
Hepburn and Pike: Offer a piece of heart as if I have loved you countless times in an infinite way

author:Jiayi Expo

Author: Shanjia

When I was in college, there was a senior, who was a member of the student union of the department, and I liked Gregory. Pike collaborated with Hepburn on Roman Holiday. Every semester, he always popularizes this film for his students and sisters, and repeatedly broadcasts it in the department's activity hall.

In the film, we appreciate Hepburn's youth, elegance, and Pike's handsomeness and handsomeness, of course, we can't forget their deep friendship...

Hepburn and Pike: Offer a piece of heart as if I have loved you countless times in an infinite way


When the director was preparing to shoot "Roman Holiday", the male protagonist in his heart set Gary. Grant. But Grant was very unimpressed about the positioning of the supporting roles in the film, thinking: I am a big star, why bother to make a wedding dress for others, so I refused to star.

At this moment, the pie fell from the sky and fell on Pike's head. Years later, Pike joked, "I really can't understand him, why he should refuse such a great script, anyway, I saw it and jumped on it." ”

In fact, Pike, who was already famous at the beginning, was also resentful of his own supporting role, but thinking about it, he could completely enhance his screen image through this film, so why not enjoy it? Small case.

The heroine of the film, the director, handed the olive branch to Jane. Simmons, take a back seat, Elizabeth. Taylor is also available. But the two top actresses really did not look at the role of Princess Anne, and refused. In desperation, the director decided to openly choose the heroine.

Hepburn is more Buddhist and has nothing to do with this casting, but under the strong persuasion of his mother, he still came to audition. Unexpectedly, it achieved the best "deduction".

In that scene, the princess is dressed in pajamas and doing sit-ups on the bed. Hepburn had studied ballet for many years, with a slender figure and a good posture, only to see her stretch her body with ease and gracefully complete the prescribed movements.

After that, Hepburn, who had changed his costume, began to chat with the director. Who knows, the camera on the side completely recorded this scene. Because of this natural performance, the director found that this lively and cute little girl was the Princess Anne he was looking for.

Hepburn and Pike: Offer a piece of heart as if I have loved you countless times in an infinite way


Since "Roman Holiday" has set the male and female protagonists, Pike and Hepburn have been meeting since then.

At that time, Hepburn was just an unknown little model, and his understanding of movies was still stuck in the performance of stage plays. But Hepburn to Pike, that was the same at first sight, and he was a fan of his movies in the early years. To Pike, Hepburn had an almost fanatical cult. Hepburn won't forget: when she first met Pike, she was so excited she couldn't even speak.

Of course, in Hollywood, Pike has long had the reputation of "quality male god", that is not Gaidi! Deserved.

In Pike's eyes, Hepburn was simple, beautiful, and fragile, and behind her large, glowing eyes, there was an unknown sadness. Looking at a quiet and melancholy girl, Pike's heart was full of pity.

During the filming of "Roman Holiday", Pike was like a calm uncle, step by step with the young Hepburn into the play, achieving the best love model in the minds of countless audiences.

In 1954, Hepburn won the 26th Academy Award for Best Actress for "Roman Holiday". Standing on the podium, Hepburn was thrilled, but she still didn't forget to tell the world: "This is a gift from Parker!" ”

Indeed, the "Mouth of Truth" scene was Pike's improvisation. At that time, he had a friend who liked to hide his hands in his sleeves, which gave Parker a great inspiration.

So Pike told the director what he thought. The director listened, this idea, no one, just act! However, Hepburn's side should not ventilate first.

No, on the spot, hepburn was taken aback when Pike showed off being caught in the fingers, all of his reactions were made without his knowledge, pure first reaction, flawless!

Hepburn and Pike: Offer a piece of heart as if I have loved you countless times in an infinite way


Hepburn's first husband, Daimy Mel. Feller, a talented director. Feller and Pike are acquainted, that is, Parker for Hepburn selected Feller, looking forward to the young Hepburn has a stable and warm home.

On 9 September 1954, in Switzerland, Hepburn became The Bride of Feller. Parker, who was far away in the United States, traveled thousands of miles to attend the wedding and send his heartfelt blessings to the couple.

Hepburn and Pike: Offer a piece of heart as if I have loved you countless times in an infinite way

At this time, Pike was already a husband and a father. His wife, Rice, is a well-known hair stylist. At a party in Hollywood, the emcee introduced Pike's wife as "the secretary who had been the secretary of the famous actress Cornalls." Pike did not hesitate to correct on the spot: "No, it is not the secretary, it is her hair stylist, a pretty good, professional hair stylist!" ”

But even the best marriage will gradually change color in the erosion of the years.

Pike, the father of three boys. But he and his wife Rice, who had reached the brink of marriage, had been separated for a year. From 1942 to 1955, 13 years of common memories, or lost to a chicken feather. Eventually, the two broke up.

Hepburn is not at ease with Parker in the United States, often sending some beautiful and chic postcards, although some are only a few words, but the sincere heart, beyond thousands of mountains and rivers, straight to Pike's heart.

Fortunately, "Roman Holiday" is really a magical work, and when Pike was promoting the film in Paris, he met the beautiful female journalist Veronico.

Pike, Te Ai recalls the acquaintance of the two again and again——

I asked her, "You know, it took you so long to decide to eat with me, why did it take so long?" Do you have another boyfriend or do you have a lot of work to do? Or do you just don't like actors? ”

Veronico smiled and replied, "I'm just going to tell you this, really, I had an interview that day." ”

I said firmly to her, "You made the right choice, my dear. ”

Since then, Veronico has become Parker's second wife, and the two have been together for nearly half a century.

Veronico treats Pike and his ex-wife's three sons, Jonathan, Stephen and Garry, and she touches the three handsome men with her sincerity and warmth. Later, Veronico also had a son and a daughter of his own. A family of seven, full of affection.

Hepburn and Pike: Offer a piece of heart as if I have loved you countless times in an infinite way


At first, Hepburn fell in love with her husband, Jun Ferrer, and the two had a son. Over time, Hepburn shined on the screen, while Feller stalled. The argument that women are strong and men are weak has always been lingering in the ears of the two people.

In order to protect his marriage, Hepburn even proposed to the director: "I will not act without The film that Feller participates in." "But marriage is not a one-man one-man show after all, it requires the close cooperation of two people to go on firmly."

In 1968, Hepburn and Feller ended a 14-year hand-in-hand relationship. When Pike called, the sad Hepburn couldn't help but cry: "Please believe me, I definitely put marriage and family life first, and career second." I would love to grow old with a blank head, but it is too difficult, especially in this circle, marriage is really difficult to maintain! ”

In 1969, Hepburn fell in love with doctor Dotty at first sight. In 1970, the two married. The following year, a son, Luca, was born. But this marriage, bombarded by Doti's peach-colored news, once again hit the rocks.

Hepburn and Pike: Offer a piece of heart as if I have loved you countless times in an infinite way

A woman's happiness is written on her face. At this time, Hepburn, the light in his eyes was obliterated by the great waves of life again and again.

In 1974, Pike's eldest son, Jonathan, committed suicide. Already a TV presenter, he is only 30 years old. The white-haired man sends the black-haired man, and Pike weeps almost every day, never refusing to go out of the house, stubbornly locking himself in a silent, sad time and space.

Hepburn came from Switzerland, the same fallen man, her true feelings and sincerity melted Pike's cold heart. The door of the heart opens, the eyes are facing each other, and they feel sorry for each other, only to wait for time to repair the wounds.

In 1980, during the filming of the movie "Everybody Is Happy", Hepburn and actor Robert E. Lee were filmed. Wards met. Since then, Hepburn has found her true destiny and met her soul mate. It was Robert who waited and accompanied Hepburn through the river of years until her death on January 20, 1993.

And Pike, with a tagore poem "Never Ending Love", offers a piece of his heart to interpret this precious friendship: as if I have loved you countless times in an infinite way...

On June 12, 2003, Pike completed his life's journey. At the moment of leaving, he did not forget to hand over his hand to his wife, thanking each other for years of mutual affection.

Before Pike's death, he once lamented: "I just went to work every day and became famous for 50 years, and in the long run, what remains is not fame, but work, especially family." The reputation will always fade and disappear without a trace, leaving behind the few good films I have made, and my family, which is the most important thing. ”

Hepburn and Pike: Offer a piece of heart as if I have loved you countless times in an infinite way

Mr. Qian Zhongshu mentioned in his novel "Siege of the City" that similar people will always meet. What kind of person you are has long been hidden in your hands and feet, and this natural temperament attracts your kind, because the personality fit brings happiness and peace of mind.

There is no unprovoked intimacy, and there is no gathering for no reason. Whether it is love or dating, you will always find a part of yourself in others, which is actually the hidden self in your heart.

Because the ripples of "Roman Holiday" ripple with The friendship between Hepburn and Pike for many years, the years do not live, the seasons are like a stream, what is your opinion on this?

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