
The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used

author:Essence Online

When it comes to English learning at the primary school level, how to effectively improve students' English level on the basis of maintaining interest is a problem that troubles many parents.

Today, Essence Jun will share with you 20 English movies suitable for children. You may wish to take advantage of this extraordinary period to accompany your children to watch and learn together, not only to avoid children's addiction to games, but also to subtly improve their English level, why not?

English movies/animations make English "alive"

Watching movies to learn English has been confirmed by a large number of cases is a really effective English learning method, and watching cartoons to learn English is the best way for beginners with English listening and speaking skills, because the pronunciation of cartoons is the clearest, and exaggerated, suitable for practicing listening and imitating pronunciation, as long as children are seriously interested in learning, then the learning efficiency and results must be the best.

How to choose English films/animations is the key

In the choice of materials, we should strive to meet the physical and mental characteristics of children, pay attention to the selection of children's personal experience and daily life interested, understandable, easy to absorb content, and vivid and interesting, full of childlike fun, but also close to children's life and emotional preferences. Some classic movie cartoons suitable for learning English are full of childlike fun, such as the well-known classic cartoons such as "Mickey Mouse", "Snow White", "Cinderella", "Aladdin's Lamp" and so on, so that Chinese children can learn English happily in a fun story environment.

Film/animation learning English also requires a focus on methods

Watching animation to learn English is not just about watching, it is necessary to learn, so that children can understand, read, and imitate every line in the movie. Understanding should be achieved to fully understand in place, without pulling a word. Follow the reading, imitation to achieve rhythm, pronunciation, intonation is completely consistent with the original sound. As long as a movie is learned at this level, it can learn the next one. A child in elementary school can only familiarize himself with twenty or thirty American soundtrack movies. English proficiency is basically passed, and it can be used for life.

Steps to learn English in film/animation

The first time: watch the Chinese and English subtitles, read the lines of the cartoon, and understand the overall content of the cartoon;

The second time: only read the English subtitles, pay attention to re-reading where you can't understand, listen to it several times and guess according to the plot of the animation.

The third time: speaking practice - parents with their children, or a family in the living room, role-playing, imitation exercises, recording, dubbing, etc., to speak the spoken language out loud.

20 animated films for children to learn English

1.Snow White and Seven Dwarfs

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used



The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used



The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used

4.Fun and Fancy Free

Mickey & Magic Beans

The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used


Fairy Tales

The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used

6.Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland

The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used

7.Peter Pan

Peter Pan

The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used

8.Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty

The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used

9 .101 Dalmatians

101 loyal dogs

The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used

10.The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used

11.The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid

The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used

12.Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast

The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used



The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used

14.The Lion King

The Lion King

The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used

15.The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Bell Tower Freak

The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used



The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used



The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used

18.Lilo & Stitch

Intergalactic baby

The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used



The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used

20.A Bug's Life

Bugs Agents

The 20 english movies that are best for elementary school students to watch - they will be selected and used

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