
From exploration and production to "a hundred flowers blooming" - the earliest instant noodles in the 50-year history of China's instant noodles explored the mainland instant noodles Wei Yingzhou's Master Kang instant noodles quickly became popular with the hundred flowers of instant noodles

author:Yun Xike
From exploration and production to "a hundred flowers blooming" - the earliest instant noodles in the 50-year history of China's instant noodles explored the mainland instant noodles Wei Yingzhou's Master Kang instant noodles quickly became popular with the hundred flowers of instant noodles

As a kind of instant food, instant noodles are very popular with the Chinese people, and it is found on the shelves of major supermarkets. First, its eating method is very convenient, busy work has no time to cook, soak yourself a bowl of noodles, not only save time but also meet the requirements of the stomach; second, the taste of instant noodles itself is very good, there are many people on the Internet who have posted their own cooked noodles exclusive secrets, enriching the way of eating instant noodles.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="43" > earliest instant noodles</h1>

Instant noodles have a long history of development in China, dating back to the Western Han Dynasty. According to legend, at that time, Han Xin and his troops were stationed on the edge of the Yellow River, preparing to attack the King of Western Wei. The most important thing for marching and fighting is that the supply of food and grass is sufficient, and soldiers cannot be allowed to go to the battlefield hungry.

However, the environment of marching and fighting is relatively harsh, and ordinary food is not carried and preserved, in order to solve this problem, the cooks in the army racked their brains to come up with a good solution.

That is, mix buckwheat flour and wheat flour together and cook them into a paste until they are boiled into a large round cake, and then use a knife to cut the large round cake into strips. These dried dough cakes are easy to carry, and when it comes to eating, they are also very convenient, just need a bowl of hot water to soak it open, and then add some condiments appropriately.

This pasta is easy to cook, easy to carry, and quick to eat, and it is a big hit for a while. This is the earliest prototype of later instant noodles.

From exploration and production to "a hundred flowers blooming" - the earliest instant noodles in the 50-year history of China's instant noodles explored the mainland instant noodles Wei Yingzhou's Master Kang instant noodles quickly became popular with the hundred flowers of instant noodles

Later, during the Qing Dynasty, Yi Bingshou invited relatives and friends to hold a birthday feast for his mother in the mansion, and there were many people at that time, and the back kitchen was busy without touching the ground. The birthday feast naturally wants to have longevity noodles, just below, the chef panicked for a while, accidentally threw the noodles into the boiling oil pot, in desperation, the chef had to quickly fish out the fried noodles. At this time, it is too hasty to re-roll the noodles and noodles.

Reluctantly, the chef made a bold decision to place the fried noodles next to them, boil another pot of broth, and put the fried noodles into the broth and serve them to the guests. Who knows, after tasting it, everyone is full of praise, and this chef has also developed a new special pasta dish. This is already a relatively complete instant noodle. Since then, people have continued to improve the recipe on this basis and pass on this delicacy.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="50" > explored continental instant noodles</h1>

In 1964, beijing food factory first tried to mass produce instant noodles. However, it was always the first trial production, and it was impossible to predict whether this food could be accepted and loved by the public, so in order to reduce the production cost, the raw materials used at that time were all scraps used as much as possible, that is, the oil of the fried dough cake was made of duck oil.

At that time, the Beijing Daily also reported on the matter, and the evaluation of the instant noodles produced by the Beijing Food General Factory was that there would be a very strange taste when opened, but this taste quickly disappeared.

From exploration and production to "a hundred flowers blooming" - the earliest instant noodles in the 50-year history of China's instant noodles explored the mainland instant noodles Wei Yingzhou's Master Kang instant noodles quickly became popular with the hundred flowers of instant noodles

By 1970, Shanghai Yimin Food No. 4 Factory, famous for producing "Great White Rabbit Milk Candy", also began to try to make instant noodles, beating eggs into flour, first steaming the noodles by steaming noodles by high-pressure steaming, and then putting the steamed noodles into a frying pan and frying them. In this way, Shanghai Yimin Food No. 4 Factory Company successfully made instant noodles and named it "Happy Instant Noodles". This instant noodle product also sold well, selling nearly 2 million copies in the first year.

However, Shanghai Yimin Food Company, which was the first to make instant noodles, did not develop into the boss of instant noodle manufacturers, but gradually declined. Although Shanghai Yimin Food Company has not become bigger and stronger in the field of instant noodles, the product of instant noodles has gradually entered the public's field of vision. Opportunities are always left to those who have opportunities, and the first thing to smell is a flour mill in Hangzhou.

This flour mill is the Hangzhou Flour Mill, after initially mastering the secret of making instant noodles, it began to mass-produce instant noodles, named "Twin Peaks Instant Noodles", when all the supply and marketing cooperatives and stalls in Hangzhou had this instant noodle product on the shelves.

In this way, the Hangzhou Flour Mill slowly occupied the country of instant noodles. In 1983, the instant noodles produced by the Hangzhou Flour Mill had reached an annual sales volume of 90 tons.

From exploration and production to "a hundred flowers blooming" - the earliest instant noodles in the 50-year history of China's instant noodles explored the mainland instant noodles Wei Yingzhou's Master Kang instant noodles quickly became popular with the hundred flowers of instant noodles

At the same time, businessmen everywhere have seen business opportunities for instant noodles. Different brands of instant noodles sprung up, among which the well-known "Beijing Instant Noodles" produced by the Flour Mill in LuoheNanjie Village, Henan Province, also appeared at that time.

The reason why the instant noodles produced in Luohe, Henan Province, were named "Beijing Instant Noodles" is because in the hearts of the Chinese people at that time, Beijing was a holy place, and many people were full of yearning for this place in Beijing, thinking that the products produced in Beijing must be good.

At that time, the NanjieCun Flour Mill just happened to cooperate with the Beijing Jinsong Pastry Factory, so it took the opportunity to name the instant noodles produced in Beijing to increase its own value. At that time, these instant noodle companies were very prosperous, it is said that it was not easy to buy instant noodles at that time, first of all, there must be tickets, and after having tickets, there will be a long queue, and it is likely that those who wait in line late will not be able to buy.

As the market for instant noodles gets better and better, these manufacturers have decided to expand production. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, these manufacturers introduced advanced production equipment from Japan, and also introduced Japanese-funded factories to further expand production. However, contrary to expectations, the instant noodle business has not developed as these manufacturers think, but has encountered great twists and turns.

From exploration and production to "a hundred flowers blooming" - the earliest instant noodles in the 50-year history of China's instant noodles explored the mainland instant noodles Wei Yingzhou's Master Kang instant noodles quickly became popular with the hundred flowers of instant noodles

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="61" > Master Kang instant noodles in Weiyingzhou quickly became popular</h1>

In 1991, a Taiwanese businessman, Wei Yingzhou, came to the mainland to seek business opportunities. Wei Yingzhou was originally in the edible oil business, and after coming to the mainland, he also planned to continue to engage in his old business. Weiyingzhou's edible oil took the high-end route, and the oil price at that time was 8 cents, while weiyingzhou's oil was as high as 2 yuan.

According to Wei Yingzhou's understanding, people at that time loved face, so his high-end edible oil should have a good market, and he also spent a lot of money to advertise on CCTV.

The ideal is full, the reality is cruel. At that time, people's face was reflected in the outside, some people were willing to spend a lot of money to buy a watch, buy a BB machine, but no one was willing to spend 2 yuan to buy oil that was originally only 8 cents. Therefore, Wei Yingzhou lost all his money. At this time, Wei Yingzhou was worried about his livelihood on the train, not knowing how to save himself.

It is said that God closes a door for you and will open a window for you. The hungry Wei Yingzhou soaked a bag of instant noodles he had brought from Taiwan in the car, and the result unexpectedly aroused the curiosity of many people. After the exchange, it was found that there was only one package of seasoning in the packaging bags such as "Twin Peaks Instant Noodles" and "Beijing Instant Noodles" that were now popular in the mainland. Most of the ingredients in this packet are seasonings such as salt, pepper or monosodium glutamate.

From exploration and production to "a hundred flowers blooming" - the earliest instant noodles in the 50-year history of China's instant noodles explored the mainland instant noodles Wei Yingzhou's Master Kang instant noodles quickly became popular with the hundred flowers of instant noodles

Such instant noodles are soaked out of clear soup and water, and the taste is naturally average. The instant noodles in Wei Yingzhou's hands are full of aroma, and some peers said that although the instant noodles in his hands are also sold in the mainland, most of them are imported, the price is very expensive, and the general public will not consume this.

The keen Wei Yingzhou immediately smelled the business opportunities here, and he immediately decided to open the instant noodle market in the mainland, Wei Yingzhou was also an action-oriented person, and he immediately began to raise money and prepare.

The first step is to consider the location of the factory. Wei Yingzhou decided to build a factory in Tianjin. First of all, Tianjin is the north, and people in the north prefer pasta, so that there is a certain consumer base; secondly, if you build a factory in Tianjin, the government will have economic subsidies. Combining these factors, Wei Yingzhou built the factory in Tianjin.

After choosing the factory address, it is a product problem with instant noodles. Wei Yingzhou decided to take the lead in making braised beef-flavored instant noodles, and at that time, it was not easy for the people to eat pork, not to mention beef. Instant noodles that want to make braised beef flavor don't really need to add beef to the noodles, just add a little shrimp to the flour package. The cost is not high, but it will certainly be popular compared to ordinary tasteless instant noodles.

From exploration and production to "a hundred flowers blooming" - the earliest instant noodles in the 50-year history of China's instant noodles explored the mainland instant noodles Wei Yingzhou's Master Kang instant noodles quickly became popular with the hundred flowers of instant noodles

Finally, there is the trademark of instant noodles. Wei Yingzhou considered that instant noodles are a food, and he hoped that the name would give consumers a very healthy feeling. So he decided that there must be healthy words in the name, and finally, after some consideration, he set the name for this instant noodle as "Master Kang".

After all the dust settled, the factory began to put into production master Kong brand instant noodles, the biggest advantage of Master Kong brand instant noodles compared to the existing instant noodles in the mainland is that this instant noodles has a pack of sauce packages. It is also this sauce package that gives instant noodles a rich soup and a fragrant aroma. After the production of instant noodles began, Wei Yingzhou began to spend a lot of money to advertise products. Opportunities are left to those who are prepared, and Master Kong's instant noodles have been unanimously welcomed by people as soon as they were launched.

Master Kang quickly gained a foothold in Tianjin, but Wei Yingzhou's eyes did not stop there, and he decided to expand south, setting up factories in Guangzhou and Hangzhou. Master Kong's rapid development can be described as a few joys and a few sorrows, and the original development of Twin Peaks Instant Noodles soon went bankrupt because there was no market.

From exploration and production to "a hundred flowers blooming" - the earliest instant noodles in the 50-year history of China's instant noodles explored the mainland instant noodles Wei Yingzhou's Master Kang instant noodles quickly became popular with the hundred flowers of instant noodles

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="73" > instant noodles</h1> bloom

Many instant noodle factories in the mainland have difficulties in operation, but Master Kong brand instant noodles have not monopolized the instant noodle market in the mainland. Soon, some Taiwanese entrepreneurs settled on the mainland in an attempt to get a piece of the pie. Because Master Kong brand instant noodles at this time have occupied the mainland instant noodle market, the entrepreneurs of the Unification Group who settled in at this time set their sights on the field of leisure snacks. Therefore, the crisp noodle brand of Little Raccoon was launched.

In order to open up the market for crisp noodles, a casual snack, the unified management class came up with a solution. Donating raccoon instant noodles to primary and secondary schools has to be said to have been a huge success, and once distributed, this fragrant and crisp snack was quickly favored by everyone.

Later, in order to further occupy the market, Unification also launched activities such as eating instant noodles and collecting cards for the big prize. After occupying the crisp noodle market and having a certain popularity, Unification also began to enter the crisp noodle market.

In order to compete for the market, Unification and Master Kong also fought a price war for a time. The unification of the instant noodle products that have just been launched will be 2 cents lower than master Kong when pricing, and master Kong is also very smart, understanding that if there is a price war, it is self-pleading. Therefore, Master Kong not only did not reduce but increased the price, the price was set 5 cents higher than the unified, and then in order to continue to maintain his market share, Master Kong also launched a product below the unified price.

From exploration and production to "a hundred flowers blooming" - the earliest instant noodles in the 50-year history of China's instant noodles explored the mainland instant noodles Wei Yingzhou's Master Kang instant noodles quickly became popular with the hundred flowers of instant noodles

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="78" > conclusion</h1>

When Master Kang and the Unification Immortals fought, many manufacturers also began to show their heads, such as the white elephant in Henan, the East Sanfu in the northeast and so on. Suddenly, the mainland's instant noodle companies are blooming, and in order to compete for the market, these companies have launched various activities to promote, which is undoubtedly good news for the majority of consumers.

According to statistics, China sells an average of 40 billion packs of instant noodles every year, which shows how popular instant noodles are in the Chinese market.

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