for no reason, and its appearance may indicate that there are some health problems in the body.

First, there is a disease in the stomach, or indigestion will lead to aggravation of breath; such as chronic gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux, atrophic gastritis, gastric ulcers, etc. If the patient is infected with Helicobacter pylori, the incidence of halitosis will be significantly higher than that of the uninfected person, and when Helicobacter pylori is radically treated, the symptoms of halitosis will be significantly reduced, which may be affected by the sulfides produced by Helicobacter pylori infection, which causes bad breath.

Bad breath is annoying and embarrassing, and the reason may be here

Second, long-term smokers; this is a non-pathological cause and caused by bad breath, because cigarettes contain tar and other colored substances, long-term smoking behavior will lead to these substances remaining in the teeth and mouth, over time, there will be a phenomenon of bad breath. In addition to bad breath teeth can also be yellow, gums may also appear swollen and painful, and even cause a variety of oral diseases, such as periodontitis, mouth ulcers and so on.

Bad breath is annoying and embarrassing, and the reason may be here

Usually people who smoke and have bad breath are generally difficult to detect themselves, and are often reminded by others.

Third, too much psychological pressure is easy to cause bad breath; too much pressure will cause a decrease in saliva secretion, the oral environment will become poorer, less saliva to clean the mouth, the same will make the odor occur.

Fourth, oral diseases; oral diseases will also make you produce bad breath; more than 80% of the population, the cause of bad breath is due to the problem of the mouth itself; caries, gingivitis, periodontitis and other oral diseases, the mouth is easy to breed bacteria, especially anaerobic bacteria, will remain in the mouth in the food protein after the catabolism, the production of sulfides, resulting in bad breath.

Bad breath is annoying and embarrassing, and the reason may be here

Especially when your teeth are decayed, it's like having a large dump in your mouth, and the intoxicating smell is emitted all the time. Especially when the corrosive material hidden in the carious hole is pulled out, the sour energy can hardly be described in words, and anyone who has experienced it will understand.

The root cause of dental caries is our slack in oral care, usually do not do oral cleaning and care work, food residues remain in the mouth, bacteria gradually increase so that the teeth are destroyed, when the caries hole appears, the residue will also be slowly inserted into the cavity. Think about food residues under the action of bacteria and microorganisms, slowly decaying fermentation, how can it not be bad breath?

Bad breath is annoying and embarrassing, and the reason may be here

Caries is commonly known as: tooth decay or worm teeth, some people will naively ask, is it really a worm inside the tooth? In fact, the question is like whether there is a wife in the wife cake? Is there fish in the shredded fish? It's the same problem.

Bad breath is annoying and embarrassing, and the reason may be here

The main cause of tooth decay is: bacteria + oral environment (food residue) + host (that is, your teeth) + time. With the passage of time, if our mouth is not cleaned in place, some food residues can not be well cleaned hidden between the teeth, a variety of bacteria will digest the residue in your mouth into acidic substances, when the acidic substances gather on the surface of the teeth, the teeth will be deminerated, the surface of the teeth will be gradually corroded over time, and slowly caries will appear, which is the so-called tooth decay, so the tooth decay is not really a cavity in the tooth, but the result of the gradual corrosion of the tooth.

Bad breath is annoying and embarrassing, and the reason may be here

In fact, the process of caries can be summarized as follows: food residue accumulation→→ bacteria multiply (produce acidic substances) →→ destroy the enamel→→ dentin is exposed→→ form caries holes (gradually become larger)

Bad breath is annoying and embarrassing, and the reason may be here

Therefore, bad breath is likely to be a distress signal sent by the mouth to you, when caries appears, we should immediately fill the teeth, rather than delaying it again and again!

So, how can we reduce and prevent bad breath?

1, pay attention to oral cleanliness; as introduced earlier, bad breath is mainly related to oral hygiene. Therefore, if you want to remove bad breath, oral cleaning is very important, brush your teeth at least 2 times a day, it is recommended to choose to use mouthwash after eating irritating foods, mouthwash can reduce the residue of oral food, and play a role in inhibiting and eliminating odor-producing bacteria.

Bad breath is annoying and embarrassing, and the reason may be here

2. Regular physical examination, including general physical examination and oral examination. Check whether the stomach and intestines are infected with Helicobacter pylori, and if found, they should be treated as soon as possible, which can be a good treatment for bad breath. In addition, oral examination is also essential every year, tooth problems, early detection, early treatment, early farewell to bad breath.

Bad breath is annoying and embarrassing, and the reason may be here

3, oral problems in time to repair; if your teeth have appeared caries, periodontitis and other oral problems, should be repaired as soon as possible, caries will cause food accumulation, breath will also be generated. In addition, the late stage of long-delayed dental disease will bring you a lot of unnecessary trouble, and the cost and cost of time in the later period will gradually increase according to the degree of caries.

4, reasonable diet; try to avoid heavy taste, irritating eating habits, which is easy to cause indigestion, will aggravate the situation of bad breath. Diet should be light, vegetable, easy to digest food is appropriate.

Bad breath is annoying and embarrassing, and the reason may be here

5. Regular teeth cleaning; scaling can remove plaque and calculus, and eliminate bad breath to a certain extent. Regardless of whether bad breath occurs or not, it is recommended to wash your teeth at least once a year.

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