
Sima Nan: We have made important contributions to extending the period of strategic opportunities for China, and we mourn Mr. Powell

author:Sima Nan

Today I will talk about Mr. Powell. I would like to be clear and to miss Mr. Powell with deep sorrow. Why? Because Mr. Powell has made important contributions to China's reform and opening up. I was going to sleep last night, but I couldn't sleep all of a sudden. The news came too suddenly, and my heart was full of mixed feelings. I thought about it for a dozen minutes, and I wanted to write it into an article, but it was too late, so I didn't write it.

Sima Nan: We have made important contributions to extending the period of strategic opportunities for China, and we mourn Mr. Powell

First, as the old saying goes, "Seventy-three eighty-four, the king of Yama does not invite himself to go." Grandma Wang next door often muttered that she was already past eighty-four. But what? A few years ago, she didn't nag now, and she said that seventy-three eighty-four didn't seem to work either. Yes, the law of seventy-three eighty-four is no longer working in China, you go to the old cadre activity station to see, seventy-three eighty-four, is this still true? But for Mr. Powell, he was exactly eighty-four years old, so it was a bit of a surprise.

Second, the number of covid-19 infections in the United States is said to have declined. It is said that not many people have died due to the new crown virus infection, only a few thousand people a day, and the situation has been very good. Mr. Biden, the president of the United States, and the officials of the AMERICAN political circles, they have made great achievements in the fight against the epidemic, the best anti-epidemic achievements in the world, they have been promoting themselves, how can this happen?

Third, like the big black brother, the two-meter black big brother Freud, remember. The African-American, who was pressed to his knee by the white policeman, made a heavy sound. "I can't breathe," just as this African-American Freud couldn't breathe. There are so many African-Americans who feel oppressed that Martin Luther King Jr. speech, that dream is still a dream to this day. But there are exceptions, such as African-Americans like Powell, who are rich and wealthy. The two levels are very large, and there are even those who are presidents. You know that african-Americans became presidents of the United States, Democratic candidates were pushed in, and Hillary Clinton was his assistant, right?

Sima Nan: We have made important contributions to extending the period of strategic opportunities for China, and we mourn Mr. Powell

There are those who are presidents, those who are secretaries of state like Powell, and those who are chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. But you find that there is no law, whether it is the African American who cannot breathe, sighs heavily, is oppressed, even executed, and has a tragic fate, or the African American who is rich and noble, who is full of spirits, who is mixed into the system and serves as a high-ranking official, the final result cannot be breathed. What do you think about this? Some say this is called the "can't breathe paradox." How to study this paradox? This takes a bit of brains.

Fourth, former U.S. Secretary of State Jerome Powell died of complications of COVID-19 at the age of 84. An important message in his home was that Powell had been fully vaccinated against the new crown virus. What is the concept of complete vaccination? Two stitches are called complete. In the United States, there are some key susceptible high-risk groups, they also need to get booster injections, Powell this vaccination does not include booster injections? But even so, it still didn't get away with it, and it seems that vaccination is not so safe.

Fifth, Mr. Powell is 84 years old after all, he has an underlying disease, and he belongs to the high-risk group of susceptibility. I went specifically to see what Mr. Trump said about Powell, and he didn't seem to say anything. Mr Biden said he was eternally grateful for his support of my presidential campaign. This position is not very high, because he voted for you, so I am forever grateful to him. You are not talking about what Mr. Powell contributed from the height of the politics of the whole country, the United States. Therefore, the politician in the United States also has a very personal characteristic in his speech. In Mr. Trump's view, perhaps because hydroxychloroquine, a special drug that he considered very effective, was not used, or perhaps because Mr. Powell did refuse to inject disinfectant directly into the vein.

Sima Nan: We have made important contributions to extending the period of strategic opportunities for China, and we mourn Mr. Powell

Sixth, Mr. Powell was the first African-American secretary of state in the United States. He served as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Gulf War from 1990 to 1991 and was the first African-American to hold the highest military position in the U.S. military. Until now, the people who died on his hands, although some people kept talking about this topic, but in fact, how many people died at his hands, Americans and people outside the United States do not have detailed statistics now.

Sima Nan: We have made important contributions to extending the period of strategic opportunities for China, and we mourn Mr. Powell

Seventh, in 2003, the United States alleged that Iraq was hiding weapons of mass destruction and then launched the Iraq War. Mr. Powell, who first studied geology, later he was a graduate student. He had never studied acting, had no experience in acting, and his interest in theater, I looked at his biography and there was nothing particularly recorded. However, he successfully played the role of righteous male number one.

Mr. Powell, then Secretary of State of the United States, took out a tube of white powder, and you pay attention to the details, and the white powder was a blue bottle cap on the top. He took out a tube of a tiny bottle of white powder as evidence, and that thing is now called laundry detergent. In fact, whether it is washing powder is not certain, but I see that in the network public opinion, most of them call this white powder washing powder. The name laundry detergent is copyrighted, and his copyright holder is Mr. Putin of the Russian President.

Sima Nan: We have made important contributions to extending the period of strategic opportunities for China, and we mourn Mr. Powell

Eighth, until the day before Mr. Powell went to God to report, the U.S. military still had not found any weapons of mass destruction from Iraq. Although some "leading parties" defecting from Iraq have said to the US military that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. But together with these "leading parties", the US military has occupied Iraq for so many years, and as an occupying force, it has not dug out any weapons of mass destruction for three feet. It has also been said earlier that the reason for fighting Iraq is because of the connection between Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaida in Iraq, and there is no evidence that Iraq is linked to Al-Qaida. In fact, as two sects of one religion, they are inseparable from each other.

Sima Nan: We have made important contributions to extending the period of strategic opportunities for China, and we mourn Mr. Powell

The ninth is the deep tribute to the memory of Mr. Colin Powell, who, in retrospect, was an outstanding man. Now, like his civilian brother Freud, he could not breathe. From laundry detergent to covid-19, dead people, dead people, or dead people. But there is a difference between the dead and the dead, what is the difference? Iraq is dead, it is a man-made disaster. The US military came in, the Americans bombed a mess, and iraq's "leading party" led the Americans to kill and kill, pointing out where to fight, so it was a man-made disaster.

The death of people in the United States is a natural disaster and a man-made disaster. Including the death of Mr. Powell, who died of complications of the new crown virus, of course, is a natural disaster. But more than 700,000 people have died in the United States, and these more than 700,000 people are a "911" scale every day, do you say it is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster? My view is that natural disasters and man-made disasters are encountered by the whole world. The United States is better off, it shouldn't have died so many people, but it's not only dead, it's full of ownerless cell phones. Who saw it? There was a Chinese female writer who said she had a picture, and she didn't take it out.

In fact, more than 700,000 people have died in the United States, you don't have to check your mobile phone, you look at it from another angle, americans died isn't there a purpose? There is a disease called dense phobia, and if you look at more than 700,000 tombstones, if we take a drone to photograph it, we will definitely be scared to death. More than 700,000 tombstones, under each tombstone is a living, once like you and me, with the American dream of an American. So Mr. Powell, he died of natural disasters and man-made disasters, which I think many people will accept and admit.

Sima Nan: We have made important contributions to extending the period of strategic opportunities for China, and we mourn Mr. Powell

Article 10, according to the religion in which Mr. Powell was founded, there is a saying called the final judgment. According to the doctrine, the final judgment should be the day of January 1st, but today is October, and it is not yet the day of January 1st. So now it seems that Mr. Powell's death may have been ahead of schedule, why? There are many specialized clergy in that religion, and they may have the opportunity to explain why they came ahead in their prayers, in their Bible study, when they preach to the faithful.

Sima Nan: We have made important contributions to extending the period of strategic opportunities for China, and we mourn Mr. Powell

Mr. Powell, an African-American, knows which country in Africa he is? Jamaica. His father was very short and a builder. Mr. Powell, a descendant of Jamaican immigrants, has shown great humility, gentleness, integrity and positivity from an early age, but his academic performance is actually very average, and he has not had any such performance of excellence in his studies. But who would have thought that the descendants of such Jamaican immigrants, as African-Americans holding the highest position in the U.S. military and U.S. secretary of state, would have made a significant contribution to China. Mr. Powell's greatest contribution to China has been to prolong China's period of strategic opportunity.

We say that As an American of African descent, Mr. Powell has made great contributions to the rise of the Chinese nation, China's reform and opening up, and China, and we will always remember him. It is because he has provided China with, to be precise, extended China's strategic opportunity period, and is therefore worthy of eternal remembrance Chinese the people. If our Hutong Neighborhood Committee holds a memorial service for Mr. Powell, I am ready to make a statement: We deeply miss Mr. Powell and thank Him for his important contributions to the extension of the period of strategic opportunities for the Chinese nation.

As an aide to Weinberg, the Reagan-era Secretary of Defense, Powell participated in the development of the Star Wars program for the Soviet Union. Mr. Reagan, the president of the Screen Actors Guild of America, was a film actor, acted well, and then he played the president. It's true that president Reagan is often unreliable, often absurd, but at that time, he had a plan for the former Soviet Union called the Star Wars program. The Soviets were horrified, and then the two countries engaged in a frantic arms race, and it was only later that the Soviets discovered that there was some drama here.

Sima Nan: We have made important contributions to extending the period of strategic opportunities for China, and we mourn Mr. Powell

Reagan was a good actor, he said that the United States was going to do the Star Wars program, and the Soviets were tired of coping. Powell was Weinberg's assistant at the time, because he stood in that position, which laid a very important foundation for him to become chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and secretary of state. Therefore, the Russians led by Mr. Putin today will not forget what Mr. Powell did for the Soviet Union.

Thirteenth, the death of Mr. Powell set a record. What records? More than 70.7 million people have died in the United States since the coronavirus, and Mr. Powell is the highest-ranking official among the dead. This is a record. What does the highest-ranking official among the dead explain? It shows that the official power is vast, which can be described as the highest, that is, it has reached the highest level. There were also such high-ranking officials among the dead, is that not the same as the people's lives? Can't it be said that we are destined to live with the people, which can be said to be the ultimate?

Fourteenth, Powell's death also struck a balance. Powell had been to the Vietnamese battlefield twice, and he was promoted in the Vietnamese battlefield. His soldiers cut off two ears of the Viet Cong soldiers and came to Mr. Powell with blood-dripping ears, "Chief Powell, look, I killed another Viet Cong soldier." This kind of scene, Mr. Powell, he talked about the Vietnam War twice, it was all his experience. Of course, Mr. Powell does not have the kind of compassion, compassion, benevolence, and honesty that everyone praises him for this kind of thing.

Sima Nan: We have made important contributions to extending the period of strategic opportunities for China, and we mourn Mr. Powell

Honesty is still very honest. He was very honest about how the two ears proved that you killed the Viet Cong soldiers, and if you wanted to prove your record, then please take the whole corpse instead of carrying two ears. You say how serious Mr. Powell is, and I appreciate Mr. Powell's seriousness. Yes, if you carry two ears to prove that you killed the Viet Cong, then another person raises two feet to prove that he killed the Viet Cong, another person raises two hands to prove that he killed the Viet Cong, and two people carry other parts of their bodies to prove that they killed the Viet Cong, then isn't this a person? Therefore, there is a suspicion of lying about military information.

Mr. Powell demanded that you see people alive and corpses in death, and you must use the whole corpse to prove that you really killed the Viet Cong. Mr. Powell, great, at that time he held a firm belief, what belief? American soldiers do not kill people, but uphold justice. If you don't have a firm belief, how did you become the top commander in the African-American U.S. military?

Sima Nan: We have made important contributions to extending the period of strategic opportunities for China, and we mourn Mr. Powell

The US military does not kill people, but upholds justice, which is a firm and lofty belief. A higher pursuit of how to kill, including using a can of laundry detergent to convince the public that they are not killing but responsible for the world. Mr. Powell's excellence is manifested in all respects, especially in the face of death, in the face of blood-dripping ears, and he has no mercy at all, but demands with a professional and ingenious spirit that his subordinates must be able to bring me the whole body. This meticulous and principled attitude towards killing laid a very important foundation for his later promotion, promotion, and re-promotion.

Mr. Powell's full name is Colin Luther Powell. Regarding Mr. Powell, our Chinese media used to be full of praise, and they all regarded him as a good boy and a good student. How he overcame what was humble in his family, how his father ended up, how his mother did, and then said what kind of contribution he had made as the 65th secretary of state in American history. To be honest, when I see this kind of thing, I think: objective statements are one thing, with subjective will, subjective projection, and the kind of statements that think they are objective statements are another thing.

Sima Nan: We have made important contributions to extending the period of strategic opportunities for China, and we mourn Mr. Powell

People see exactly what they want to see, and there are things that we try to believe. Powell, he was America's elite; Powell, who was an example for us to emulate, had a great and noble personality. Of course, when it comes to this, some people may say: What do you mean by Sima Nan? Don't you miss Mr. Powell bitterly? How did you get here again? Yes, we mourn his memory because he made an important contribution to China's reform and opening up and to China's prolongation of the period of strategic opportunity, but Mr. Powell's killings are also true. Some of our domestic media have packaged him perfectly and beautifully, and I have doubts about this. I don't believe this too much.

Regarding Powell's experience, I think it has been introduced a lot now. His mom was a seamstress, his dad was a dock worker, and he went to college at the City College of New York, graduating from college in 1958. During his time at school, he joined the training team of reserve officers and became a second lieutenant after graduation. After completing basic training for infantry officers, he was sent to Germany and promoted to lieutenant at the same time. Subsequently, he held positions in several states and rose through the ranks.

By 1969, he had fought in the Vietnam War twice and was a veteran of the Vietnamese battlefield. After returning to China, he went to college again, this time he studied business, from geology to business, and engineering crossed over to this business. After getting a master's degree, after graduation, this step is very important, and it is important in which position the person is.

Grandma Wang next door often taught us that dog pee moss did not grow on the Golden Ruan Temple. This old lady spoke too graphically. After graduation, Mr. Powell was assigned to the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff of the Pentagon. In 1973, he served as the commander of the U.S. Army Brigade in South Korea. Then I came to Germany. Then the ranks got higher and higher, the minister of defense senior military assistant. He then served as President Reagan's national security adviser.

Sima Nan: We have made important contributions to extending the period of strategic opportunities for China, and we mourn Mr. Powell

Mr. Powell's experience is the dream of many Americans, part of the American dream. Many people like to take this experience of Mr. Powell, especially the book written by Mr. Powell himself, to prove that the United States can meet the dreams of the vast majority of people. It's just a pity that there is only one Powell. And, of course, there's an Obama. But the vast majority of African-Americans, they are still in a miserable situation, they are still sighing heavily, "I can't breathe." So in mourning Mr. Powell, we understand that these contexts are useful.

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