
Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great

author:Tongue in the food line

Today I will teach you to make a dish that will be robbed as soon as it is on the table, super fragrant! Super tender! Giant giant giant delicious suck finger salt shrimp ~ not only adults like to eat, children also especially love ~

Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great

Today's shrimp is soft fried. Soft frying is the use of starch and eggs to form a paste as thick as yogurt. Then wrap the ingredients and fry them slowly in a pot over medium heat.

Soft fried, especially suitable for fried soft and tender foods, such as fresh shrimp, scallop diced, and tenderloin.

Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great

Soft fried shrimp golden yellow, super good looking! And it can maximize the freshness and Q bullet of the shrimp

One bite is the kind of texture that is soft in the crisp, crisp and tender in the middle! With a faint pretzel taste and a little spicy taste, the super invincible giant giant fragrance!

Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great

And there is no need to peel the shell, one bite is really too much fun! After eating, I can't help but tease my fingers

Adults and children are very fond of it, and when the New Year comes, it will be robbed as soon as it is on the table!

Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great

Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great
Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great
Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great

Shrimp, corn starch, eggs, green onion, ginger, cooking wine, pepper powder, pepper salt, paprika

Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great
Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great

Remove the shrimp shell and set aside, add some green onion and ginger, 1 spoonful of cooking wine, 1 small spoon of oyster sauce, 1 small spoon of peppercorn powder and a little salt, grasp well and marinate for 10 minutes.

Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great
Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great
Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great

Beat 3 eggs into 75g cornstarch and stir to form a paste. Put the marinated shrimp in and wrap in the paste.

Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great
Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great

Heat the oil in the pan, throw a piece of batter into the oil pan slightly bubbling, you can put down the shrimp, fry for five minutes on medium-low heat, and fish out.

Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great
Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great
Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great
Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great

Turn on the heat and re-fry the shrimp for 30 seconds

Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great
Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great

Finally, sprinkle with cumin powder and chili noodles and eat it

Chef's Exclusive Recipe! Super fragrant! Super fresh! Tender to explode! Some more pretzels, great

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